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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Surely just a good, ruggedd powerbomb would do the trick. Get rid of the pop up and there you go



I agree. I preferred it so much more when he had the match in NXT when he won the title of Sami where he just did regular powerbomb after regular powerbomb, and every one of them looked awesome. Hate the pop-up.

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Surely just a good, ruggedd powerbomb would do the trick. Get rid of the pop up and there you go


I agree. I preferred it so much more when he had the match in NXT when he won the title of Sami where he just did regular powerbomb after regular powerbomb, and every one of them looked awesome. Hate the pop-up.

Yeah I think a regular power bomb would be ok. It could be a case of him needing to have an obvious set up/pre finisher. Such as a standard power bomb followed by a frog splash. I think an earlier post nailed it when it was mentioned that it has to stand out due to the amount of big, heavy handed attacks he uses throughout the match

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A powerbomb is traditionally a proper big man move though. Owens isn't a big man. When you start letting all the medium and small sized guys do moves like that, it kills the move for me. You can say the same for heavy guys doing high flying moves that ought to be reserved for the cruiserweight types. Owens is a funny shape for a WWE wrestler, he looks far too much like a regular Joe and consequently falls foul of both of my peeves there, using big man moves he's too small for and flying about more than a fatty ought to do. He should fight like he looks, a scrappy, scruffy brawling style. I'd be happier if his finish was a kick in the bollocks followed by a roll up.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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I'm of the school of thought that any move is as safe as the person performing it, but if other US sports are anything to go by, they're going to spend the next 30 years defending various concussion lawsuits. Don't be daft.

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Give him the Earthquake splash, the fat fuck.

Edgy as fuck, this one. So cool.


Back on topic, I always loved the look of the package piledriver. Devastating stuff. I understand the concussion issues coming up though so it's understandable why it's not being allowed. Some sort of reverse ddt might suit him well, or just a regular mean looking DDT.

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I quite like the idea of a frog splash, especially when he turns babyface, big chubby sod landing from that height looks like it's killing motherfuckers.


Think he used to do it a bit in ROH, he is well capable from the top rope. Does anybody do the Frog Splash in WWE at the minute?

AJ Styles did one last week.

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