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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Roland Alexander was probably the star of Beyond the Mat. He was as quotable as anyone on that thing. His circus animal mentality while still seemingly caring about the wrestlers was an odd combo. Mind you he was set to get a payout if they were signed.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Rounding the year off on a high. Another quality show this week.


A stonking opening tag, with more excellent work from Zayn and Kidd and more glorious glaring from Cesaro. And it'll be a real shame if Kruger does go with that Russell Brand gimmick, if only because his music is probably my favourite theme in all WWE at the mo. It's nice to know Johnston still has the Hardcore Holly guitar sound on tap. Didn't Husky Harris have a Slipknot gimmick as Axel Mulligan for about a fortnight before Bray Wyatt was born? Hopefully the Adam Rose thing is just a brain fart on someone's part, because he has a cricket-inspired finish and a beard.


The American Pitbulls were solid. I have no issues with the Billington name, but John Cahill is just wallpaper. Richards seemed a bit shaken after his neck nearly got broken slipping off Rick Victor, but they both got a couple of decent signatures in and did the job well.


Main event was a decent lumberjack, with a good angle thrown in. Most of the lumberjacks looked proper deer in headlights though.


Also, Enzo on wheels!


And, as if that wasn't enough, looks like they're giving us Cesaro vs Regal for Christmas. Top banana.

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The American Pitbulls were solid. I have no issues with the Billington name, but John Cahill is just wallpaper. Richards seemed a bit shaken after his neck nearly got broken slipping off Rick Victor, but they both got a couple of decent signatures in and did the job well.

Oh what irony if Davey Richards of all people got his neck broken whilst in a WWE environment.

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NXT is well worth checking out this week. The Cesaro vs Regal match is excellent. Better than the match he had with Chris Hero, which was pretty great. Its a match you can only get on NXT. Its the type of match Austin always talks about on his podcast. They weren't going 100mph. Its just a well paced match which the live crowd appreciated.

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If NXT doesn't win TV show of the year something is wrong. There were highlight packages during the show marking several newsworthy moments, and the show got so many acts over and delivered a load of great matches. NXT is pretty cheap to produce as well. Its basically recently signed indy workers and seasoned veterans produced by a mix of WWE staff and work experience people and ran from a small building. Its pretty much what an alternative to WWE could have been at an affordable rate. NXT is what everyone wanted TNA to be and never was. Simple booking and a mix of young and old having cracking matches and cutting good promos.


Full Sail also looks 50 times better than the Impact Zone and probably spent as much on the set as they did.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Have we got Tribute to the Troops instead of NXT next week? Doesn't seem to be on the Sky planner.


Entertaining match, exactly as you'd expect from those two. You'd never see something like that on Raw. That stomp to the head :omg:. Regal's matches tend to matter a lot more now they're less often and are treated as special occasions.


And a pleasing amount of the lovely Renee Young this week. :love:

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That NXT/TNA comparison is spot on. It really has helped drive nails into Impact's coffin. It's the kind of format UK promoters should be trying to recreate in getting UK wrestling on TV.


Regal/Cesaro was a corker. The perfect blend of World of Sport and sports entertainment. The crowd were rapt. If a crowd are chanting the whole time, they're entertaining themselves. Full Sail were totally into this one, and the atmosphere was electric. Regal has nothing but corkers. I rate this one above Ohno but below Ambrose. There was so much going on in terms of character that any number of angles could spiral off from it. That's great booking.


NXT is show of the year bar none.

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Just watched last weeks show.


A big smile came on my face when Generico en Tyson Kidd walked out first. Matches like that is why I bother watching it.


I never drank the Davey Richards cool aid. To be honest I wasn

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