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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I keep hearing people complaining about how Seth Rollins is being booked as champion. The main complaint is that he's being booked weakly by only barely keeping the title, a point that is only valid for face champions in my opinion. A relatively small heel being booked to constantly use underhanded tactics is perfectly logical. Is it just my Facebook feed that's seeing this negative reaction to his title run? Personally I think it's been excellently done.

He's got internet points, so if he isn't beating John Cena clean every night he's being buried and misused. It's just kids and idiots who want everyone to turn heel and all their favourite heels to be booked like fair-fighting, dominant top babyfaces.


For me, part of the problem is how strong he looks in matches. He doesn't really play the cowardly heel until the finish a lot of the time, he does the epic match and flashy move stuff for the first 90%. That's just the same old "why didn't the Horsemen run in the first time Flair was under attack?" wrestling logic though.


I think he's quite good. He's trying hard to be 2000 Triple H style proper top heel, but something about it feels a bit off or false to me. Good but not great.

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I keep hearing people complaining about how Seth Rollins is being booked as champion. The main complaint is that he's being booked weakly by only barely keeping the title, a point that is only valid for face champions in my opinion. A relatively small heel being booked to constantly use underhanded tactics is perfectly logical. Is it just my Facebook feed that's seeing this negative reaction to his title run? Personally I think it's been excellently done.



For me, part of the problem is how strong he looks in matches. He doesn't really play the cowardly heel until the finish a lot of the time, he does the epic match and flashy move stuff for the first 90%. That's just the same old "why didn't the Horsemen run in the first time Flair was under attack?" wrestling logic though.


I think he's quite good. He's trying hard to be 2000 Triple H style proper top heel, but something about it feels a bit off or false to me. Good but not great.



The only think I would say to that KP is, is that not done by design? It adds to the frustration for a fan and thus the story. Rollins has the tools to win clean but opts not to which is what is even more infuriating than just cheating to win. I think his character is exceptional at the minute, the reason he maybe having trouble in this comparison to Triple H is that he is being made to be too much of a comparison to Triple H if that makes sense?


Maybe if his character was able to be fully distinguished it may help, but I still see him as being in the embryonic phases of his real main event scene (if the plan is to have him there for years anyway). As that is the case, now maybe the time to make his character that bit more unique, how that happens, I don't know but I find that the only thing now holding him back is the obvious Triple H comparisons.

Edited by Powerful_Fox
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Some good points on Rollins. My issues with him are also nothing to do with the results. Since Triple H in 2000 there seems to be this constant argument that heel champions should be booked strongly. I don't think there's never a place for that. We've just seen it with Lesnar. A heel who is a cunt but is actually as great as he thinks he is can draw heat but it has to be believable. It wouldn't be with Rollins.


The biggest problem I have with him is that he wrestles like a babyface. He has no heel work that I can make out. The finishes are slimy but otherwise his work is flashy.


I also agree with Liam completely about the inconsistencies in the Authority. The constant dissension between Rollins and Kane & Triple H does him no favours. Especially when he's often in the right.


I just can't stand his fucking drone either. When he's doing a Triple H from 2000 style monologue, I have to fast forward. His voice grates on me. That might actually be a good thing. I'm never cheering the fucker on that basis alone.

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Number 1 - I don't know why but I love it when Liam curses


Number 2 - Fully agree with a lot of the points regarding Rollins. I hate how he wrestles like an underdog babyface (akin to Daniel Bryan) for the vast majority of a match and when dealing with the authority he's almost like their black sheep which puts him further into babyface territory at points. 

His promos are very inconsistent too. Only for when he canes the crowd, addresses a goody in a negative manner and does that absolutely poxy pantomime villain laugh do you remember he's a heel. I get that he's an indy darling and has moveset and that's his "style" but it gets jarring after a while.

I just wish they'd pull the trigger on the full on snivelling cowardly heel role from start to finish when he's out there. He's not big,  rugged or - excuse me - tough enough to pull off a baddy that would strike fear into the heart of of his opponents and the audience, so his best option as a heel is to play the arrogant, spoiled weasely little cunt becauce when he plays that role (which encompasses maybe 20% of the time he's out there), it's lovely to watch.

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Some very on point observations in the last few posts for why he's not very good as an Edge-like heel. His flashy babyface matches and boring promos of "I say things everybody else says, but with added rubbish panto villain *10th maniacal LAUGH*" are my biggest problems with him, because I don't like or hate him, which is the issue. It leads to him being just as much part of the monotony as a Sheamus or Barrett, for me. He's clearly not terrible, but maybe he's a Jericho rather than a Triple H.


WWE are trying with him though. If he fails to get over as a top heel, then it's because he's not up to it. So far, he's easily the worst WWE champion they've had in ages.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Maybe if his character was able to be fully distinguished it may help, but I still see him as being in the embryonic phases of his real main event scene 


Same. I can totally buy him as "the future" but lately, we're supposed to be seeing him as the present and I've struggled to be on board with it. They've gone full steam ahead with that post-SummerSlam, so we'll see how it shakes out within the next few months. 

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Maybe if his character was able to be fully distinguished it may help, but I still see him as being in the embryonic phases of his real main event scene

Same. I can totally buy him as "the future" but lately, we're supposed to be seeing him as the present and I've struggled to be on board with it. They've gone full steam ahead with that post-SummerSlam, so we'll see how it shakes out within the next few months.

You're both bang on.


After the whole Kane issue, I was sure we would see a slightly more maniacal version of what he has previously shown. Not Bray crazy, but more hints of a paranoid Pillman, slowly becomming more untrusting of people, a bit louder and faster, slightly frantic when on the Mic, rather than the slow toned, slightly cocky retort style he has now. I really like watching him perform, but want to dislike him for being dastardly and unstable. The one thing he had with J&J was the fact he could through them to the wolves and look like a teat, but that's diminished.


Slightly linked, why does Ambrose still have a vigilante type persona? It doesn't really make sense anymore, he's not being fucked over by the powers anymore, just regular beefs with other wrestlers but still comes across to me that he is on an underdog/ one man crusade....(With Roman).


Again though, I do like him generally speaking, just maybe time to develop a bit

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I assume with Ambrose is that it is a gimmick that is over with the crowd still and his loose cannon character compliments it. I think it has toned down slightly but I can only guess it is a case of "if it ain't broke...". As he has dropped from the top rung for the time being, they are probably just going to let him coast for a bit.


My guess will be that his next "gimmick change" will be the exact same character but with the volume turned up again.

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Was Edge depushed when he first came in? Looked like WWE sunk in a lot of money for those vignettes and music. He then debuts on Shotgun Saturday Night where he nearly crippled a Boricua. Was he getting too big for his boots?

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Fucking up Jose Estrada's neck on his first night probably didn't do him any favours. He just had to eat some shit for a little bit, losing to Tiger Sli Singh at Capital Carnage (don't know if that was even shown in the states), being partnered with Sable and then taking a loss to Owen Hart at IYH:Breakdown

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Being partnered with sable was a big deal given how over she was then, and the loss to Owen was due to being distracted by christian in the aisle. From his book there was very little effort put I to his debut, he was supposed to be a deaf mute wrestler to begin with.

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