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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Isn't there rumours that they delayed it so they can film a Justice League movie back to back with it?

Still seems like a rushed idea. That and the fact that the last batman and superman movies were two of the biggest disappointments of the last 5 years means I'm not getting my hopes up about any of this.

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1960s Batman TV Series finally gets official release


Such awesome news, this has been a long time coming, it's been held up for so long due to having a complicated and tangles issue as to the rights being split but it's finally coming, released officially for the first time. All 120 episodes out later this year, I can't wait.


Can't wait to get my hands on this either.

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Isn't there rumours that they delayed it so they can film a Justice League movie back to back with it?

Still seems like a rushed idea. That and the fact that the last batman and superman movies were two of the biggest disappointments of the last 5 years means I'm not getting my hopes up about any of this.


You're absolutely spot on there. It's like a gold rush for them to get to JL as quick as possible. Everyone wants that Marvel/Disney money.


This means it comes out against Xmen Apocalypse aka First Class 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Franchise reboots I've actually enjoyed and Spiderman 2 looks pretty good. I wonder if they will eat each others B.O results.


This whole everyone is making movie universe thing, is surely going to have an effect, as we will be getting far more superhero movies each year now, by the time JL comes out people might not be so willing to go see it on the big screen.

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  • Paid Members
Isn't there rumours that they delayed it so they can film a Justice League movie back to back with it?

Still seems like a rushed idea. That and the fact that the last batman and superman movies were two of the biggest disappointments of the last 5 years means I'm not getting my hopes up about any of this.


You're absolutely spot on there. It's like a gold rush for them to get to JL as quick as possible. Everyone wants that Marvel/Disney money.


This means it comes out against Xmen Apocalypse aka First Class 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Franchise reboots I've actually enjoyed and Spiderman 2 looks pretty good. I wonder if they will eat each others B.O results.


This whole everyone is making movie universe thing, is surely going to have an effect, as we will be getting far more superhero movies each year now, by the time JL comes out people might not be so willing to go see it on the big screen.


Im still unsure about a JLA movie using people that have not had stand alone films. I dont see how you can stick say Aqua man in a movie without explaining who he is.

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Aren't people getting bored of super hero movies yet? Surely there's only so many the public can take and there's more of them now than ever. I'm excited for Guardians Of The Galaxy because it actually looks like something fresh and new.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Aren't people getting bored of super hero movies yet?

Given the amount of money they are still making and the praise that most get from critics and the general public, I think the answer to your question is no.


It's probably more a not yet than a no.

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Isn't there rumours that they delayed it so they can film a Justice League movie back to back with it?

Still seems like a rushed idea. That and the fact that the last batman and superman movies were two of the biggest disappointments of the last 5 years means I'm not getting my hopes up about any of this.


You're absolutely spot on there. It's like a gold rush for them to get to JL as quick as possible. Everyone wants that Marvel/Disney money.


This means it comes out against Xmen Apocalypse aka First Class 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Franchise reboots I've actually enjoyed and Spiderman 2 looks pretty good. I wonder if they will eat each others B.O results.


This whole everyone is making movie universe thing, is surely going to have an effect, as we will be getting far more superhero movies each year now, by the time JL comes out people might not be so willing to go see it on the big screen.


Im still unsure about a JLA movie using people that have not had stand alone films. I dont see how you can stick say Aqua man in a movie without explaining who he is.


I think you can do a team movie without explicitly explaining everyone's origins in the same film. I reckon if DC wanted to rush the Justice League film, they could do a reverse of Marvel's model. Use the Justice League film as a way to introduce several characters (with Batman and Superman as the main pull) and then from their develop Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Women, Cyborg and Aquaman franchises. Would it work? All in the execution I suppose.


Has anyone read the first 5 issues of the Justice League "new 52" launch? That would make a great basis for a movie. It's starts off with Batman investigating mysterious creatures planting bombs around Gothem, and eventually he runs into Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Women, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg along the way, and they ultimately come together to defend the earth from Darkseid.


IMO, it was very well written for a five part story arc and did an excellent job of creating the key relationships within the Justice League which they can build on for future films. Add in a few flashbacks throughout the film to flesh out the characters and I reckon that could work.


However after being disappointed with Green Lantern and Superman... I don't have faith that they can make it work.

