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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Armando Alejandro Estrada! Whatever happened to him? Wasn't he randomly dropped? Used to think he was a great manager for Youmanga

They stopped using him but forgot to sack him for ages, like Nailz in WCW. Then they did bring him back for a week or two with Tyson Kidd. Then they did sack him.

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I believe the full story is that they sacked him after his brief run as a wrestler after Teddy Long replaced him ECW GM, rehired him a while later, put him on TV with Kidd that one week (as part of the Superstars-exclusive "Kidd is searching for the right manager" angle), THEN forget to fire him for about two years.

So yeah, proper WCW stuff.

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Armando Estrada was excellent, they should never have let him go.


He'd still be a huge asset now, as there are a fair few people who could do with a mouthpiece and he was a brilliant one. I'd like to see him managing Nia Jax in NXT as her promo's let her down a lot at the moment, then she could concentrate on the in-ring stuff while Armando put her over on the mic or on commentary each week.

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Think I remember reading something in PS along the lines of WWE dropping Estrada as Umaga's manager because he was so entertaining, which resulted in Umaga getting undesired face reactions. Estrada was quality though, they really should have found something for him to do. He'd be a million times better than that soulless Saxton lad on commentary.

Edited by DCW
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IIRC, Estrada got written out as Umaga's manager (storyline injured by Lashley) because Vince thought there were too many personalities involved in the whole McMahon (Umaga) vs. Trump (Lashley), Hair vs. Hair deal.

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Think I remember reading something in PS along the lines of WWE dropping Estrada as Umaga's manager because he was so entertaining, which resulted in Umaga getting undesired face reactions. Estrada was quality though, they really should have found something for him to do. He'd be a million times better than that soulless Saxton lad on commentary.


Soulless Saxton is the best gimmick Byron never had!

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Think I remember reading something in PS along the lines of WWE dropping Estrada as Umaga's manager because he was so entertaining, which resulted in Umaga getting undesired face reactions. Estrada was quality though, they really should have found something for him to do. He'd be a million times better than that soulless Saxton lad on commentary.


Soulless Saxton is the best gimmick Byron never had!


But he isn't ginger though.....

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So I'm in Tokyo at the moment (I will share the photos of the various wrestling awesomeness when I'm back in the UK, including an Inoki themed restaurant), but we are currently in a bar in Shinjuku watching CMLL, after I looked into it further the bar is called Drop Kick and is completely unremarkable except they only show wrestling on the TV. Bloody love Japan.

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