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I tend to agree with Butchi that the tapes are porbably not a great deal of use to WWE but I do honestly think that a worst of TNA series on the Network or on DVD would be absolutely gold.


I hope that never happens. I detest the 'lets laugh at WCW' stuff on the network when WWE hardly has much to crow about in that regard, especially the mid noughties.

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I still think the best period of TNA was the fairgrounds weekly PPV era when everyone and their dog showed up and the writing was utterly Russorific. There were a ton of guys fresh off WCW and ECW to work with, a ton of Indy guys I'd only ever heard of in PowerSlam and plenty of living legends. It's the only period they've ever had when they actually lived up to their name and the only time I wanted to watch every week.


I tend to agree with Butchi that the tapes are porbably not a great deal of use to WWE but I do honestly think that a worst of TNA series on the Network or on DVD would be absolutely gold.


Back before we were lucky enough to have You Tube, Extreme TV and TWC, I remember getting all the weekly PPVs from tape traders. 


I loved them, the mix of great wrestling and total wrestlecrap. For AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn, there was a Johnson's match or a Dupp Cup. 

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I tend to agree with Butchi that the tapes are porbably not a great deal of use to WWE but I do honestly think that a worst of TNA series on the Network or on DVD would be absolutely gold.



I hope that never happens. I detest the 'lets laugh at WCW' stuff on the network when WWE hardly has much to crow about in that regard, especially the mid noughties.

If I want to laugh at TNA's cockups, I'll take LOLTNA History thank you very much. Might have been covered earlier in this Thread, but anyway. Someone went as far as to chronologically list every folly, clusterf**k, and general screwup in their history. Just incredible how big it is. Yes there's a WWE equivalent on there as well. It went viral after Lance Storm Tweeted about it



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The TNA library is worthless for anything other than LOLTNA stuff, but it's too low-level for WWE to even bother doing that show. With WCW, there's at least the recognition factor, and the absurdity that these clowns were beating Vince for a bit. TNA is a non-entity and always has been, so a lot of viewers won't have any familiarity with it. WWE would probably want to avoid showing  footage of Sting, Foley, Hogan and Flair etc in such a sad, pathetic environment.


What would the TNA library be worth even? No more than five figures surely. And two of those five would have to be the Brutus and Superfly Hasbros whose legs were stuck together.

Edited by King Pitcos
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It's worth remembering that Vince is a bit of a completist when it comes to tape libraries, if you look into what they've purchased over the years there's things way more 'low-level' than TNA. He likes to think he owns all of wrestling, so it wouldn't surprise me if he wants to get his hands on it, regardless of what he personally thinks of the product or the promotion.

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Yeah I have no doubts Vince would snap the library up. Say what you will but over the years TNA had some of the biggest names in wrestling working for them. I think it would be less Vince really wanting it and more a case of him not wanting anyone else to have it.

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if Joe's gonna get a proper push, they'd do well to try sell some of his acclaimed matches there to people who weren't familiar.

Edited by sj5522
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The TNA library is worthless for anything other than LOLTNA stuff,


Might be worth it for a few early matches with CM Punk (if they both give each other a big kiss and make up), but that's about it.


ADDED: You just know that they'd want that bit where Christian turned up in a TNA ring when he was employed by the WWE too.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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The TNA library is worthless for anything other than LOLTNA stuff,



Might be worth it for a few early matches with CM Punk (if they both give each other a big kiss and make up), but that's about it.


ADDED: You just know that they'd want that bit where Christian turned up in a TNA ring when he was employed by the WWE too.

I think they did owe them a favour for letting Flair go to the Hall Of Fame Ceremony as part of The Horsemen
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Christian couldn't have looked any more uncomfortable or unwilling to be there if he'd tried. I've seen paedophiles more enthusiastic to be on To Catch A Predator.

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Well, he was walking on eggshells wasn't he. Couldn't be seen to be endorsing TNA or he'd be in trouble. Think he ended up mumbling something about TNA fans being great or something, and that was that.

Had a good run down there though. 

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I haven't watched his TNA run since it was happening. Whilst he did have a decent run from what I remember, largely down to the different roster of guys he had to work with, my only gripe was that they seemed to hotshot the belt onto him very quickly. Came in in November 2005 (same day as Eddie's death?) and won it the following February from what I recall

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