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Richie Freebird

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Sounded like Luke Gallows buried Lionheart of the Talkin' Shop podcast yesterday. He sang a song about indy wrestlers coming across as marks on the internet who dont know how to work because they tuck their head on moves. AJ Styles was the guest and said "this is going to make me come across as uncompashionate" in reponse to the song.

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It's being reported all over that Batista's been cast in the next Bond film: http://www.latino-review.com/news/exclusive-bags-bond-henchman-hinx-role-in-bond-24


Confirmed that "Big Dave" is now known as "Mr Hinx"


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"Gigolo" Jimmy Del Ray was part of what made wrestling fun to watch in the early 1990s - a mainstay of Smoky Mountain, a fun little run in New York, and (as Jimmy Backlund) a regular in W*ING. Proper piece of history dying right there.

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Doesn't Cesaro lose to everyone now?


I like how WWE have chosen to forget that he ever won that Wrestlemania Battle Royal thing. 



Remember how over he was after winning the Battle royal though! Then Vince goes on Austin's podcast and says he doesn't understand why he's not getting over?! I understand he doesn't have the mic skills yet but isn't that why they stuck Heyman with him? 

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Remember how over he was after winning the Battle royal though! Then Vince goes on Austin's podcast and says he doesn't understand why he's not getting over?! I understand he doesn't have the mic skills yet but isn't that why they stuck Heyman with him?

That might be the worst use of "yet" ever! He's never going to be any better on a mic. He just doesn't have the charisma or any personality.


They put Heyman with him but they didn't have any intention of spending every week writing something to cover up his limitations. That's just not what they do. They weren't putting Heyman there to help Cesaro, it was to give Heyman a reason to be out there every week talking about Lesnar breaking the streak.


Cesaro is going to have to stand on his own two feet. There's no way they are feeding him big guys to swing around or push him inany other way. He's just another R-Truth. He'll lose more times than he wins.

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Just seen the WWE results from the show in Charlotte yesterday. R-Truth beat Cesaro. Fucking hell. I know it's common practice to have a hometown wrestler go over in their town but against Cesaro? What a waste.

On a separate note to the valid points made by the other posters in response to this, this was a house show, right? So who the hell cares?? It doesn't matter one iota. And in a match that doesn't matter, you put the hometown babyface over.

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