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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I was going to say did they really need fucking Shane there as I can't stand the way he edges into anything with potential in the UK market. But at least he can provide analysis on the scene but fucj ne I still can't stand him



It genuinely cracks me up when I see him these days. Any new kid on the block with a bit of money in his pocket and Alex always seems to turn up, then the money gets used up and that's the end.


Interesting that he's got nothing to do with the successful UK companies like ICW, Progress etc. If I was a promoter and he called me/turned up backstage at my show I'd have to give myself a good look in the mirror.


Edit - ^ That sounds a lot more negative than intended reading back. I'm sure Alex isn't a bad guy, but its just bizarre the spell he seems to be able to cast on some people.

Edited by Rob Lowe
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It's sad seeing Jim Ross like this. He's a bit of a dickhead, but he should have had a job for life in WWE.

I used to think like this, but then I listened to his podcast for longer than I should have done and now he's one of my least favourite people in the whole business. Can't stand the bloke.
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It's sad seeing Jim Ross like this. He's a bit of a dickhead, but he should have had a job for life in WWE.

I used to think like this, but then I listened to his podcast for longer than I should have done and now he's one of my least favourite people in the whole business. Can't stand the bloke.

It was the puppy thing that did it for me - can't watch anything with him on it without that image coming to mind now - but I haven't ever listened to his podcast so I'd like to hear more about why you've changed your mind on him. It's interesting how increased exposure to some celebrities can cause shifts in people's views on them.

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I've had a look round and apparently JR's family were dog breeders when he was a kid. One night Young Jim forgot to put the latch on the gate or something, meaning one of the boy dogs made it into the girl dogs' bit and impregnated his own sister. I'll spoiler the rest as it may make for uncomfortable reading.



As punishment JR's dad made him kill the inbred puppies with a hammer


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I was at the talk-in in Manchester where he told that tale, and his delivery of it felt as though he expected a big chuckle at the end. Done as if it was the punchline to the tale. Bit awkward all around, and it was the only thing people seemed to be talking about when everybody was leaving. Well of course it was.

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Christ, they must have paid well over the odds to get Corny to fly over. The man is like Dennis Bergkamp. Is this just money marks meeting people they love off TV?


Mentioned it on their thread in the events section but I think there business model isn't too bad. The bigger names are being bought over and split with Evening With tours (Although from what I've seen ones like the Bischoff night didn't draw great numbers) and because of the What Culture link their videos are getting silly amounts of views on Youtube and I'd be shocked if they aren't on the higher end of the Youtube Partnership deal for advertising and revenue. There's a Ligero vs Kirby match on there thats only 2 months old thats done 80,000 views. Any other UK company putting a match on Youtube with 2 UK talent would be very lucky to get 1,000 Anything with an import in it seems to be doing 170,000-180,000. They are in a unique position where they don't actually have to draw a crowd or sell DVDs to make some money.

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I dunno. They paid Jim Ross $6,000 for a return flight back home. And that's just JR. Cody Rhodes was bragging on twitter about the first class travel as well and Cornette doesnt ever fly, so I dont know what they had to do to get him on a plane. Its not just spending over the odds. They are throwing money around like its going out of fashion. I dont care how successful their youtube channel is, you cant do that forever. And the likes of JR, Cornette and Bischoff dont just do the Q&As and do the WCPW shows as a bonus. That'll be two big paydays they're handing out there. These people get their money.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Wish I hadn't read that about JR. I feel like every time I watch an old show with him and Lawler on commentary I'm going to keep hearing the word "Puppies!" like a tormenting cry from the grave.

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