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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Saw Rogue One this morning. It was good, but not great, I'd probably rank it somewhere in the middle.

As chokeout said, some of the references to the other movies felt a bit forced while others were quite subtle and well executed bits of fan service without slipping into pandering territory.

One guy stormed out in the first minute after the Star Wars theme didn't play after the 'A Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away', which was fucking hilarious.

Favourite part of the movie, other than the lovely Felicity Jones:


Vader's scenes, particularly the second when he's in the shadows and you can only hear his breathing, to then have his red Lightsabre be the light source. Fantastic stuff and I did mark out a little bit, I fucking love Darth Vader


The final act was incredible and saves the film in a lot of ways, as it was a little bumpy to start with. However-


Cassian returning to save Jyn and job out Krennic was a right copout after bumping like Homer Simpson going down Springfield Gorge. That had instant death written all over it


A solid 7/10 and if you're a casual fan, in that you just watch the main films and don't delve into the expanded universe stuff, I wouldn't call it essential viewing necessarily but there's still plenty there to enjoy

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I also forgot to say that I LOVE how crappy and 70s everything looked. Proper low-tech shonky computers that didn't look out of place and swarms of British TV actors with moustaches and bad haircuts in every crowd scene

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Finally got round to watch The Force Awakens and it was great fun. Abrams was basically perfect for this one because he has no ideas of his own and remaking Star Wars is right up his alley. Ridley and Boyega were ace, and so was Gleeson as well, which rarely happens.


Also watched The Equalizer, which was crap. Every time I see Denzel Washington in a sub-par movie these days, it just makes me miss Tony Scott more and more.

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Rewatched The Nice Guys tonight. Absolutely fuming that it tanked at the box office, so much franchise potential.


Also watched A Most Violent Year. It was really good but as much as I think he's a good actor, I still don't see what makes people so nuts about Oscar Isaac. I like him fine but is he really that special?

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Rogue One was decent, but it was weird seeing a Star Wars film without the opening crawl. Also in A New Hope there is the line "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." I did not see a single Bothan let alone many die.

That's because the line's from Return of the Jedi.

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Rewatched The Nice Guys tonight. Absolutely fuming that it tanked at the box office, so much franchise potential.


My film of the year D-Mal.

I absolutely adore Shane Black and his ability to put fun and entertainment into the multitude of shit situations he puts his characters in, while maintaining a knife edge.

Gosling was a revelation as the slimy, comic relief while staying smooth and gorgeous, while Crowe looked like his conceited, smug, angry Russell Crowe persona he oozes in every movie had lifted, and he was enjoying himself while still keeping his tough guy aura.

Top to bottom, I absolutely loved it.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Rogue One is alright. It has it's moments where you can't help but smile a little (particularly everything Vader), but I can't say I'm too arsed about watching it again.


CGI in certain scenes are a bit rubbish. There were a few moments where it sort of took me out the film a bit.

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