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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Ratings for ITV's Saturday afternoon schedules are usually shit anyway. That's why it's usually made up of repeats of Tipping Point and Doc Martin.

ITV have just purchased the rights to show the horse racing haven't they? Doesn't that usually take up pretty much the entire Saturday afternoon?


Most of the racing will be on ITV4 , maybe followed by wrestling ?

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I called earlier today and got a couple of tickets. The guy who answered assumes you’re an idiot by basically telling you what pro wrestling is, and then running down what to the expect from the show. “So they’ll be tag team matches, a ladder match, it’s going to be a great evening!”

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Based on the last 2 messages are we sure TNA aren't the ones running this?

Richard C Carter? Friends call "him" Dick.

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I got called back, all I got asked was how many tickets I wanted and my post code. Got Email through and it has dress code requirements , won't get in wearing a black or white top, and not allowed logos. Someome who said he was a cameraman from pcw said they are working at it on Facebook

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How did people get in contact with WOS about tickets? They don't accept PMs and their Twitter seems to be about as well looked after and dealt with as 1970s pubes.

Email wswaudience@itv.com


They rang me back today also but I missed it and they didn't pick up when I rang back. My mate got tickets though.


They have absolutely no chance asking wrestling fans to turn up to wrestling without black t-shirts and logos.

Edited by Benno
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