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The owners of Ring of Honor are interested now.

- "PWTorch has learned that Sinclair has renewed interest in investing in TNA. The company was not impressed by the initial offer earlier this year. However, a second set of talks has made Sinclair interested again after TNA submitted a better offer. The recent development makes them a key player in the mix along with SSI."


I wonder if WWE are just hanging back to see what the market for it is. If there's a rather shit bidding war (which with no big TV deal, you imagine it isnt likely going for that much), you'd imagine WWE could just swoop in and buy it whenever they liked.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Sinclair buy up TNA and it leads to the crappiest brand-split ever. Invasion storyline with none of TNA's headliners (they legit don't have them anyway), leading to a culminative feud-ender of King Of The Six Sides Of Elevation-Or-Fired X match with Bob Ryder on a pole.

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The video library is likely the only asset Vince cares about, so i expect him to buy it at some stage. Especially now all the former TNA headliners are in WWE. Throwing a few AJ vs Joe matches on a blu ray for either would be a nice addition. The footage would also be great for the docs, as if TNA is dead they'll happily cover it.

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I want a Self Destruction of TNA kind of DVD, all the stupid moments mixed in with everyone slating them. Let everyone have a moan: Sting, Hogan, Christian, Joe, Styles and Nash. Fuck it even Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. I want to see Booker T piss himself laughing at how he'd just change his accent for no reason all the time. Let Foley rant about how Daffney took a huge bump and they missed it. Let Flair cry that he ruined his retirement for them. Get Heyman ranting about what he would have done different.


They'll probably be able to get Dixie to be interviewed for free just because she likes having her face on TV

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God I don't want to even imagine the schmoozing Dixie will do if Vince buys anything to do with TNA, she will fucking trick herself out to get her hamster looking face on WWE TV, "Yeah Yeah, do a DVD burying the company I used to run, can I be a talking head on it please, pleeeeeease". Attention hogging cow.

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How likely do you think it is for TNA to close up before the end of the year? There's been talks for years that it's in pretty bad shape, but with most of their big stars leaving within the past few years, they can't be around much longer.


I want to get on with it as I wouldn't mind seeing them on the Network.

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