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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Were there ever any plans to be put the WWF Championship on Ahmed Johnson? Just watching some old In Your House events and I'd forgotten that he was hugely over, plus he did have some cracking matches as well. They must at least have considered it.

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I loved Ahmed. For some reason I always thought he'd be the one to end Shawn Michaels' boyhood dream in 1996. I thought he'd have enough of being Shawn's backup against Camp Cornette and decide he was going to take Shawn's belt. Kind of like how Sid ended up doing it at Survivor Series.


When he won that battle royal on Raw in the summer he was supposed to get the title shot then but Faarooq came out with his blue gladiator get-up and kicked his guts in.


I doubt there would have been plans to take the title off Shawn at that point but looking back I wonder what the plan was. You'd assume Ahmed winning the battle royal would lead to Shawn vs Ahmed for the belt at some point.


I don't know how far they'd have gone with him though. I read a few times he was pretty reckless in the ring and of course he was very injury prone as well. In 1995/96 though, he was the man. I thought no-one would stop him.

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What's Kane wrestling in since he took off the mask this time? Is he still in the stitch suit?


He isn't, at least not on TV. He's not had a match since he unmasked.


Has there yet been a resolution to the Scott Armstrong firing angle, even a throwaway line I may have missed on commentary or in a promo?


He fast-counted Orton to give Bryan the title, "confessed" and got fired, then turned up at Battleground when the original ref got KO'd, only to get KO'd himself by Big Show, and since then nothing I can recall?


His appearance at Battleground seemed to suggest he'd been in cahoots with The Authority all along to discredit Bryan (and test Orton, I suppose), but I don't think there's been a mention of him since then?

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What's Kane wrestling in since he took off the mask this time? Is he still in the stitch suit?


He isn't, at least not on TV. He's not had a match since he unmasked.


Has there yet been a resolution to the Scott Armstrong firing angle, even a throwaway line I may have missed on commentary or in a promo?


He fast-counted Orton to give Bryan the title, "confessed" and got fired, then turned up at Battleground when the original ref got KO'd, only to get KO'd himself by Big Show, and since then nothing I can recall?


His appearance at Battleground seemed to suggest he'd been in cahoots with The Authority all along to discredit Bryan (and test Orton, I suppose), but I don't think there's been a mention of him since then?


I think I recall a quick scene with HHH and Scott backstage when he returned.

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  • Paid Members
Thanks guys - I didn't know about that match and it was fun to watch. I had assumed his last gig must have been some obscure Raw match just before the Montreal Screwjob.


He used to provide colour on a pretty regular basis when he led the corporation and Shane was hosting Sunday Night Heat.

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