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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Sanity have the problem any big lad stable does in WWE.

Killian Dane should be protected as an unstoppable beast - and in singles matches often is - but as soon as Eric Young's in the mix, he's just a big expendable mook. The big lads are never able to get over, because they have to spend half their time being knocked about by people trying to get at Eric Young.

Nikki's the best part of the whole act, but was more interesting when she was beating up on No Way Jose than she ever has been in the women's division. I did like her "Ruby, come out and play" promo the other week, just because it was more in character and more interesting than doing a standard "stand in the ring and call out your rival" bit, so there's at least some effort to make her gimmick work.

What I don't like with Nikki is how they're presenting the whole feud with Ruby Riot. I'll add the caveat that I'm a big fan of Ruby, I've worked with her in the past and really want to see her succeed in WWE, but the way they're handling her in NXT just doesn't work for me. The announcers keep banging on about how might be just as crazy as Nikki...but then Ruby's doing perfectly calm promos, making a logical case for why she has a problem with Sanity. There just seems to be a massive disconnect between the story the wrestlers are telling and the story the announcers are telling.

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I think Bray should be seen looming in the distance/background at NXT events for a reasonable time, and actually recruit Killian Dain, do what cult leaders do.....turn his head and bring him to Raw, in the Wyatt family version 2. Let him recruit a new army. Then have EY either go singles as a gatekeeper type or put him in a comedy, feel good style tag team, he is great at being a goof.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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3 minutes ago, Ambulance Chaser said:

I think Bray should be seen looming in the distance/background at NXT events for a reasonable time, and actually recruit Killian Dain, do what cult leaders do.....turn his head and bring him to Raw, in the Wyatt family version 2. Let him recruit a new army. Then have EY either go singles as a gatekeeper type or put him in a comedy, feel good style tag team, he is great at being a goof.

Totally agree on both points. Dain's a much better fit for the Wyatt Family than Sanity - though would probably end up with the same booking problems I explained earlier - and Eric Young seems a bizarre choice to me as an anarchist group leader, who could be better served in a more comedic role. I think part of the problem with Sanity is that for all extents and purposes they're Wyatt Family 2.0, and is there really a gap for that on the main roster? It hurts all of them by making them look like a second go-round at an idea that hasn't even had chance to die yet.

I like the idea of Wyatt lurking around NXT to recruit people - I know the point of NXT is that it's a separate entity, but I think it would be nice to have a little crossover with the main roster more often, like back in it's early days when Cesaro would pop down for a match now and then. It only makes sense that someone like Wyatt would be looking to recruit from the stars of the future. The only time they've come close to that, that I can remember is Seth Rollins showing up to call out Triple H, apparently being the first person in the whole company to realise that babyface boss Triple H who shows up to open every big NXT show is the same bloke who plays the baddy on Monday nights.

A while back, they did a great little self-contained story on one episode of NXT where Eva Marie got a title shot against Bayley. William Regal was away, so Michael Cole was down there representing "WWE Corporate" in charge that week, they had Charles Robinson as referee for the Women's Title match, and it seemed that "WWE Corporate" wanted Eva as champion and were taking the opportunity of Regal's absence to stack the odds against Bayley. I loved that, and kind of hoped it would lead to something a little more long-term, playing up the disconnect between main roster WWE and the more "underground"/indie feel that NXT goes for. Would have been a good excuse to send some main roster heels down to NXT for the odd big match and get some experience for the NXT guys coming up, and maybe get some of the NXT lot on RAW or Smackdown - I'm picturing it as something akin to the ECW invasion in '97.


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The major problem I can see with that storyline is I find it hard to believe they'd be able to resist boiling it down to Triple H (NXT, new direction) vs Stephanie/Vince (main roster, old direction) and I really don't want to see another rehash of a McMahon family feud.

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17 minutes ago, Statto said:

The major problem I can see with that storyline is I find it hard to believe they'd be able to resist boiling it down to Triple H (NXT, new direction) vs Stephanie/Vince (main roster, old direction) and I really don't want to see another rehash of a McMahon family feud.

That's the danger, and I was thinking that as I wrote it. You'd have to hope that the crux of the writing was down to the NXT booking team, not the main roster, but as soon as McMahons start getting involved, it's not going to work out that way.

To put my fantasy booking hat on, I'd keep the McMahons out of it, and have Triple H as the heel. Distance him from the babyface "creator" of NXT, and let William Regal be the sole figure of authority for that brand.

