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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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BIG DAVE on Football Focus this weekend doing predictions against noted vinegar bollock, Mark Lawrenson.


Highlight is undoubtedly the following on Bournemouth vs. West Brom



This is a hard one for me because I am not familiar with either of these teams. I have actually never heard of them. 1-1



Full predictions here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37188993

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For those that's into their football hooligan movies you should check out the spoof The Hooligan Factory. There's loads of references to The Firm and ID etc. It had its fair share of shit reviews but it's actually quite a hoot.

Watched it in your recomendation and wasn't that bad. Cheers

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Certain corners of the Internet are saying that Cesaro has 30-45 days left on his contract and he hasn't re-signed as of yet. It fees like its almost becoming the norm for talent to walk away and explore their options outside at the moment so I don't think it'd be a surprise if he left.


Cesaro would be in a great position if he left to be fair. All of the major promotions outside of the U.S. would surely be lining up as his limitations (in WWE's eyes) wouldn't really be relevant to them. Plus he would be a returning hero the likes of ROH and PWG. Interesting times in WWE.

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Certain corners of the Internet are saying that Cesaro has 30-45 days left on his contract and he hasn't re-signed

Finally something good from him.


Imagine the scene, you're watching Raw, the most boring, uniteresting and generally pointless best of 7 series is tied at 3-3. Sheamus is in the ring looking all angry when....


The twat siren goes off and out strolls the Swiss snorefest in his stripper suit. Off come the tear away trousers to reveal 'classic' baby blue tights. Bet in play baby!

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Twat siren, that term gets me every time. For such a talented guy in the ring he's so dull.


I remember the table for three with him, Owens & Ambrose, he was trying to tell this really funny story and struggled to tell it because he was laughing so much. When he finally finished the story it wasn't even that funny and the other two were like 'yeah, alright mate. Anyway...'

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I think in a decade or more on this forum, 'twat siren' is my most meaningful contribution.


I haven't had a Cesaro rant in a while, it's not worth the stress, but he's easily the worst act in the history of professional wrestling.


He looks like someone hid an egg behind two impossibly large nipples. Fucking arsehole.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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