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TNA Bound For Glory 2012 Offical Discussion Thread (THIS SUNDAY)


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It's sunk in now how much of a letdown certain aspects of the show were.


The Aces & Eights reveal was up there with Savio Vega being DX's "Fourth team member for No Way Out" and Rockabilly. Months of build to reveal a lower-card face as the evil heel leader. Now sure, they could alter this and say it was more "mind games" and that D-Von isn't the leader, just a high ranking member, but either way, the giant BFG match and reveal was utter balls! Hogan twatting fools and ripping his shirt off was great, then the whole World went "Oh, is that it?" in unison. "That was awkward" chant said it all.


No-one expected anything good from the Tara's boyfriend thing, but wheeling out yet another reality "star" is another low-point. No-one gives a fuck about these nobodies and it just gives fans even less reason to ever care about wrestling "surprises".


The main event was a great match, no doubt, but I personally think it was a bit of a lame end to the biggest show of the year. The entire feud felt rushed and thrown together, and the Aries heel turn seemed so last-minute and desperate. It didn't help that in the PPV arena, A Double was the Face and Hardy the Heel. Just a messy situation. Seems a waste to have AA go clean over the likes of Bully and Roode, build him as the hottest thing since Tessmacher's arse, then have him lose clean to Hardy, who may well fuck off really soon. I completely understand from a business point of view that Hardy = Money, but as a fan it felt a letdown.


Cannot fault the work of anyone on the show though. Everyone absolutely worked their arses off last night and it showed. Sting and Bully were on fire, which actually made the letdown at the end even more frustrating.


10 out of 10 for wrestler effort.

5 out of 10 for the writing.

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I'll admit I haven't seen much TNA since the Aries/Roode rematch but it was a really good PPV overall. The opener was fine, the aforementioned three matches will get all the plaudits and personally the TV title match was very rewarding. Two guys with an issue and reason to wrestle on top of the belt being at stake, great action and a crowd-pleasing result. Nice finish too. Womens match was OK and reasonably heated, although Tara as champion for a fifth time opens up zero no feud possibilities and no doubt will result in Tessmacher rematches. But Brooke is lovely, so I won't complain too much.


Mostly importantly, chat was enjoyable, although I've seen better. Meltzer gave it three stars.

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The problem with it was that it was just another PPV. Nothing to make it seem any more special that the other 11. At Wrestlemania you get the huge set, a list guests, mainstream music, an extra hour, televised national anthem, more pyro, different ring skirt etc. Watching this now it could be Hardcore Justice, No Surrender or even Impact. Seriously would it have killed them to print the BFG logo on some fabric and hang it off the ring?

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It's sunk in now how much of a letdown certain aspects of the show were.


The Aces & Eights reveal was up there with Savio Vega being DX's "Fourth team member for No Way Out" and Rockabilly. Months of build to reveal a lower-card face as the evil heel leader. Now sure, they could alter this and say it was more "mind games" and that D-Von isn't the leader, just a high ranking member, but either way, the giant BFG match and reveal was utter balls! Hogan twatting fools and ripping his shirt off was great, then the whole World went "Oh, is that it?" in unison. "That was awkward" chant said it all.


That's the thing, though - I don't think they've at any point said Devon was the leader, he was just the guy who cost TNA the match. According to the Aces & Eights Twitter account, he's just a prospect.

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Hogan's shocked face is one of the best things in wrestling, it nearly saved the Devon reveal.


Apparently TNA had Aries come out before the show kicked off to cut a heel promo on the fans. Not only did it fail, but his entrance for the promo was the 2nd loudest pop of the night. I wonder if TNA will continue with Aries as a heel after him coming out of the PPV looking like their biggest active babyface.

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Matt Hardy's the real leader...


It was an ok show, Roode and Storm made it for me. A few other matches were enjoyable too.


D-Von being the reveal/prospect was unexpected and I'm actually interested enough in TNA to want to see the fall-out from all of this. One thing is for sure, they have certainly upped their game recently.

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Apparently TNA had Aries come out before the show kicked off to cut a heel promo on the fans. Not only did it fail, but his entrance for the promo was the 2nd loudest pop of the night. I wonder if TNA will continue with Aries as a heel after him coming out of the PPV looking like their biggest active babyface.

The interview was on the post show. Just because you get a pop in front of a smart crowd who hate Jeff Hardy, doesn't mean he'll still be a babyface. The reason Aries lost the belt to Hardy has nothing to do with pops in front of a smart crowd. Its because Hardy is the only star they have. If they were handing out titles because of reactions, Hogan would have won the belt in 2010 and still wouldn't have dropped it.

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It's sunk in now how much of a letdown certain aspects of the show were.


The Aces & Eights reveal was up there with Savio Vega being DX's "Fourth team member for No Way Out" and Rockabilly. Months of build to reveal a lower-card face as the evil heel leader. Now sure, they could alter this and say it was more "mind games" and that D-Von isn't the leader, just a high ranking member, but either way, the giant BFG match and reveal was utter balls! Hogan twatting fools and ripping his shirt off was great, then the whole World went "Oh, is that it?" in unison. "That was awkward" chant said it all.


That's the thing, though - I don't think they've at any point said Devon was the leader, he was just the guy who cost TNA the match. According to the Aces & Eights Twitter account, he's just a prospect.


Well perhaps no-one clued D-Von in, as he was saying stuff like "it was always me Hogan" and "It was me all along" after the reveal.

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Common sense tells you that, yes, but this is TNA, they're known for changing directions on a whim. That's why I bring it up.

TNA aren't known for that. TNA are known for the exact opposite. They ran with the Aces and Eights crap and the Claire Lynch thing long after it fell off a cliff. The Roode and Storm storyline had to be completely ruined before they changed gears with that as well. TNA could do with changing plans on a whim. Instead they wait and wait and change it at the last minute.


Well perhaps no-one clued D-Von in, as he was saying stuff like "it was always me Hogan" and "It was me all along" after the reveal.

The leader had white ears in the club house the other week. So it wasn't Devon. "It was me all along" sounds like generic unmasking talk.

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The reason that Storm/Roode storyline was ruined was because they decided against Storm winning the belt at Lockdown - which seemed to be the plan until they changed their mind and tried to stretch it out until BFG. Storm was then meant to win the BFG Series, but they decided against that too.


Meltzer was saying on his show the other day that Hogan did an interview recently where he said he walks into creative meetings and has them change directions (like he did with Roode at last years BFG).


It's just a possibility I thought I'd bring up.

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Meltzer also said that Hogan's sex tape was 18 months old even though every other source (including anyone who noticed the two year old "Immortal" tattoo missing and the 5 year out of date Brooke Hogan song on his ring tone) said it wasn't. Not everything he says is true. Especially when it comes to Hogan, because newsletters are based on gossip and sources who have an agenda. He gets information from bitter cunts who don't like him. I think Hulk Hogan has bigger fish to fry than whether Austin Aries is a babyface at the minute.


If you were going to keep him as a babyface, he wouldn't have slagged the fans off the last two shows and he'd still be the champion. Its obvious they want their own version of CM Punk and Aries fits the bill.

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