I'd have started on the RAW after Wrestlemania, I would have had Finn Balor turn heel on Seth Rollins on his return, the first time they tagged together, and have him explain that it was Rollins who put him on the shelf and took his title, and he was torn between revenge on Seth and coming back focused and driven to just get his championship back - until Triple H offered him some huge incentive to eliminate Seth Rollins, and made the decision so much easier.

Then you'd have a nice little heel stable of Finn Balor, Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe with Triple H pulling the strings, and what do they all have in common? Former NXT Champions. And so was Seth Rollins, Triple H's boy before them. You could explain that the whole time Triple H was bragging about signing these guys, working so closely with them in NXT, he was effectively weaponising the development system, and using it to produce not just the stars of the future, but his stars of the future, the way he's been doing ever since Evolution, and shaping the company in his image, allowing him to keep a tight grip on the reins of power.

Then you either have Triple H go down to NXT, or Regal pop up on RAW, and the two face off with Regal furious about Triple H using NXT like that. You can play into their real life history, and the real life history of NXT, and have a bit of a power-play of WWE Corporate backed by Triple H against NXT stars backed by Regal about the future of the brand. It could play well into Bobby Roode's gimmick to have him as Triple H's stand-in on the NXT shows themselves. Then you can do one or two cross-brand matches at Takeover, while on the main roster the story mostly remains Triple H & His Boys against Seth Rollins, with the NXT aspect not really playing into it much if at all. It could create a built-in storyline for NXT call-ups, especially Nakamura as a defiant former NXT Champion refusing to play Triple H's games.

There's probably a thousand reasons it wouldn't work, but that's the idea I've had basically since Samoa Joe debuted on RAW.

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I thought that main event really was great but fuck me that crowd was borderline unbearable, I think I spent more time cringing at the plebs in the audience than I did marking out for the action in the ring. When the match was as good as it was that's a real shame.

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McMahon would have wanked himself to death if Tino Sabatelli was around in the early 90s. Whiles he obviously no Gary Strydom ("WOOOOOOW!"), he's a hell of a specimen.

Speaking of wanking themselves to death, has anyone seen UK Kat Von D since Ruby Riot debuted?

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Must say as a plain-skinned wanker I'm not feeling this "tattoos make me different" thing. It's not the 70s, does anyone look twice when someone has tattoos anymore? 

Also "each of my tattoos tell a story" *proceeds to tell 0 stories*

Cross interview was good though, as was Strong v Itami and the Black squash. I'm fully on board the Aleister Black train now, I'd make him next champ 

Was thinking you could have the most indyriffic elimination chamber in history at the next Takeover, with Roode, Itami, Strong, Galloway, Black & Ohno. I'd be well up for that 

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Takeover Chicago seems to have come at an odd time, it feels like its a few weeks early nut guess download tour and summerslam takeover creates timing issues, but more feuds and matches should be started, Black, Drew, Ohno, Strong, Sanity, Almas dont have feuds or matches at the moment, one show to go so maybe a few matches will quickly be made.

Almas vs Ohno is on nxt next week but that should've been saved for takeover,

Black will probably have a squash match, not sure what the rest will be up too, seems more like a full sail takeover than an 'out of town' one

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Even with the ladder match announcement, this Takeover feels like it's Pete Dunne's show to steal. I can see him having a breakout performance on the night, getting a lot of attention for how underrated he and his awesome face are.

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They only need one more match to fill the card. They stick with the 5 match formula pretty strictly. 

Most looking forward to Dunne v Bate cos those lads can do no wrong, but AOP v DIY in a ladder match should be class too. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Even with the ladder match announcement, this Takeover feels like it's Pete Dunne's show to steal. I can see him having a breakout performance on the night, getting a lot of attention for how underrated he and his awesome face are.

Absolutely. He's winning that title hands down, that was clear the second he lost the final to Bate.

It's weird that they're using the same venue (Rosemont Horizon) for Takeover and then Backlash the following night. Couple this with the feeling that another Takeover is coming a bit too soon (agree with you there Supremo), they surely can't have sold all or even most of the tickets? I'd imagine a lot of the NXT fans - for those that could only watch one show - might opt for Nakamura's main roster debut instead.

Edited by PunkStep
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6 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Speaking of wanking themselves to death, has anyone seen UK Kat Von D since Ruby Riot debuted?

Don't worry I'm fine. Split up with the girlfriend so I've just been on a bender for a few weeks and not had time to post.

Initially I really liked her for the name, since then she has just been annoying/unimpressive 

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