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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The crowd did not react at all to him being introduced as Tensai's opponent. People around me were confused as to why "Two crap baddies are fighting eachother", but by the closing stages of their short match McG had showed enough babyface fire to get the crowd right behind him as the plucky underdog and a large pop greeted his win.


For a couple of weeks, McGillicutty looked to have taken one of those "just because" face turns on Superstars, a la Tyson Kidd etc., working as the good guy against a couple of opponents - I think Tensai may have actually been one of them, and possibly JTG. He seemed to be back to heel last week though, although I forgot who he wrestled. That was probably just down to convenience of who they had around and not booked on Raw/Smackdown/Main Event or whatever taping they did the match at, though, and if he's doing it on house shows they could well be looking to make a turn stick.


As for a new look, on Superstars last week he wore these hideous cargo pant things, not sure if that was intentional or just a luggage snafu. I'm not sure about a singlet, but he could get some trunks in the classic Mr. P colour-schemes (yellow & sky blue, blue & orange etc.) for a nice nod without looking like too much of a rip-off. Just about everyone looks better in white boots, too.

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I'm not sure about a singlet, but he could get some trunks in the classic Mr. P colour-schemes (yellow & sky blue, blue & orange etc.) for a nice nod without looking like too much of a rip-off. Just about everyone looks better in white boots, too.



Yeah I like it. May be a Razor Ramon type waist coat with a Perfect esque colour scheme.


Possibly some snazzy shades too.

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  • Paid Members
There's fuck all that could make Michael McGillicutty look cool or marketable, though. He's the worst.



I think the fact that he is Perfects youngster is the only reason i bothered responding. He is tosh.



In fact Tosh off the bill would be more marketable.




Tosh's Tash = Title run

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Given that his entire marketability rests on the value of his name/heritage why the shit did they call him Michael McGillicutty? Isn't Trip's said to be big on him as well, I'm sure they said so on the MLW podcast.


Speaking of podcasts, i've recently discover The Art of Wrestling one and am slowly working my way through the back catalogue. Are there any other podcasts that my fellow UKFF'ers can reccommend?

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Triple H liking him doesn't necessarily mean he sees the boy as a main event-calibre talent. Triple H is probably just a fan of the way he handles himself in and out the ring, and the fact he's the son of a dead mate.


Dumping the Mr. Perfect gimmick on M Double instantly reminds me of when they ran out of ideas to make Ted DiBiase (Jr.) interesting and had him do some of his old man's schtick, which died on its arse.


On podcasts, some of the LAW's content is quite good. Although I stopped listening ages ago, due to them being a bit 'Fin Martin' with critiques.

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John Pollock and Wai Ting's shows for the LAW and Fight Network are great. They review Raw and Impact each week, and one classic show. Very dry humour and over time I've really enjoyed getting to know their personalities. Curious dudes with their idiosyncrasies but I enjoy them a lot. The LAW show on Sundays with Lavranski and Agnew is a bit too much like a stereotypical loud radio show.


Konnan's MLW show is a great mix of his road stories and infor he gets from Rey, Court's experience with WWE creative and MSL updating everyone on what Larry Z is up to that week. However, Konnan can come across as overbearing at times, cutting off others when they're speaking and is usually high at the time, so things go over his head and the other two are left in awkward silence. They talk about a bunch of other subjects too.


Aftermath used to have a brilliant Daily Dose show but that's over now.

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There's fuck all that could make Michael McGillicutty look cool or marketable, though. He's the worst.


Definitely. The bloke has zero presence. I watched his match with Clay at the weekend and thought to myself it could've been some bloke they just found off the street. His look is shit.


I think they need to get all of these bods back on steroids or something.

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Triple H liking him doesn't necessarily mean he sees the boy as a main event-calibre talent. Triple H is probably just a fan of the way he handles himself in and out the ring, and the fact he's the son of a dead mate.


If DA MELTZ is to believed, HHH reckons Michael has "it". He is a very solid hand, I'll give him that, and he could probably do a job as a fiery midcard babyface if reports are to believed, but that's probably his ceiling.

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Given that his entire marketability rests on the value of his name/heritage why the shit did they call him Michael McGillicutty? Isn't Trip's said to be big on him as well, I'm sure they said so on the MLW podcast.

To own the name, I think. Plus the second/third-gen wrestler gimmick had been done hundreds of times over the last decade so they probably didn't think they could hang much hat on it. And they might have thought he would do well without it. He's got the basics down, which a lot of the nxt lot couldn't say. He might be hilarious off-camera and they expected it to translate. Whatever the case, his paedo hair and awful speech at the end of NXT2 ruined him, and the Nexus runs did nothing to redeem him.

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TNA seems to have been pushing the envelope recently as far as tv presentation of wrestling is concerned.


I suppose it's an obvious move, but what they seem to be doing with Impact! is transforming wrestling into a TOWIE or Hogan Knows Best - style reality tv show. The popularity of this format gives some obvious advantages for wrestling - the audience for reality tv understands that it's "staged" to some degree, scripted to a large extent, and so therefore accept the constant presence of cameras and cut aways to interviews and all that, but they still get that gut feeling that it's "real".


And that's a perfect modelo for wrestling - yes, it's "scripted" but it's premised on the concept of real competition. So the format matches. Hence the "Previously..." style recaps, and that extraordinary slomo bit with Hardy the other week where, as he left a "live" meeting, we had his thoughts on each of his competitors as he passed them in the hall.


Personally, I'm not a fan of that style, I preferred when they were making sure that every backstage skit had an interviewer, and a reason for a camera and all that. But I can see that TNA and Spike are trying to find a legitimate niche for wrestling in the modern tv era, and it's commendable.

Edited by Loki
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So, 9:30, and no Raw thread. Plus it was pre-taped. I'll give that one a miss, then.


I have a feeling people might have discussed it in that Tour Lineups thread but dont wanna venture in case of spoilers...


They are, but there's currently nothing in there that would tell you what happened - it's mostly which people got the biggest reactions at the moment.


EDIT: That's not to say that spoilers might not turn up later on this morning.

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