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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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That is one of the best wrestling shows I've seen in years. Watching it at a LAN in Stratford and ended up with several lapsed fans crowded around my screen for the main event.


Expected Owens to interfere before the match ended, so was shocked when he turned right at the end. Legit lost my mind.

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The crowd last night were a proper crowd-they cheered what they were supposed to cheer (ie their heroes and when something awesome happend)

Were they supposed to boo Roman Reigns, then?

ONE smart mark incident. Better than a smart mark.chant EVERY match


If the crowd are getting themselves over by being marks i dont have a problem with that, its when they be all smart marky it grinds my gears

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Want an incredible show from start to finish, everything just seem to flow and was enjoyable to watch! Granted it being a different show but I always find myself fast forwarding some part of Raw or Smackdown, however, this show had me glued from start to finish! With a couple of promos and last nights performance, they've made Kevin Owens look like a star and throwing him with Zayn straight away will be a perfect oppurtunity for him to show what he is capable aswell as showing that Zayn really does have a bright future!


Balor looked like a star last night, while Itami really does come across as a poor mans Funaki and really struggle to see him being called up to the main roster...hopefully they can now move onto something different that may showcase their abilities a little more!


The main event...WOW. Both men delivered, as expected and in the end the best man won. Not sure what's next for Nevillie, seem to have done everything in NXT but not sure I really see him on the main roster or even if he does, getting over with the bigger live crowds. Zayn on the other hand, really was made to look like the man at the end. Perfect finish for someone who I believe has a massive future ahead of him in the company!


Can't fault anything else on the show at all. Great to see Graves be utilised in a way that should hopefully add to the show but seemed confident and can only get better!


The future really does look strong for the WWE but also raises questions about how they can get it so right in this environment but fail so much when it comes to the main roster. Obviously having 3 hours to fill instead of 2 doesn't help but the way they've made the NXT roster connect with the crowd and make the crowd care about the wrestlers really does make a huge difference to how the show feels. 


Right, I'm off to watch it again!

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The crowd last night were a proper crowd-they cheered what they were supposed to cheer (ie their heroes and when something awesome happend)

Were they supposed to boo Roman Reigns, then?



Slightly off topic but re: this - I know fans are free to cheer/boo who they want but I do sometimes think that fans can ruin it for themselves when it comes to 'the next big star'.


I mean, for example, they were cheering Reigns when he was in the Shield, it was organic and everyone was saying 'Oooh, he's gonna be a star'.

Shield splits, Reigns officially turns face and then fans start booing him, instead of embracing him.

It seems these are the same fans who always say 'WWE never creates new stars' etc etc.


It's a rebellion thing 'We're not meant to like this person so we'll cheer them! Fuck you!' and then when WWE goes 'Okay, so this guy's getting over, the fans like him, let's do something with him', they all go 'Boo! Stop ramming him down our throats! You don't tell us who we like!'.


I'm notoriously shit at trying to coherently and succinctly put my point across, but does that make sense?

If not, apologies. It makes sense in my head. 

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Just noticed the ref in the opening match, (on second viewing). Have I just missed him before?

It was Drake Younger wasn't it? Not sure if he has a new WWE name. He's been on TV for a couple of months now.


Going to the previous point about how they can get it so right in NXT and not the main show, I think it comes down purely to the number of people on the writing team. NXT's writing team is a lot more streamlined than the main shows. Wasn't it reported recently that RAW has 20 writers?

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Excellent show. Sami Zayn is bloody incredible, a truly likeable babyface, not a whole lot of them around these days.


This is the first time I've seen Kevin Owens too, and for somebody who looks like he posts Wrestlezone comments, he's really good.


However, for the second month running, WWE spoiled the main event for me by having a big fuck off picture of Zayn celebrating with the title as the main image on the WWE Network replay. Fucking useless.

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Having watched the main event again, everything about it is just perfect but the best thing about it the match was how big time they made it feel. Just the little touches like the promos earlier in the show or showing them walking backstage to the arena, such a buzz and incredible moment when Zayn gets the pin! So simple but added so much to the match.

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I decided to check this out after seeing pictures of Balor's entrance. What an entrance though. He (and WWE) can make a fortune marketing all his different paint get ups; like something from a Marvel film, which is a winner in 2014-5. Cool look, cool moves and charisma, hard to see him not being a big star on the main roster.


That main event was beautifully done by both men, as told by the crowd gasping and chanting with every turn come the end. Given the stipulation and the story of Zayn, it seemed quite clear he was winning, but a sign of a great match is when they get that bollocks out your head and you are in the moment. It's maybe the only wrestling match since that first Cena/Lesnar match where I wished I was in the crowd watching it. The end with Owens and Regal's new haircut was cracking.


The only downside was that horrible Bull Dempsey and other-bloke-with-the-shit-hair face off. It was like some rotten cutaway from an old Smackdown game for the PS2, with maybe a hint less realism/dynamism to it all. Both men are not intimidating or particularly captivating, so this supposed heated stare down between two hard blokes was terrible, particularly on a show with so much talent and people looking the bollocks. Proper shite.


Is Roman Reigns getting booed like Cena now?

Edited by ColinBollocks
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The crowd last night were a proper crowd-they cheered what they were supposed to cheer (ie their heroes and when something awesome happend)

Were they supposed to boo Roman Reigns, then?



Fans aren't supposed to be robots. Fans can cheer and boo who they like, including booing people they may perceive to be being pushed down their throat with ridiculous rigged votes. Wrestling is supposed to be fun. It's not supposed to be like a crowd at a tv taping for a sitcom and there's some guy with a giant 'APPLAUSE' sign. I don't buy this 'trying to get themselves over' stuff either. It's just people having a great time, a very hot crowd making the show seem like an even hotter product than it already is. If you want docile, sanitised, kid-friendly crowds, watch RAW every week. 

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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