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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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On Kick Ass I think

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Dave getting the girl was a bit of a piss take on how the hero either gets the girl at the end of the movie or in one of the sequels


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Personally I think the changes they made worked because the book (which I honestly dont think is very good at all) is pretty fucking misserable and the movie wouldn't have worked as well as a more literal adaption imo.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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How is it a pisstake? It's just what happens. That's not a pisstake at all. It's just doing the same thing.


My flatmate didn't like the book either and much preferred the film, and some of the things they changed I did think made for a better film.. but all three of us watching and seemingly other people here as well all agree that this thing that happened that we're talking about shouldn't have happened.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Best of The Best on Channel 5 Last Night


Aeons since I last watched it


Still full of class, cheese and


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where else can you get a film called Best of the Best and the 'heroes' lose?


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Plus its got James Earl Jones


Whats not to like?

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finally saw Burn After Reading, why did it take me so long to get around to watching this? absolute quality, i loved it.


I'm gonna watch that now, go to the gym and review...hope it's as good as you say mate.

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Saw Kung Fu Hustle last night. I'd never seen it before but I have to say it's one of the funniest, most entertaining things i've watched in ages. The comedy in it is just brilliant.

You'd probably enjoy Shaolin Soccer as well, it's not as visually stunning as Hustle but for me was funnier.

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Best of The Best on Channel 5 Last Night


Aeons since I last watched it


Still full of class, cheese and


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where else can you get a film called Best of the Best and the 'heroes' lose?


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Plus its got James Earl Jones


Whats not to like?


ahh man coincidence, i just got my Best of The Best 4 disk boxset from my mam's! gonna watch the first film tonight :)

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Saw Cloverfield on 4HD last night, really enjoyed it. Had meant to get round to it for a while, but just kept missing the opportunity. I was actually quite enjoying the fluffy party scenes before the shit kicked off too.

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Watched half of Inglourious Basterds on Friday. It was ace but I couldn't stay awake.

Watched the second half last night. What a fantastic film. Just a souple of hours of complete entertainment, terrific story telling, great dialogue and seriously gruesome shots. The ending made me feel sick and I had trouble sleeping last night.

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saw these yesterday and the night before:


Righteous Kill

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

The Quick & The Dead

Death At A Funeral


4 very different movies (ok, two westerns but they couldn't be more different), all enjoyable in their own way...The Assassination of Jesse James was fantastic,

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Jesse James is great, i recommend you watch it alone though, or with someone you know will respect what's going on because it certainly isn't an 'action' western. Some great performances in it and it's one of them movies that stirs up all kinds of emotions as your watching it.

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me and the misses went to see Death At A Funeral the other day, and we both loved it which is rare as its usually one of us likes and the other doesnt. James Marsden and Danny Glover are both great in it.


I've heard alot of hype about Sons Of Anarchy, but have never seen it. Is it worth catching?

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Yeah.. Sons of Anarchy is great.


It took a couple episodes for me to really get into it and the reason I persevered was because it had been reccomended heavily. So give it a chance - because once I was hooked I was really hooked.


(oh yeah, and I gotta say if you're a South Park fan it kinda makes it harder to get into at first if you've recently seen that episode about the biker fags)

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