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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Might depend on your age. A lot of us were kids then, so wouldn't have thought of the baddies as great. For me, he was gone from the WWF by the time I got into wrestling and I don't really remember seeing much of him in WCW -- my main memory of Rick Rude was in the WCW comic, I think. And Rude has never been celebrated as much later on the way the likes of Perfect and DiBiase have, plus his Hasbro was shit. So it's reasonable that people are only now really discovering how good he was, due to watching stuff on the network etc.

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Does anyone have any thoughts on who might win the Rumble? Usually evident by now but I have absolutely no idea.


Undertaker might be in with a shout if Lesnar wins the title anytime before then as a retirement gift, maybe?


Can't see Reigns being in any better a position than last year and I don't think a risk will be taken on Bryan with a title again.

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If Lesnar vs Taker III happens at WrestleMania - and (1) I don't see why the finish to SummerSlam was booked like that if it isn't and (2) assuming the match DOES happen, I can't imagine it doesn't happen at Mania - (pause for breath) it won't be for the title. It doesn't need the title. The title will be on some other match to enhance it's special WrestleMania worthiness. See Rock vs Cena at Mania 28 with Punk/Jericho for the title underneath.


At this point, I'd say Cena. Either Rollins retains until then and they just go with Cena on top again because there's nobody else ready in a babyface spot (I just don't see Orton in a challenging role at Mania), or perhaps Reigns gets to actually take the title from Seth in between (and finally exact revenge) and they put him in there with Cena to get the rub he didn't get from Brock this year. And maybe that Rollins loses title-turns babyface-fights Hunter rumour comes true. Then again Sheamus may have cashed in by then, who knows.


Cena, anyway.

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If Lesnar vs Taker III happens at WrestleMania - and (1) I don't see why the finish to SummerSlam was booked like that if it isn't and (2) assuming the match DOES happen, I can't imagine it doesn't happen at Mania - (pause for breath) it won't be for the title. It doesn't need the title. The title will be on some other match to enhance it's special WrestleMania worthiness. See Rock vs Cena at Mania 28 with Punk/Jericho for the title underneath.

I'm not sure it would be for the title, but Taker/Lesnar III would be more like Rock/Cena II, which was for the title because we'd seen it before and it needed extra spice.

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Yeah, what's the point of a PPV called Hell in a Cell coming up if it doesn't hold the top grudge match atm? I mean is there ANYTHING else brewing right now we could care to see in a cell? In 2015? If so they'd have less than a month building it. There's a dozen other directions for both guys to go into at Mania and I don't think they should be fucking off screens for an unexplained reason til around bloody April, that'd be excruciating.

Edited by sj5522
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I think Cena and Owens' feud would have fit Hell in a Cell this year and Owens had enjoyed a US title reign that ran from July until HIAC in October setting up one last match between the two it could have been pretty special. Sadly, it was blown off in about 9 weeks because of pay per views falling every fortnight.


The only thing I can see remotely warranting the cell this year is some sort of Shield-Wyyatts thing multi man match. It would at least be chaotic. I could see the return of Demon Kane the night after NOC to see up a match with Rollins for the event though.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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wouldn't The Demon Kane be after Brock who put him out? I reckon we might have that as a warm-up at NoC with Taker/Brock in a cell. Fingers crossed anyway. Well not for The Demon Kane part

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Agree with you Raid that it doesn't need the title, but I can see WWE being prisoners of that "this match is bigger than the belt, so give it the belt so it's a key part of things" mentality. Plus Brock needs leverage in storyline to get the rematch, so it would make sense for Brock to get the belt back to lure Taker to the rematch at Mania. But I'd rather the title be separate.

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Surely having Undertaker legit quitting for the first time ever, to the best of my knowledge, only for the red to not see it is all the leverage that Lesnar needs for a rematch


Kurt Angle made Taker tap to a triangle choke while he himself was getting counted down for the pin in a top contenders match on a 2003 SmackDown.

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