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  • Paid Members
So anyway, a question about the forum. What's happened to Carbomb and Seven? Not seen much of them around lately. Them two missing the last couple of days is like The Rock and Triple H missing the start of the invasion angle.


I think Carbomb has took him clubbing around some of his local hotspots.

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I fucking love how the UKFF has been resembling a high school class in my head recently. May the good times roll lads.


Must also add how fucking brilliant chat was too, quite suprised the amount of people who went "Hey Chilli's here!!" when I popped in. I'm moving on up from the B-Shows. Huzzah!

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I haven't stopped you being funny. If you ever start, I'll happily let it continue.


I imagine he'll start before you, twelve teams.


But I'll add to earlier words, chat last night was easily the most fun I've ever had on this forum. Top, top fun.

Edited by ButchReedMark
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I quite like the idea of a few bear trap like bannable offenses for people to slip into. How about also making people claiming they'll be 'done with WWE/wrestling' if something doesn't go the way they'd like ban worthy too? As well as people actively mentioning that they don't watch wrestling anymore because it's shit these days in OnTopic.



Unless they're heading towards some kind of awesome civil war storyline I think I'm pretty much done with the WWE, I just don't care anymore and watching Raw has become the kind of chore that I have to force myself to get done every week.




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Why would I say that? Just because your Raw and Smackdown reviews are painfully negative and completely idiotic and make no sense and you cant spot subtly if it was in the form of a custard pie, doesnt mean you should leave. Again your assuming things that arent there. A bit like your Raw reviews..

I got in there long before you PMDW. I'm all for critiquing Raw or Smackdown, but jesus wept, Vito's on another level. If you threaten to not watch wrestling everytime something is shit, you'd never watch it.

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