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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Also during that nonsensical run, Kevin Nash cost Punk the world title only to eventually receive his comeuppance by losing a match on PPV to.... Triple H. Huh.

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Nash vs HHH in the payoff was not shit, either. A gazillion trillion years better than anything they did in their 2003 run, and a bit of mouthwash for the sometimes-slightly-dull WWE 'quite good' match formula these days. I remember a few of us in chat for that, and t went down just fine live, thanks very much.

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Kevin Nash constantly destroying CM Punk and CM Punk getting no retribution was absolutely hilarious, to be fair.

Now now, Punk did get to point and laugh at Nash after somebody else battered him. My favourite part of their feud was Nash's refusal to sell any of Punk's "fat skinny ass" offence.


Punk v Triple H was woeful. The whole "You lot don't push smaller guys!" "What about Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio etc?" "Erm........ eh.... Ice cream! Where's my ice cream!" followed by "This is not CM Punk talking to Triple H, this is Phil Brooks to Paul Levesque. I hate you" (or some shite), quite possibly the worst promo battle in WWE history. Punk looked like a proper dunce during it all, as Triple H masterfully counter punched Punk.

The feud also highlighted further how tremendous Vince and Cena were laying back for Punk a month or two before and subtly getting him over. Triple H wasn't having any of it.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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You're right there ColBol. Vince in particular had what is clearly (judged on his abysmal performances the last few years) his last truly great moment as a character in that contract signing segment - even when it all went a bit 'you wanna shoot, Phil' or whatever it was, he knew to show his arse and keep in character. HHH could be an absolute cunt when he wasn't in the mood for that sort of thing.

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HHH vs Nash was a decent match, it wasn't however how your hot new star cm punk get revenge for a Nash kick in, and defeat to triple h for no reason

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Dragging the New Blood Rising talk back up again. Sorry.


I watched a bit of it last night. Did they seriously promise there'd be nudity in the Major Gunns vs Stacy Kiebler match and then have Stacy fake a miscarriage to get out of it?


Oh, and the Awesome vs Storm match is one of the most fascinating matches I've ever seen. What on earth was that shit supposed to achieve? Storm looked like a loser, Awesome looked a loser and WCW came across as a company where you can make the rules up as you go along, because no one gives a shit.


Fuck it, I've stuck it back on. The amount of awkward "shoot" comments is bizarre. It's one thing when the wrestlers do it but the commentators calmly discussing the wrestlers following the script is just weird. It just makes it flat out obvious that it's all a work, as if it wasn't already. Russo really was clueless wasn't he?

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It's amazing nobody from Ted Turner's inner circle, or AOL Time Warner top brass, stepped in and said calm it with the comments about this not being real. Just don't mention it at all.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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It was at a time that WCW knew it was going to die, it was just a matter off when and nobody gave a shit, hence why you end up with Mike Sanders v Ernest Miller in a kickboxing match at Halloween Havoc and they run the Blood Runs Cold Glacier promos at Mayhem to which Zmark Madden just chimes in with "oh god, we're not doing that crap again are we?"

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I know we say this all the time but the Johnny ace booked fussiest media erase (late 2000 -2001)were half decent events. Apart from maiming Sid they reformed mysterio kid man team for the cruiserweight tag team titles, pushed a decent Shane helms, had the elite group being fantastic heel ducks, decided to push Sean O' Haire and chuck palumbo and other things which is cool. Obviously steiner killing 2/3 of the cruiserweight division in one match wasn't the best but you can't have everything

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