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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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If this hasn't just been released I have no idea how I haven't seen it til now, here's Christian Bale auditioning for Batman Begins wearing one of the suits from one of the Schumacher films. Don't think it's a particularly great audition if I'm being honest but I thought Bale was the best thing about the Batman films he was in and seeing this footage is fun.


Christian Bale's Batman audition


It's the Val Kilmer suit. There's also auditions for Hathaway as Catwoman and Cillian Murphy as batman floating round.

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If this hasn't just been released I have no idea how I haven't seen it til now, here's Christian Bale auditioning for Batman Begins wearing one of the suits from one of the Schumacher films. Don't think it's a particularly great audition if I'm being honest but I thought Bale was the best thing about the Batman films he was in and seeing this footage is fun.


Christian Bale's Batman audition

The audition is still better than the voice he used in TDK and Rises. In Begins it was a sort of low burr, mildly amusing but not notably so. In the last two films it was like he was gargling marbles.

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I'd say Bale was better than Clooney and Kilmer, but worse than Keaton. But then I think Keaton's first Batman is the best of all the Batman movies.


I still can't quite believe they're recasting the character again though. Should have got Bale to sign a decent contract, DC.

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But then I think Keaton's first Batman is the best of all the Batman movies.


I like that one much more now than when I first watched it but I still think that Batman Returns is better. It's a shame that Burton never got to continue the series.


That's got me thinking what role Johnny Depp would play. He'd be no good as Batman, but would certainly suit a villain.


I'm not sure I can choose between my favourite of the first two Batman films. The first is probably the better film, but I enjoy them both equally.

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So, I understand the SHIELD show debuted earlier this week in the USA to some good reviews, and is on Channel 4 tonight.


Has this been discussed on the forum as yet? Anyone already tracked it down, or is everyone waiting for the UK showing?


Dude at work has just showed me the trailer for it and it looks alright! They certainly seem to have had a decent budget. Yet to see obviously what the writing is like!

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Yeah, it was a pretty good pilot with references to the Marvel superheroes found in The Avengers. Not sure if they could afford to have any of them appear in the show itself though (maybe Hulk if he was just CG and no actor). Nothing too great yet, but there is potential for a fun series.

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I found it to be too much on the comedy side, that when a serious moment happens, It just has no effect on me. It seemed like everyone was trying to be Tony Stark, with witty comebacks or jokes. The budget for first episodes of shows is always decent. I don't think this show is on cable in the states, so I expect you wont see anything above what we have seen already.


Don't really like the cast either, especially them two science geeks. Also SHIELD without Nick Fury just don't seem right.


It's only one episode, so theirs loads of time for it to improve, it's 50/50 for me at the mo.

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