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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Jimmy Nail's been in a lot of shit. Randomly turns up in "The Howling 2" as an American punk rocker for some reason too. Well odd.


Reg Hollis is in "Lake Placid: The Final Chapter" for some reason too. Just found that odd.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I was working at a prestigious racing studio a few years ago, and they were all huge Michael Bay fans, and went on and on about his films as their touchstone for what they wanted their game to be like.  I went out for a curry with a bunch of the guys, and they launched into this OMG Michael Bay diatribe until I basically lost it and started explaining the many, many ways in which Transformers 2 is one of the worst films ever, and they looked like I was fucking Jesus on the table amongst the chutneys.


Why couldn't it have been Bay who threw himself off that bridge, and not Tony Scott?


EDIT: lazy, action slags, lazy, action slags:


Edited by Loki
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The Rock is one of my favorite movies, Apparently Tarantino and Aaron Sorkin worked on the script though so i'm loathe to give Bay too much credit. His Turtles film is ok in the kind of escapist entertaining want to do something for 90 minutes that distracts me from life kind of way. Wouldn't watch it again but it wasn't awful either. I too very much enjoyed Pain and Gain despite much of what it's critics say about it being true.

Edited by Maverick
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So basically Bay has a handful of techniques, he uses them all the time, and with everything ramped up to ten.


Herzog is wrong though. Bayhem doesn't make me keep my eyes on the screen because I don't want to miss anything. It makes me not worry about taking my eyes off the screen, because it's all so predictable, it's all so constant.


One of the most gripping films I can remember watching was The Andromeda Strain (the proper "look at his buttocks" version). It built the scale of its finale by having the characters stuck in a claustrophobic prison for most of it, and drummed into us the dull, repetitive process that they had to do. Come escape time, we're suddenly thrown into chaos and unpredictability, and a space to cross that is significantly greater that where we've been for the last hour or so. It didn't need to be "epic" and with multiple layers, it just needed to be obviously bigger than what we were comfortable with.


The best WrestleMania matches are the ones where you're wondering what the fuck is going to happen next, and they slow you down before hitting you with the big spots they've been saving especially. No WM main event I going to be an 8 man cage match where it's just a constant stream of high flying.

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Michael Bay is a great example of a director for whom the advent of CGI has been a really bad thing.  Now he feels he has no constraints he has nothing to reign in his overactive imagination.


In his earlier films, with smaller budgets, he had to rely on things like good acting or comedy or whatever to pad out between his action sequences - as a result Bad Boys and The Rock have some semblance of pacing.   Armageddon was where the wheels started to come off.


How about this for a run of terrible films:


Pearl Harbour

Bad Boys 2

The Island

Transformers 1

Transformers 2

Transformers 3


That's amazing.   Pain and Gain I haven't seen, but as it's not an action movie I can believe that perhaps it comes out ok.

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The criticism Michael Bay gets is justified to a certain extent but also completely hysterical at times. He makes films that make money. That is his job, that is his aim.


But it's also worth pointing out that he made Bad Boys and The Rock, two really excellent action films. In fact, The Rock was one of the very last great Hollywood action films. It's fantastic and it's also a bit different when you consider the character arc of Ed Harris in that. Meanwhile, Bad Boys was a superb buddy cop film that even made Martin Lawrence watchable. I haven't seen Pain And Gain, The Island or Bad Boys 2 yet but I'm actually looking forward to them. I wouldn't touch the Transformers films with someone else's, but then I don't like that kind of shite from anyone.


When it comes to mindless, derivative twaddle then he's far from the worst out there. It's just that he so happens to be the most successful. People should spend more of their Bay-baiting energy taking down Paul WS Anderson. Event Horizon aside, now there is one fucking terrible director.

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