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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Steve Austin would support Trump wouldn't he?

I don't think so. No-one with anything above a 1% working mental capacity would support him, which is worrying considering how he came second in the Iowa Caucuses yesterday. While there will be some that agree with his policies, and that's a terrifying thought in it's own right, many will vote for him because they recognise him from the TV.

Austin strikes a guy who is republican at heart, but is open to other ideologies and willing to listen


Fair point dude, it just came to me as I was reading something about Loretta Lynn and Ted Nugent supporting him.


So who would he plump for, Cruz or Rubio?

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Steve Austin would support Trump wouldn't he?

I don't think so. No-one with anything above a 1% working mental capacity would support him, which is worrying considering how he came second in the Iowa Caucuses yesterday. While there will be some that agree with his policies, and that's a terrifying thought in it's own right, many will vote for him because they recognise him from the TV.

Austin strikes a guy who is republican at heart, but is open to other ideologies and willing to listen


Maybe not wrestling related, but something i heard recently about all of the republican party candidates:


"They all look like they wouldn't survive the trip through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory"


Made me chuckle at least. Anyway...back to wrestling things...

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He just needs someone to go up against, since Lesnar was champion he's just promoted Lesnar constantly, hopefully we get some Bray Wyatt/Heyman battles in the next month or two.


Heyman vs Bray promo battles are something i've hoped for a lot for the past couple of years. Those 2 could sell any angle if given enough time, so should be great.

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When he first came in, it was different to everyone else they had. 2 and a half years on, it hasn't changed in the slightest and is psychobabble. If you ever saw any of Aquarius when it was on last year, the guy playing Charles Manson must have watched a bunch of Bray promos and decided to base his whole performance around it

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He just needs someone to go up against, since Lesnar was champion he's just promoted Lesnar constantly, hopefully we get some Bray Wyatt/Heyman battles in the next month or two.

Heyman vs Bray promo battles are something i've hoped for a lot for the past couple of years. Those 2 could sell any angle if given enough time, so should be great.

Bray Wyatt has been around for two and a half years and has sold nary one angle in that time. He's great at coming off all weird on telly, he's fucking woeful at selling a wrestling match. Hey man might be the one to finally teach him, though.

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I dunno, some of his promos for the Undertaker match were pretty good. And he did one great promo for his match with Daniel Bryan.


But yeah apart from that he's been rubbish at selling a match. Stone Cold pretty much told him so when he had him on his podcast.

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You've got to have a message and you've got to be able to communicate that message to the largely stupid audience clearly and succinctly enough for them to understand your motives in order to sell a match. I love Bray's style and he's the most accomplished orator to come along in an age, but the content of his promos needs a lot of work. In fairness, I don't think he's entirely to blame, even if he is writing his own material. Ultimately he's not the one booking his feuds and his character has seen no development whatsoever since his main roster debut. So Bray has to come up with something to say, because his promos are the biggest part of his act, but he's got fuck all to work with.

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Bray Wyatt promos are automatic fast-forward material.


Yes, he plays the character well and delivers his material in a convincing way, but it's all just the same long-winded spooky mumbo-jumbo about spiders and shadows and serpents and what-not.


We get it - he's a creepy bastard, but I'm not going to listen to that shite every week to try and decipher what the fuck it's got to do with his latest opponent.

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Wyatt is the biggest victim of their almost unbelievable laziness regarding storylines these days.




'During the Attitude era...'


Wyatt would've been abducting divas and mind fucking Gangrel into setting himself on fire every week. The actual version of Wyatt that we get is what would've happened if Undertaker just did that shit promo about him and Big Show riding their motorbikes round the desert every week in 1999, rather than the crucifixions, brainwashings, and kidnappings that made the character interesting.

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Exactly right Pinc. There is so much storyline stuff they could and should be doing with a character like Bray, rather than having him fight guys just because wrestling. His early vignettes were the most exciting thing I'd seen on WWE TV in forever, but we've seen nothing like them in two years since. They should always be filming stuff with him and the Family and developing their personalities.

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