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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bar a few months in 2000, he's always been at his best when playing heel. Jericho even said in his last book that the old Y2J character was old hat and tired when he returned in 2008, so doing it still 8 years later was never going to do him any favours.


I think in the ring he's starting to show his age a bit, though. He's hardly awful, but I think all the good wrestlers he's touched since turning have had some of their worst showings against Jericho and his old awkwardness. Despite that, he still does a grand job building himself up as a bloke you want to see get beat up. At least when he wrestles he does so as a heel first and not some bloke looking to get some cheers (panto Rollins).

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This is going around F4W and Twitter at the minute:




The genesis is that certain parties were very upset at Jim Ross for telling a story on Opie & Anthony’s radio show that week about Vince McMahon sharting. The story was back from well over a decade ago when Vince was doing the heel Mr. McMahon character in the Austin era, and Gerald Brisco, who has a notoriously weak stomach, was working with him in the Gorilla position as the guy who timed the segments to make sure the show stayed on track and segments hit at the right time. So before going out, Vince went to fart in Brisco’s face, but accidentally shit himself. He went to the ring for his segment, did it with no problem. The brown stain was visible in the back of his khaki pants and the camera people were all aware but didn’t dare shoot it. That’s all the story he told. The way the story was told at the time is when he came back, he must have changed clothes, and was holding the loaded old pants. He tried to chase Brisco down with them to make him vomit, and HHH grabbed Brisco to hold him in place so he couldn’t get away, but Brisco used one of his old amateur moves and reversed and escaped.


Vince McMahon, everybody. I lost it completely at the last line. 

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This guy has at various points in his life been a self made billionaire. A bloke who farts in his employees face during a live TV broadcast and accidentally shits himself. 



Edited by LaGoosh
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Vince McMahon is the most interesting person in the history of the world. Love to know what goes on in his head.

If Vince were to write a book, accurate or even semi-accurate, it would be absolute GOLD.

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Vince McMahon is the most interesting person in the history of the world. Love to know what goes on in his head.

If Vince were to write a book, accurate or even semi-accurate, it would be absolute GOLD AND EXTREMELY INCRIMINATING.




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As if Vince keeps a diary or memoirs!!! He's the weirdest bastard that's ever graced the earth, he doesn't do normal human things I don't think he's ever read a book or watched a film. Did you hear the story Freddie Prinz told when he was a writer there, he was on the private jet and was watching Richard Pryor stand up and Vince approached him asking "who is that, what's this you are watching" and Freddie basically told him he wanted to unwind and just watch some comedy, Vince replied "Well hell, we have Santino for that".


He's legitimately nuts.

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