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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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For the guys it may be now to so with her looks but from my point of view, she is knowledgeable, likeable, comes across well, is confident, has charisma and a great onscreen presence and doesn't try to steal the spotlight from the person being interviewed or say ridiculous things. She acts like she really wants to be there unlike most of the announce team on RAW.

Edited by deathrey
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The thing I find with Renee is, its not really about how good she is but more about how terrible the people in her position usually are. Shes not wooden and monotone like so many others, I dont really think shes more than average as a presenter/broadcaster but she is like a breath of fresh air compared to the norm.

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I don't get the Rennee Young love. What is it that people like so much about her?

She's an infectious, competent, skilled presenter that WWE have sorely lacked since...well the bloke she's been learning from over the past couple of years on WWE Vintage.


She's pretty and apparently a big wrestling fan, but for me it's the fact she's a damn good presenter rather than the awful tripe they've had before like Todd 'what's popping' Grisham and Jack 'got your back' Korpela. I couldn't stand Coach either.

Edited by PunkStep
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Would say they don't trust him infront of a live crowd after he ruined an event by talking on and over everyone which got JR fired and he broke down recently over Reid on Legends of Wrestling.

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