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Richie Freebird

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Adam Rose has been arrested.



Raymond "Adam Rose" Leppan was arrested this morning by The Hillsborough, Florida Sheffiffs office at 1:30. He was charged with Tampering With a Witness and Battery Domestic Violence.


Even though the arrested isnt going to help matters, I imagine he was about to get the sack anyway.


You know if TNA wanted to, they could have a roster full of old developmental wrestlers. They're halfway there already.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Wow you don't see mugshots like that from todays locker room do you? If he wasn't pissed as a fart it's the look of someone utterly defeated who knew they just blew it big. Harrowing.

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He has obviously been under a lot of pressure, family wise and career wise based on what we saw from the documentary. It's sad and sickening that it has manifested in to this.


It was Justin Gabriel who saw his Dad get shot dead. Not sure if Rose had something similar.

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Was it Rose who witnessed hid Dad being murdered in front of him as a kid? Vaguely remember hearing that in a podcast or a shoot.


Wrong South African, it was Justin Gabriel. 


Obviously I can't read, as Sexy Dad already mentioned it. Rose's sister died recently though I believe, can't imagine he's in a good place at the moment. 

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From NoDQ


As noted earlier, Adam Rose was arrested early Wednesday morning. According to the police report, Rose and his wife were arguing about their marriage when Rose allegedly grabbed her by the face and pulled her closer to his face while he screamed at her. Rose’s wife then called 911 but Rose took the phone to stop her from filing a report. Rose later admitted to police that he took the phone, which resulted in the tampering with a witness charge. The tampering is considered a felony in the state of Florida while the domestic battery is considered a misdemeanor.


WWE have now suspended Adam Rose indefinitely.

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I'm not sure what is going on with Rose but it feels as though he is throwing his life away, I know everyone makes mistakes in life but first the 60 suspension, now this and from the documentary thing I saw I know his daughter has a tough medical condition. Hopefully he sorts himself out and gets some help, of course it doesn't make right what he did but doubt the WWE will offer any support, probably cut him loose from his contract.

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