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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I just watched John Favreau's Chef.

It was shocking, I'm genuinely surprised that it seems to be so acclaimed, it was dreadful- nothing more than a fat bastard's fantasies. I could tolerate the first bit but as soon as he went on his big adventure it started to get way too sickly, the sentimentality was so cloying and the last act was ridiculous for loads of reasons, it felt like a parody it was so stupid.

I actually really liked Chef; but can definitely see where you are coming from with your criticisms.  I reckon it's an excellent feel good film; but if you're not in the mood for such a thing, it would most definitely grate.

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Watched Boyhood finally. Just staggering, absolutely stunning. I actually think it may be my favourite film of the last 5 years at least.


It's inspired me to start writing about films again.


What did we all think of it?

Amazing concept, expertly filmed, needed more plot. Well acted

Not being a dick or argumentative but complaining of Boyhood needing more plot is like saying The Artist needed more colour, no?

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Watched Boyhood finally. Just staggering, absolutely stunning. I actually think it may be my favourite film of the last 5 years at least.


It's inspired me to start writing about films again.


What did we all think of it?

Amazing concept, expertly filmed, needed more plot. Well acted
Not being a dick or argumentative but complaining of Boyhood needing more plot is like saying The Artist needed more colour, no?

I thought they had the right amount of colour in the artist. Back to boyhood, as has been pointed out it had one hell of a gimmick which without it would have ruined the film. I just didn't care much for most of the adults and only the kids until Mason became a fun sponge. Well acted but enjoyed less then the before trilogy

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Watched It Follows last night and I am not sure what to make of it. I liked it, but I was also very frustrated by the film on the whole (in particular the awful abrupt ending). The acting is fine, it is well made, and there are moments of good tension and occasionally a good sense of dread and menace, but it never really seemed to much with its interesting premise and ideas, and was never at any point scary or creepy enough.

It reminded me a lot of The Babadook, in terms of the hype-to-disappointment ratio. Both films were built up as being amazing and excellent and must see, but while both are good to very good films, neither really lived up to the expectations or the praise.

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I really didn't like It Follows. Found it quite tedious and didn't really care for anyone in it. You could tell that it was made on the cheap as there is a lot of tension used rather than having something appear, there is so little in way of effects used and it has a 'the longer the note, the more dread' soundtrack in places coupled up with other music which was clearly just some lad on a keyboard.

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I really liked it. It was a real throwback to 70s / 80s horror films ( mainly john Carpenter) and didnt really on lazy jump cuts to get some scares. Plus it was a nice, original idea. I liked it far more than The Babadook but can understand why people wouldn't

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I adored It Follows. Had me shitting egg rolls for 3/4's of it.

A chap I train with has the score permanately in his earholes while he's training, which seems utterly bizarre and counter productive to me. Takes all sorts though.

I didn't mind the Babadook - I thought it fine - and I don't see why critics and moviegoers compare to It Follows. Besides both being "Quirky Indie Horror", there really isn't that much in common. Kind of like how people compare Housebound to What We Do in the Shadows.


Anyway, I watched Death Sentence last night. I really enjoyed it until its fucking ending out of nowhere.

I'm a sucker for knockbacks and tributes in films, and thought Bacon was tremendous when his character fully embraced the Paul Kersey/Travis Bickle/Frank Castle role (I didn't even mind his turn from mild mannered snivelling poxbag to deranged psycho vigilante who's a weapons expert, all of a sudden), but merciful hour...that fucking ending was dreadful. As was Garrett Hedlunds attempt at some weird 5th rate Colin Farrell Bullseye/Bodhi/Clockwork Orange hybrid with accompanying over the top 6th rate Danny Dyer walk.


On a positive note, I'm going to see Terminator Genisys on Monday so I'm really looking forward to that.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I watched Chef the other night as well and I loved it! I'm into my food though, I can see why if you didn't give a shit about that it's not exactly a stellar plot. The SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
wedding, particularly was completely unnecessary..

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I watched Chef the other night as well and I loved it! I'm into my food though, I can see why if you didn't give a shit about that it's not exactly a stellar plot. The SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
wedding, particularly was completely unnecessary..

I love food! I'm a great cook and I love cooking and I do it nearly every day (proper shit, not pies on raw toast or whatever monsters on here eat), I've even thought about starting a food truck before. I even like John Favreau, it's just an awful film.


Edit SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
in fact, the food was one of many problems, him making the boring food the restaurant wanted but aspiring to make more interesting stuff was cool, I liked it when he was cooking at home after walking out. Then after that did he make exciting new food when he struck out on his own? No, he made fucking toasted sandwiches, what's the point? Anyone could do that. And the critic, fucking hell, his face turn at the end was so ridiculous, it was like a Simpsons parody of a cheesy movie ending

Edited by Call me Bellend
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Finally got round to watching Jurassic World last night. Much better than I thought it would be and kind of liked the little things like commercialising (I know its been covered already in the thread) and moments similar to the first film. 


Also thought it was quite funny in places but its an enjoyable watch if you can put little petty things to one side, wasn't perfect and you could list a few things which could have been better but don't think it would ever beat the original anyway.


Speaking of which, its now twice they've had to evacuate the park (albeit the first time not to the public) so surely they wouldn't make another film would they in the sense that its failed twice so why would the public buy into it being safe again? But there were hints that there will be more films in future?

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