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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM6aNeKrMx8Go to 19:55.

- Earliest sighting I know of was in the front row (obviously) at No Mercy 2001.

Cant get any good quality of that show on Youtube, but did they have their son at that show too? Looking at that clip about, he looks young in that, so god knows how young he would be in 2001.The womans face does look like its been melted. Check out 56 seconds into THIS to see the difference.Interesting you bring up Mania, as from my memory I cant really remember them at any big shows like Mania and Summerslam. They definately appear more at TV and B-Level shows. Even though wrestling isnt as hot as it used to be, Id assume getting those same front row tickets for so many shows would be impossible without some sort of contact within WWE?
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The kid looked to be around 4 or 5 years old and sat was sort of sat of the guardrail as Austin entered the ring. It was a match on Austin's latest blu-ray set, I think it was No Mercy 2001 or it might have been a tv match from that period against Angle or RVD.


They definitely sat in the middle of the front row opposite hard camera at WM25 or 26. Can't remember which but the dad was dancing to HBK's music.


Speaking of WrestleMania: I short glimpse of the mum at WrestleMania 24 is the only time I have ever seen them sitting in the 2nd/3rd row (couldn't tell which).

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Before I ask a question, I just wanted to add to the people who consistently get good seats. There were always that guy and his (i presume) girlfriend who were in the front row of a few recent Wrestlemanias but I didnt see him this year. The guy is in the pink behind Taker's right hand at 36.17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ6Gz1IgQlY

I always wondered how they got front row seats at Mania for those years.


Anyway last night I was watching the Million Pound Drop and there was a question over guessing over an incorrect fact. One of the alleged facts was that Adolf Hitler was Time Magazine's Man of the Year which was true (in 1938), so I looked at other Time Man of the Year on Wikipedia. It stated that in 1998 Time held its first online poll for Man of the Year and said the vote was won by none other than Mick Foley. But Time didnt allow it and awarded to someone else. Is this true or has someone made it up?

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm obsessed with those people.- Earliest sighting I know of was in the front row (obviously) at No Mercy 2001.

At least Vladimir was there for the WWF's golden period, it seems these fuckers got interested when it all started going downhill.
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Like the luminous shell suit couple always appear at shows in Ohio, with the occasional big ppv elsewhere thrown in.

My mate text me not long ago to say he saw Pink Shellsuit Man in the crowd on Raw... not wearing his pink shellsuit. Conspicuous by her absence, Yellow Shellsuit Woman.
Is that the same one in Pink who burst into tears when Shawn beat Sid in Texas for the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble 1997?Was there any long term plans for The Ultimate Warrior back in 1996? Around the time WWF Magazine ran a fantasy warfare article on a what if HBK wrestled Warrior. Considering they were due to tag at the July PPV that year always curious if it was on the cards.Im currently watching Nitros from 1995 and they talk about Halloween Havoc where Hogan lost the WCW Title by DQ to The Giant when that Yeti came down and Jimmy Hart hit the ref so Hulk would lose the belt. Any ideas why they did this? From memory I recall a month Later Savage bagging the belt at the 60 man battle Royal only to lose it to Flair at Starrcade but looking back at the History Hogan had held the belt since July 1994 and just seems odd why they would do a naff decision just to end a year long run with the belt. Normally when guys hold the belt for over a year its so a big name can take the belt and do great things with the Championship.
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Was there any long term plans for The Ultimate Warrior back in 1996? Around the time WWF Magazine ran a fantasy warfare article on a what if HBK wrestled Warrior. Considering they were due to tag at the July PPV that year always curious if it was on the cards.

I'd love to know this as well. Sid was only brought in to replace Warrior, so perhaps the original plan was Michaels vs Warrior for Survivor Series. But wasn't Michaels vs Vader meant to be a longer series that got cut short when HBK thought Vader was a fat piece of shit in their first match?
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What happened probably were the long term plans. They brought him back to see if he could do business for them and when he didn't initially, they lost interest in him. And if you aren't sucking his dick, Warrior usually packs up. After the six man tag, they probably would have got rid of him anyway. But he started no showing dates and then they sacked him. When he came back they thought they might be able to recapture a bit of magic and get people watching on Raw. I doubt they ever planned to put the belt on him. Look at the PPV matches he had? Triple H, Goldust and Jerry Lawler. All of the matches were horrid as well. There's nothing you could do with him at that stage of the game. People weren't really interested in him anymore.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Even for Warrior having three shit matches with Lawler, Rhodes and HHH is impressive. I always marked for his returns as a kid but they were always so disappointing, kinda added to his mystique though when you didn't have a clue what was going on.

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Are there any plans to do anything in-ring with Brad Maddox? He's pretty decent on the mic, they should have him doing stuff other than background wankery for Vickie. Unless they're just biding their time, but that seems a bit unlikely. I like his finisher.

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He's currently being used as a colour commentator on NXT too where, to be honest, he's pretty fucking annoying.They seem to alternate within tapings (Dawson & Regal one 'week', Phillips & Maddox the next) so it's not like he's being used because Regal or someone else is unavailable, so it could be that they see that as a potential path for him too.

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