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Just to drop this in here, but this weeks Squared Circle Gazette Radio revisits our Monday Night War Timeline series, talking from October to the end of December 1997. Along with inside notes from the Wrestling Observer Newsletters of the time, the panel talks all the major stories, including the intricate details that led up to and came out of the Montreal Screwjob, the Death of Brian Pillman and subsequent exploitation, Rick Rude on Raw and Nitro on the same night, nWo Nitro, Sting Vs. Hogan at Starrcade 97 and tons more. With all the facts and figures to hand, we go day by day, week by week during this amazing quarter. A fascinating and fun show to do, check it out and let us know what you think!


Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Thanks to Twitter (i.e. Kieran) I realized it was out yesterday and listened to half last night and half this morning. Probably listen to it again before I give more details but a fantastic listen  Aside from the bigger talking points it was amazing to hear the plans form and then get shelved for "nWo Thunder" (and learn what we already knew, that Kevin Nash is a clever guy). And who'd have thought that Scott Hall was a channel-changer in the negative? Not me.

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Just finished your final part of the '97 timeline which was another cracking listen. A couple of interesting facts I hadn't heard about inc what Vince had planned for Bret should he have stayed with the WWF like wanting him to put Shawn over in 3 PPV's in a row then giving him the title back on the Raw after the Rumble then eventually losing it to Austin at Mania. 

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Listened to the latest timeline today. I found it fascinating. It's easily the most interesting three month period in wrestling since I became a fan but it was enhanced by the bits from the Observer. Some I knew, some I'd forgotten and some I was completely unaware of. The previously mentioned Scott Hall being a channel changer and Bret being offered three PPV losses to HBK to make him stay stood out. Interesting how much of the Bret negotiations leaked out - from both sides. Great job again guys.

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Cheers dude, very much appreciated as always. One thing I left out for time purposes may answer that point about the details of the negotiations - when Shawn did the sketch with the midget Hitman, Shawn was sat around talking to a bunch of guys saying something to the effect of "should I focus on business and the deal with Shamrock or should I stick it to Bret", and a bunch of the guys, after a few weeks of Vince programming, said stick it to Bret. Which is probably why so much came out - Bret knew Vince could get guys back on side and try to write the course of history and saw it as a pre-emptive attack.

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I love the back and forth between Bret and Vince about what's going to happen depending on how keen Vince is to get Bret out but make it look like he's trying to get him to stay. I've still got my notepad of Meltzer's take on the whole story from 20th October 1996 through to the bitter end, and the different possibilities Vince laid out for Bret are fascinating to me but this is my favourite bit ;



Hart again refused to do the job in Montreal, saying that he had never refused to do a job but he wasn’t going to lose on Sunday or Monday (at Raw in Ottawa). He agreed to put Michaels over in Madison Square Garden on 11/15, Springfield or anywhere else and said he’d put over Vader,Shamrock, Mankind, Undertaker or even Steve Lombardi.

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