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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Best of the Best 2,3 & 4



Christ! cant get stuff like that around here



I want No Retreat No surrender 2,3,4! Now that would be class as well


And Robot Jox and Crash and Burn double header!

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I took the lady to see Prince of Persia tonight. I've gotta admit, I was expecting it to be pretty dreadful, but to my suprise it was actually pretty good. Jake Gyllenhaal put in a decent showing as the lead, and his chemistry with Gemma Arterton carries it really. Alfred Molina is his usual brilliant self, stealing every scene he's in. Its a pretty safe, by the numbers blockbuster, but its definatly entertaining and doesn't drag on and venture into stupid plotlines a la Pirates of the Caribbean 3. It does get a little CGI heavy toward the end which is to be expected I supposed and hey, people like that sort of thing. It's also a rare tick in the win column for a video game adaption aswell, so overall its pretty decent.

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Streetfighter is undeniably entertaining. I'm a huge SF nerd, so the first time I saw it I hated it because everything is so wrong in every way. However, since then I have come to appreciate it. Raul Julia is absolutely magnificent as Bison. So, so good. It's sad that his last film was such a laughing stock but his performance adds at least two stars to the film's rating. His dialogue is fucking brilliant too. If you don't love Bison in that movie then you have problems.


"Every Bison dollar will be worth five English pounds. That is the exchange rate the Bank of England will set once I've kidnapped their Queen!"


Oh, and the "Tuesday" line of course.


As for your other quandry, the answe is Ninja Terminator. Always Ninja Terminator.



I guess you didn't see that.


I love Street Fighter, its slightly camp and crap but it knows it and plays it to the hilt for top enjoyment. Some times I don't want some heavy deep meaning, I want Street Fighter or Commando for good fun.


Also I have had a copy on Ninja Terminator for about 8 years, it was always in out blockbusters for

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I liked Adventureland also.


Cobystag, I need an update. I've seen the trailer for Human Centipede and wiki'd it and whatnot and I can't imagine what it'd be like to watch it without knowing the premise.


Regretably after I'd left work, the guy I'd lent it from filled her in about it not being a movie she'd enjoy, so she never took it home to watch....... Some people are just no fun.

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I went to see Get Him To The Greek last Sunday. It was better than I was expecting, as most of the online talk I've seen has been people saying it would be shit. I didn't like it as much as Forgetting Sarah Marshall. The story and plot leave a lot to be desired but Russell Brand, Jonah Hill and P. Diddy put in fantastic performances. Jonah Hill's Mrs is a bit of a damp squib though.


I saw Four Lions on the previous Friday as well, and that's my favourite film of the year so far.

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Ninja Terminator. Always Ninja Terminator.


We watch a shit film from CEX every Sunday. We've watched lots and lots and lots of them. Sometimes a mid-week screening, sometimes double features. It's a bit of an institution. After all of this, and after watching a varied selection of Godfrey Ho's other output, Ninja Terminator remains head and shoulders above the rest as a the benchmark by which all hilariously shit movies should be judged. It is gut-wrenchingly funny. You don't even have to make smart arse remarks to find the humour in it, it is just a constant barrage of pure comedy. The Garfield phone, the robot, Tiger Chan's wig, Jaguar Wong's cigarette trick, Tiger Chan's USELESS henchman, Jaguar Wong getting into fights with every single person he meets, the fact that it's clearly a couple of films pasted together and linked only using the aforementioned Garfield phone. It's absolutely perfect and one of my favourite films of all time.


We have of course watched Hercules in New York at one of these mini-events as well, and it was almost unwatchably bad. The notorious bear scene is hilarious, Arnold's accent is funny and you could probably play a drinking game for the number of times Arnie takes his shirt off for no reason at all, but aside from that it's quite dull at times. Oh, and Hercules' little offensive Jewish stereotype manager character is fucking hateful. Difficult to watch his scenes, or at least it is for me. I did enjoy the sounds of passing traffic during the Mount Olympus scenes though.


If you're a fellow shit film buff I'd recommend "Daydream Believer" with Martin Kemp. He falls in love with a woman who acts like a horse when she's stressed. There's also a scene where Martin Grooms a horse and the woman watches and does horse mannerisms and simulates an orgasm. The film is not intended to be a comedy.


Last Sunday we watched "Primal Species". Terrorists hijack a truck trying to steal ten tonnes of Uranium. Little do they know that they've actually stolen ten tonnes of DINOSAURS! Yup, that was the premise. It had the guy who played Imhotep from The Mummy in it also. It was very bad. 1997 too, so the dinosaurs didn't need to look quite so bad. It also appeared to be missing about 30 minutes' worth of exposition, because there's a point where they all end up on a boat with all the dinosaurs and you have no Earthly idea how or why this situation has arisen. Bizarre.


Lol we had this same conversation months and months ago. There is nothing better than being fried and watching a really shit film. I've still never seen Daydream Believer but have heard really bad things so im definitely looking for it. That Primal Species sounds cracking as well. I really need to take a trip to CEX soon and stock up on my shit films. I dunno if you have Sky but there's a channel called Zone Horror that may as well just be named The Shit film Zone, the other week there was a film on called Sabretooth that had Sawyer from Lost in it, and honestly the CGI tiger is one of the most laughable uses of techmology i've ever seen, I'm sure the film was made this decade as well which just makes it even more inexcusable. Yeah it'll probably be Ninja Terminator it always is, easily the best

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Travis vs. Brakus is too sad. :(


The dialogue has some gems though:


Tommy: Did you kill Travis Brickley?


Brakus: Easily.

Edited by JLM
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