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Richie Freebird

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I dunno like, a lot of authority shenanigans leading up to WrestleMania, deck stacked against Reigns, somehow gets Austin as ref to even it out.


End of the match Reigns wins, Austin holds his hand up as an endorsement as such. Could work and gets Austin on the card, can have some post match fun with Austin stunnering HHH and Reigns spearing HHH if its.not the last match.


Alternatively you have Austin hold Reigns arm up and then boom reigns spears him and theres your closing Mania image.

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They tried something almost identical with The Rock at the Rumble and it didn't work. It's the same reason I don't fancy Reigns vs Brock because any instance where a Reigns is the second most popular man in the match is the wrong option I reckon.

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They tried something almost identical with The Rock at the Rumble and it didn't work. It's the same reason I don't fancy Reigns vs Brock because any instance where a Reigns is the second most popular man in the match is the wrong option I reckon.


WrestleMania's a smelly crowd. The only way Roman Reigns won't be the second most popular man in his match is if there are three or more men in the match.

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Yep. Cena or Triple H are really the only two options if you want poor Reigns to look like the new big babyface.


Rock v Brock is massive. Anybody saying otherwise is a clown. It's the biggest match they can realistically do, seeing as Steve Austin has no interest in wrestling.

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I think we can rule a Sting match out. He's just recently had neck surgery so that would come with a recuperation period. Plus he seems to like to put in some graft training for big matches, so don't think they'd be enough time for him to heal and train.

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Rock's not wrestling. He's not jeopardizing his film career again. He's learned from last time. Saying hi to the lads and being part of the show is great fun but he's not pissing about risking his real job any more.

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They'll never let Sting wrestle again. A 57 year old with spinal stenosis would never pass a physical to wrestle a match.

Oh well, going out on a bit of a damp squib if that's the case and that Rollins match was his last. But I guess if he had his last match in TNA that would have been even worse, at least he got the WWE exposure, finally.

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