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Chris Benoit - 5 years on.


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It's not even limited to wrestling. I think a safe rule of thumb is, if you really feel like losing a few braincells without having to take the chairshots, go to the comments section of just about any youtube video. I think the only surprising thing in that list of youtube comments earlier is that nobody was being blaming the Jews for Benoit's death or linking it in some way to 9/11.

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My favourite YouTube comment was some geezer gave a long post about the greatness of Pele and Maradona and ended it with "who was the better player? I'd have to give it to Maradona because Pele was black".


Brilliant trolling.

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I think there is a massive difference between hero worshipping Benoit and still being entertained by him and indifferent to what he did.


There is also a difference between those who think like this.


"RIP Chris U SHUD B IN HALL OF FAME WWE SUX IF NOT PUT U IN" idiots on Youtube, to the Sullivan-conspiracy loons,


And those that will allow themselves to be entertained by watching him at Wrestlemania 20. It was a great match it doesn't stop being a great entertaining match becasue he killed people it just's means its a cunt having a great match.


I would not seek out his matches but I wouldn't avoid them either. If a Benoit match came on would you fast forward?


I've been going through some old tapes and now and then a Benoit match comes up. For me it doesn't feel the same as when I first saw them before I knew he really was a killer but depending on the match and what happens I can forget for awhile and be entertained until something else crops up that reminds me he killed his wife and kid. I can still be entertained by his matches but not to the level I used to before I knew he was a child murdering cunt.


I think Ian put it best "He was a pretty good wrestler for a cunt" these are my thoughts on watching his matches.


You seem determined to lump everyone in together a minority of nut jobs (none in this thread so far) who think Cenas STF is akin to Double murder and it would be a good idea to have a much publicized double murderer inducted into the hall of fame.


And people who accept that he was a murdering cunt but are still entertained by his wrestling matches. As has been mentioned if Michael Jacksons Pretty Young Things comes on the radio(which it doesn't anymore) should I feel ashamed or guilty because I start to tap my feet becasue i have full knowledge that in all likelyhood he probably touched kids. Likewise should a wrestling fan feel guilty because he is still entertained by a great wrestling match in full knowledge of what Benoit became.

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I've been going through some old tapes and now and then a Benoit match comes up. For me it doesn't feel the same as when I first saw them before I knew he really was a killer but depending on the match and what happens I can forget for awhile and be entertained until something else crops up that reminds me he killed his wife and kid. I can still be entertained by his matches but not to the level I used to before I knew he was a child murdering cunt.

You're talking as if the guy had a history of murdering people over a prolonged period of time or something. It's hardly like he was a serial killer who murdered someone then behaved in a completely normal fashion before doing so again.


He was the victim of extreme brain trauma.


Check the results of the testing. He was suffering from CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), which was found in all regions of his brain. Symptoms include depression, cognitive impairment, dementia, Parkinsonism and erratic behavior.


There's been a history of former NFL players suffering from this condition, including former Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Mike Webster. He died of a heart attack at age 50, but suffered from dementia, depression, and exhibited erratic behavior later in life.


Another offensive lineman for the Steelers, Justin Strzelczyk, suffered from the exact same thing. Shortly before dying at age 36 he'd been telling people he'd been hearing voices which he referred to as "the evil ones". He eventually led police on a 40 mile high-speed chase through New York at speeds up to 100 mph on the wrong side of the road which resulted in him crashing his vehicle and killing himself.


After the incident it was confirmed that Benoit's medical records indicated multiple concussions along with clinical symptoms associated with CTE. I also read that a medical professional said that the damage taken by Benoit over the years was close to the equivalent of going through somewhere in the region of 15,000 car crashes.


I'm not saying that he was faultless in this, or that he's a victim, but to simply class him as a child murderer is a bit ignorant.


To be fair to them, I believe WWE have done as much as they possibly can by outlawing such moves as the diving headbut and chairshots to the head, and I may be wrong, but haven't they also introduced routine brain scans?

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Do most people that abuse/murder little boys get a clean bill of healthy, mentally? I would've thought they'd all be a bit insane in the membrain, damaged physically or emotionally. Be it from concussions, or they were abused as a child themselves, or they never got nice Christmas presents or whatever, but there's got to be warped minds in all their heads. You couldn't do that stuff if you didn't have a touch of the March hare.

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Diving headbutts aren't that dangerous really. If done properly, you're barely connecting with your head, you take a front bump and your forehead touches the fleshy part of your opponent's chest. It wasn't that move that destroyed Benoit, it was the years of chairshots to the head and probably giving and taking so many German Suplexes. Germans are a more dangerous move, because even when performed as smoothly as possible, you struggle not to bump on the back of your head.

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I'm not saying that he was faultless in this, or that he's a victim, but to simply class him as a child murderer is a bit ignorant.

Do most people that abuse/murder little boys get a clean bill of healthy, mentally? I would've thought they'd all be a bit insane in the membrain, damaged physically or emotionally. Be it from concussions, or they were abused as a child themselves, or they never got nice Christmas presents or whatever, but there's got to be warped minds in all their heads. You couldn't do that stuff if you didn't have a touch of the March hare.

Yeah, I

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That's brilliant. Near enough everyone had their mong hat on in that thread though, even the mighty Loki. I think Seven might have been the only one that didn't, but it's been a while since I read it that time so there could've been a couple of others.


Liquid Snake/Soap got an extremely harsh suspension in that thread (two weeks I think) because he was arguing, quite rightly, that Benoit was a scumbag. Could be wrong, but I think he got the suspension befor the truth officially emerged, and the suspension remained intact despite him being correct in his assessments. That's how I recall it anyway, the thread is much too big to go through a second time.

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That's brilliant. Near enough everyone had their mong hat on in that thread though, even the mighty Loki. I think Seven might have been the only one that didn't, but it's been a while since I read it that time so there could've been a couple of others.


Liquid Snake/Soap got an extremely harsh suspension in that thread (two weeks I think) because he was arguing, quite rightly, that Benoit was a scumbag. Could be wrong, but I think he got the suspension befor the truth officially emerged, and the suspension remained intact despite him being correct in his assessments. That's how I recall it anyway, the thread is much too big to go through a second time.


Collateral damage.

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