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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Capricorn One's fucking ace, isn't it? Telly Savalas does the all-time great scene-stealing role. Shoots all his stuff in a day, walks away with the movie, which is brilliant in itself.

Yeah it's great. Peter Hyams made loads of good films and that's one of his best.

"2010: Year We Make Contact" is a cracking film. Hyams must have directed it around 1983. It's all mental and shit, especially the ending which I've spoiled below. It's brilliant.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

A new Sun comes out of Jupiter. We end up with 2 Suns in 2010.


[close spoiler]

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Is that the 2001 sequel? That's insane that film.


Capricorn One

The Star Chamber


Running Scared


The Relic




That's quite a resume of films I like. Just noticed he's just directed a Van Damme film again - I must give that one a watch!

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I'm the furthest...farthest(?)...thing from a Tom Cruise fan, but Edge of Tomorrow really is quite entertaining. I would go as far to say that it was a riveting watch.

Ballsy move by the studios, and Cruise, to play the role in the manner he did, and it paid off.

It's clever, fun, witty (akin to his dialogue from Go and Swingers), beautiful to look at and most importantly, rather fucking good.


Not to keep parroting SM's opinions but once again I agree, saw Edge Of Tomorrow today after being won over by the trailers and positive reviews, and it's great. Probably my favourite blockbuster/event film of the year so far. Emily Blunt's fantastic in it, and Tom Cruise is the most enjoyable he's been in years, too.

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I went to see Frank yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was under the expectation that this film was in some way the story of Frank Sidebottom. It isn't. At all. Other than the fact Fassbender is called Frank and is wearing the Frank Sidebottom head, it has nothing to do with Frank Sidebottom - it's a whole different story of it's own, so the fact that Frank is played with an American accent isn't an issue. It also happens to be a terrible American accent, I usually think Michael Fassbender does great accents but he sounds Irish for most the film and probably should have just played it in an Irish accent, rather occasionally slipping in to an American one when he remembered. I found it a very funny and quite touching, it was well worth a watch. Despite never being able to see his face, Fassbender is great in this, and plays he character wonderfully, the supporting cast are really good and nail their characters really well, even Maggie Gyllenhaal who I'm not a massive fan of. If you get the chance to watch it, it's worth catching.

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I recently watch 'White Dog' again for the first time in about 15 years. I remember as a teen thinking that the film was great and had an incredible way to portray racism without going for the typical.

On second watch, it's a piece of Art. Whilst a sad tale of a dog that has been trained to attack black people, the dog is rescued and a black man attempts to retrain its mind set.


After a bit of reading, it was released very low key in the US, many feared that it would receive poor reception based on the opinion that they thought the audience would assume it was being racist. It did a lot better in Europe however.


Defo worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

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Anyone seen Get The Gringo? Really enjoyed this and it was encouraging that Mel Gibson, fruit-loop that he is, can still make films like this. In fact, he should always make films like this, it was great fun.

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Anybody ever watched 60s documentary "Mondo Cane", or as Scots people call it, "Mondo Cannae"? Am I looking at some horrendous cruelty and violence? I've sat through the "Shocking Africa" series.

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With the sequel out this week, thought I'd finally watch 21 Jump Street with Jonah Hill & Channing Tatum and have to say how surprised I was to find it hilarious and heartfelt at times.


Channing Tatum has come on leaps and bounds since his shitty role in GI Joe years ago and 22 Jump Street has received positive reviews also so hoping it's just as good as the first one.

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Anyone seen Get The Gringo? Really enjoyed this and it was encouraging that Mel Gibson, fruit-loop that he is, can still make films like this. In fact, he should always make films like this, it was great fun.


Yeah. It got overshadowed on it's release by Gibson's personal 'indiscretions' & I went in with really low expectations but was really surprised.


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Meh. I don't get it. I've only started watching these Marvel films, Iron Man was good but this was a bit of a lame duck. The plot is weak, the action sequences are uninspired and lifeless and the dialogue feels shallow. It's put me off carrying on with these films.



Amazing Spiderman.

Probably seemed better by comparison to the above. The origin story felt unnecessary, and the lead isn't remotely suites to playing a highschool loser and Spiderman is a complete dick, and I've no idea why so many father figures had to die, but it's got a bit more spark than Thor. It survives purely on its action scenes but they're enough.

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I watched a recent flick called Nurse (or Nurse 3D) last night and I don't think I liked it but I'm not positive, no major spoilers in my writeup so unless you don't even want to know the basic premise read freely.


It's kind of a slasher movie about a killer nympho nurse, after reading that you'd expect it to be a terrible exploitation film that knows it's shit but it actually played a lot more like an erotic art house film which was cool. The premise was about a sexy nurse who kills men who are cheating on their wives which sounds fun but you quickly realise it's not that straightforward (and not in a good way unfortunately) so you get a confusing muddled story where the character of the nurse is stretched so far in every direction they ruin the opportunity to have a fun straightforward film.


It's definitely steamy though, Paz De La Huerta plays the nurse and she's insanely sexy, Here's a NSFW promo pic to give you a feel for the film's style NSFW Nurse 3D Promo. She spends a good deal of the film naked or topless or bottomless but it doesn't feel gratuitous like a nude scene crowbarred into a mainstream US film, it feels more like when there's nudity in a foreign film, it just works and suits the style. It's also bloody and violent in the extreme.

There's things I like and dislike about it but it had the potential to be something really cool and fun but it kind of blew it, a 3D slasher film about a killer naked nurse done with jet black humour and a touch of class sounds great but they went in too many different directions with the nurse which taints the fun a bit.

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Amazing Spiderman.

Probably seemed better by comparison to the above. The origin story felt unnecessary, and the lead isn't remotely suites to playing a highschool loser and Spiderman is a complete dick, and I've no idea why so many father figures had to die, but it's got a bit more spark than Thor. It survives purely on its action scenes but they're enough.


I actually thought that while Garfield was in no way suited to the role of Peter Parker, I actually thought he did a good job with the wise-cracking Spiderman. Spiderman is meant to be a sarcastic dick. I consider Maguire the better Peter, but Garfield the better Spiderman. Although the latter probably has more to do with the dialogue provided than Garfield's portrayal.


But yeah.... if you thought Peter wasn't "loser" enough in Amazing, there is a scene early on in Amazing 2 that will really have you pulling your hair out shouting "Peter Parker would not do that!!" But again that's down to the writing, not Garfield.



Paz De La Huerta .... spends a good deal of the film naked


I don't think I've ever been less shocked.

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Anybody ever watched 60s documentary "Mondo Cane", or as Scots people call it, "Mondo Cannae"? Am I looking at some horrendous cruelty and violence? I've sat through the "Shocking Africa" series.


It's mild stuff compared to "Shocking Africa". Everything is mild stuff, compared to the Castiglioni films. I've got The Mondo Cane Collection, and really, it's "Africa Addio" and "Goodbye Uncle Tom" that are the real shockers.


You should try Killing for Culture by David Slater and notable mental David Kerekes

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