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Richie Freebird

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I watched it last night. As a profile piece it was fine, but as an actual documentary it was fairly crap. Timeline was all over the place towards the end and they completely glossed over Shiek getting clean. One minute he was smoking crack and then "his wife threw him out so he got clean".

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Kurt Angle confirmed what was reported a few months back. Ouch.

TNA World Champion Kurt Angle spoke to Sports Illustrated's Extra Mustard blog this week about his recent negotiations with WWE and why WWE ultimately wasn't interested in bringing him back.

“I haven’t spoke openly about this,” said Angle, “but I opened up my options and was going to decide between TNA and WWE. I wasn’t going to leave TNA unless WWE was offering a fair deal.”

Angle initially contacted WWE Chairman Vince McMahon about a potential return to the company, but was told to speak with Triple H, who wasn't even interested in meeting with him.

“Paul is in charge,” said Angle. “I found that out when I contacted Vince. I’ve always had a good relationship with Paul, so I didn’t consider that a problem. But he decided they had enough talent.

“For the Vince McMahon who I knew, enough was never enough. He always wanted more. I don’t know what was going on over there, but they even canceled our meeting. I never went to see them. They didn’t even sit me down and talk to me.

Angle was shocked that WWE didn't show much interest in him, but is thankful that TNA has rolled out the red carpet for him.

“It blew my mind,” he said. “It was as if I was a nobody, that I wasn’t Kurt Angle. From a wrestling standpoint, they just weren’t interested. But TNA not only stepped up, they gave me everything I wanted – the dates, the money, and it’s no secret that I’ve went to rehab in the past, and they gave me time off. You talk about a company that’s loyal to you, and you want to be loyal back. So I didn’t pursue the WWE any further. When it comes down to it, you’ve got to stick with the people who want to take care of you. And [TNA president] Dixie Carter took care of me.

“But I’m going to be straight with you,” said Angle. “The WWE would have made more money this year if they would have signed me. That’s no secret.”

Angle spoke about several wrestlers he was interested in working with in WWE and commented on whether he could ever see himself back in WWE.

“The best match of the year would have been between myself and Daniel Bryan,” said Angle. “Rusev would have made sense, and Brock and I could have went at it again. There were just so many places to go. I don’t know if they just thought I was too old, but obviously they’re not watching our product. Triple H is the same age as me. It was hard, but at the end of the day, I’m really happy.

“Will I ever go back? I really don’t care. I’m happy to be here in TNA.”



Doesn't look like Kurt's ever going back then.

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Doesn't look like Kurt's ever going back then.


They all say how much they love TNA though, don't they? Hogan was full of bluster about how they were going to take on and beat Vince and how TNA was the future. He went back, just like Flair did, same as they all do. Angle's talking the way a man has to when his current employer looks after him when his first choice turns him down. I've got four pounds that says within a year of Kurt announcing his retirement as an in-ring competitor (once his opinion that he shouldn't carry on wrestling is the same as how WWE obviously feel), he's getting the Hall Of Fame and DVD treatment, possibly a GM role on Raw or something.

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Kurt isn't going back to WWE because the last thing Vince wants is the bad press of an Olympic gold medalist dying in his ring. TNA could use that kind of publicity :)

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Doesn't look like Kurt's ever going back then.


They all say how much they love TNA though, don't they?


Its more to do with that he was out of contract, had no leverage and they didnt even want to meet him. They've had plenty of chances over the last decade to bring him back. Last year was the perfect opportunity if they ever do. And they didnt. I cant see them bringing him back now. He's the new Randy Savage.

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It's almost ten years now, isn't it? He's spent more of his wrestling career in TNA than WWE now (as of 2013, I think).


A bit sad, really. Was never his biggest fan, but he was always entertaining, and I'm pretty sure he'd have given the current roster a fresh jolt.

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Paul not signing Kurt is best for business.


I think he may have had more of a chance if Sting hadnt taken up 2015s "Old Timer Returns" slot.


Havnt watched TNA for ages, last saw Kurt when he was in a fued with Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble Trouble and he looked f*cked then.

Edited by Fanny Pack
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As an on-screen wrestler, yeah. When Kurt left WWE in the summer of 2006, he had not quite made it to 7 years. So after he appeared on TNA in October of 2006, he passes 7 years in 2013. So bizarre at it sounds, he's been a TNA wrestler longer than a WWE wrestler. Not that, when we look back eventually on Kurt's career, that will matter very much. Because TNA has so very seldom mattered very much.


I think he may have had more of a chance if Sting hadnt taken up 2015s "Old Timer Returns" slot.


I don't think so. Like Linus says, Kurt's an accident waiting to happen that WWE don't want to happen on their watch. Sting - or anyone else - wrestling for them makes no difference to their desire NOT to have Kurt wrestling in their rings. They'd take him on a legends deal, but not to take bumps/risks.

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I feel so sorry for Kurt, I wish he could have one Wrestlemania match and call it quits. He's a walking time bomb. I remember back in 2006 when everybody was shit scared of him wrestling again and that was pre-Benoit. You can't blame Vince for not wanting Kurt on his watch and even giving him just one Wrestlemania match would be tempting fate.


I've said it before but there's going to be a period in the near future where the modern wrestling style catches up with everybody. Necks, backs, brain injuries. They're going to be in wheelchairs or worse. How the fuck Mick Foley can still walk on two feet is beyond me.

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He has nobody to blame but himself. He's constantly proven over the last 5 years or so that he's a mess. If WWE even considered it, Angle would give them plenty of reason to stay well clear.


A shame because Angle was one of my favourite wrestlers back in the day (and one of two reasons I bothered with TNA) and now I can't be arsed changing the channel to see what he's up to.

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