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The lets all point and laugh at Fin Martin thread

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So you buy the mag, read it, and then log on and bitch on line about it being shitty! Remind me who the mark is!


Your like an ECW fan in 1996. Complaining about wrestlers selling out, then buying a WWE ticket (thus lining the WWE's pockets) to tell that wrestler that they sold out!


If you don't like ot don't fucking buy it!!


Tell me.....have you ever kissed a girl son?


1. I didn't fucking buy it, I skimmed through it in WHSmiths while waiting for my train home and then put it back on the shelf. I haven't bought an issue of Powerslam since I was 17. I usually like the interviews in it, but the rest is shite.


2. I'm married "son" so yes I've kissed a girl. Not that that has anything to do with anything. You're on an internet wrestling forum just like the rest of us so you're hardly the fucking Fonze.


3. Fuck off and die you sad cunt.


Mr Tibbs just got Gillespied.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Fin does a full article on John Cena this month. The conclusion is that Cena can't wrestle and hates the business, because if he loved it, he'd turn heel.

So you buy Powerslam then?


Have you not read the thread, Dirty 03ddie?


It's 40 pages long and hasn't been used for a month until today. Sorry if I don't remember every post.


I assume you've answered this before (but I'm not going back to find it). Fair enough!

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PowerSlam is a newsletter with glorified circulation. It baffles me how a magazine with that format can be regarded as a viable seller by Tesco, but FSM isn't.


Probably because of the glorified circulation figures I'd imagine....


I do like the articles in FSM, but don't care for the constant agrandisation of certain elements of the Britwres scene that probably can only be explained by the fact that they have brought the space....

Edited by jm29195
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I do like the articles in FSM, but don't care for the constant agrandisation of certain elements of the Britwres scene that probably can only be explained by the fact that they have brought the space....


Didn't we have a similar argument a while ago where the FSM editor stated that the feds covered weren't buy-ins, despite what people think? Anyway, nothing wrong with covering publishing through, it's not like they're making the front page headlines, is it?

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