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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Christ, I hope that Max Landis gif doesn't become the stock response whenever anyone points out a booking inconsistency. I loved the film too but that's just obnoxious.


I also gave him actual words describing why it was a waste of time trying to find logic in the "bad guy in charge" scenario. You know, an actual measured response, not just a meme for the sake of a meme. You want obnoxious? Spin on it.



Aye fair enough, I think it just seemed obnoxious coming immediately after Chili used the same quote, albeit without the elaboration you provided.


I don't like the 'just don't think about it' defense though. Wrestling stories are weaker where they feature booking inconsistencies, as with all fiction, but it doesn't ruin them entirely. The Sting vigilante story would be stronger if Herbie's objections were better dealt with on screen, and we'd all likely be more excited about the match. As it is, it hasn't been executed perfectly and it's okay to acknowledge that rather than letting them off the hook with it's not real/don't think about it.


It's still been a fairly enjoyable angle. I was jumping round the room when Sting came out at Survivor Series.

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In fairness I think me and Raid posted about 10 seconds of each other.


I've just learnt to never get my hopes up with WWE, especially these days and especially with stars like Sting. Just getting burned too many times to really invest. An actual explanation was seriously due, because it sure as hell didn't make sense. Wondering why heel owners employ or allow to employ people they don't like is daft though.

Edited by WWFChilli
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Was just thinking about Rusev while watching RAW and does anyone think he'd have been as successful as he has been as a heel if he'd been waving about a Bulgarian flag etc. or do you think changing his country allegiance to Russia was required to get the character over?

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Was just thinking about Rusev while watching RAW and does anyone think he'd have been as successful as he has been as a heel if he'd been waving about a Bulgarian flag etc. or do you think changing his country allegiance to Russia was required to get the character over?

I think so. There is the Rocky vs Drago blueprint but i also think the only exposure the US has had of Bulgaria is the lovable underdog squad Bulgaria had at the 1994 World Cup which featured great lads such as Stoichkov and Letchkov!


Fair fucks to WWE with Rusev, the pasy year he has been booked to perfection. From his build up of opponents Truth, Swagger, Henry, Big Show and Cena to his interaction with the Rock. Obviously Lana has only added to his aura but Rusev is the man and i expect big things (a WWE title run) from him this year.

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Reigns did kick out if Bryan's knee. Probably difficult to find many moves that people have never kicked out of. So I'll ask this.. what are the most protected special moves?

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Best bet are moves that babyfaces used before the kick-out-of-three-finishers era, so basically anything that was a finisher pre-attitude that never then became a mid-match move. I can't think of any, though.


If we can count specific wrestlers' versions of moves, Warrior's big splash?



Christ, I hope that Max Landis gif doesn't become the stock response whenever anyone points out a booking inconsistency. 


It's fair enough as the stock response when someone points out an inconsistency that's been part of wrestling for years, like "why do people come running back after Irish whips?" or "why did his mates only run in for the DQ after he could have already lost the title ten times?" or "why don't the on-screen authority figures just sack/not hire wrestlers they don't get on with?"

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Just because it's been a part of wrestling for years, doesn't make it any less fucking stupid though. All of those are fair points. Just because you're immune to dumb shit, doesn't make it any less dumb.



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Did any kick of Warrior's Gorilla Press? The only time I can think they would have is Hogan at WM6 but I can't remember off the top of my head


Randy Savage did it at WrestleMania VII too.


Hogan was the only one to kick out of Goldberg's spear and jackhammer combo, I believe. And that was only because Nash was late doing a run in on Nitro. The announcers didn't acknowledge it.


What match was this? I've spent the last 15 years thinking that the 6th July 98 Nitro was the only time Hogan wrestled Goldberg, and there was certainly no kicking out of the Jackhammer there. A cursory check reveals the 24th August show had a Nash/Goldberg vs Hogan/Giant match that I don't remember - is it that one?

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