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I really don't blame DC for trying to rush their movies out, the bubble isn't going to burst fully but marvel are oversaturating the market a bit and DC really deserve a piece of that pie before it goes cold. I prefer DC comics and characters to marvel ones but marvel have been so much better at making and marketing their movies it's insane, people are more excited for an Ant man film than a film with Batman Superman and Wonder Woman in it, it's crazy. All this marvel phase 1,2 and 3 shit has worked perfectly for them but it's too late for DC to do the same thing, a standalone Aquaman film in 2016 isn't a guaranteed hit. Batman is the ace up their sleeve, everyone loves him, I loved Man of Steel but not everyone did, however it was popular enough (just) to build the franchise around, sticking Batman in the next one was the best idea I think, Wonder Woman too was a step too far though probably, it feels like it needs a bit of a chance to breathe. Also Marvel kill it with their casting and DC sadly get slated for every casting choice they make, I think Ben Affleck will be a great Batman but it's not been a popular decision. I hope delaying the Batman/Superman/man of steel 2/Justice League film really gives them a chance to have some more time to polish it and have something great ready for 2016. With the competition from Marvel studios and people making Xmen and spider-man films the last thing DC needed was to rush something out with a half finished script & a bunch of half arsed ideas.

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I really don't blame DC for trying to rush their movies out, the bubble isn't going to burst fully but marvel are oversaturating the market a bit and DC really deserve a piece of that pie before it goes cold. I prefer DC comics and characters to marvel ones but marvel have been so much better at making and marketing their movies it's insane, people are more excited for an Ant man film than a film with Batman Superman and Wonder Woman in it, it's crazy. All this marvel phase 1,2 and 3 shit has worked perfectly for them but it's too late for DC to do the same thing, a standalone Aquaman film in 2016 isn't a guaranteed hit. Batman is the ace up their sleeve, everyone loves him, I loved Man of Steel but not everyone did, however it was popular enough (just) to build the franchise around, sticking Batman in the next one was the best idea I think, Wonder Woman too was a step too far though probably, it feels like it needs a bit of a chance to breathe. Also Marvel kill it with their casting and DC sadly get slated for every casting choice they make, I think Ben Affleck will be a great Batman but it's not been a popular decision. I hope delaying the Batman/Superman/man of steel 2/Justice League film really gives them a chance to have some more time to polish it and have something great ready for 2016. With the competition from Marvel studios and people making Xmen and spider-man films the last thing DC needed was to rush something out with a half finished script & a bunch of half arsed ideas.


I've mentioned this before, about Marvel being light years ahead of DC in terms of multimedia.


It's down to three things, I think. Fan service, for a start. I know that's a dirty phrase in some circles, as there's sometimes a sense of pandering to fanboys, but Marvel have managed that without alienating casual cinema-goers. Kevin Feige either is or has done a great job marketing himself as a fanboy, and his hand at the tiller has given the Marvel movies a focus that DC don't seem to have. Rather than reinventing a character or creating a whole new mythology, they've cherry-picked from existing stories with minor tweaks for the big screen.


Secondly, there's the excellent casting and choice of directors, always just below the high-cost A-list but big enough to look big on a marquee. Iron Man arguably was the movie that truly marked RDJ's career renaissance, and even that traded on his existing public persona. And the employment of nerd-god Joss Whedon is a real boon, and another sign of fan service - the nerds wanted Whedon, and they got him. The selection of off-kilter talent also means that Marvel side-step the dissection that DC's higher-profile selections receive, thus minimising negative press from the off and keeping the focus on the franchises themselves. The perception becomes that Marvel has stars come to it, while DC has to seek them out.


And thirdly, it's the speed of production. Marvel now are a finely tuned machine, and even when a film is in early production, they still manage to put something worthwhile together at the Cons. Compare the announcement of Age of Ultron with Batman vs Superman/ JLA. A well-produced but simple short promo featuring a character monologue, mysterious transition, and excellent reveal of the villain. That's without a finalised script or single reel being shot. Then DC start well with an excerpt from one the best comic book stories, but then tell everyone that that's not what the film actually is, that nothing is actually confirmed, and then end with a bloated title screen. It was a wet fart in comparison.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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  • 2 weeks later...
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I've mentioned this before, about Marvel being light years ahead of DC in terms of multimedia.


It's true except DC are much better at doing feature length animated movies, I don't know how much money they make but they bring out at least a couple a year and they're usually pretty good and seem aimed at the people who read comics. Justice League: War just came out which is an adaptation of the new 52 Justice League and it's really good.




Tom Hiddleston's audition for the role of Thor has surfaced


Tom Hiddleston auditions as Thor


He would've been terrible, Chris Hemsworth was a great find for that role

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