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"Hulk Hogan is a complete satanic sell out"



This is comedy gold.

This had me in stitches. I managed to get to 15 1/2 mins but when he managed to spell wrestling as 'wreastling'... I knew something was up and i realised that he possibly didn't know what he was on about.


How the fuck can nutters like him get through the average day?


In a nut shell:


- The WWE logo represents the illuminati pyramids.

- when Hulk Hogan sees the network 9.99 price, he actually sees it upside down as 666.

- The WWE poisoned Warrior during Raw and murdered him.

- When the clique do their 'sweet' hand sign, they aren't doing it to be cool, it's actually a way of speaking to Satan.

- Due to the letter X falling in some daft number grid he created, it falls on the number 6, therefore anytime that he uploads any image on his site with the letter X in any of its content, it refers to 666 (providing he uploads any 3 images in a row that feature the letter X).


If he is right and this whole time Vince and Co have been doing the Devils deeds, please for fuck sake, send me to the fire pits so i can continue to watch Saturday Nights Main Event re-runs.


Someone please tweet this vid link to Hall or Nash, i'd pay to watch their reaction.

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Gus Sonnenberg and Ed Lewis in training. Lewis speaks on camera, then there's footage of what appears to be an exhibition/workout match. It's very basic stuff, but at a surprisingly fast pace for the era:


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dunno if anyone hear saw Nick Mondo's recent RF shoot, but in it he spoke of making a documentary about why people take part in Deathmatches, and how he felt about influencing people to take part in deathmatches...anyway, he's released this trailer which i guess is the project he was talking about. It looks part documentary/part drama:



that actually looks like it could be worth a look.

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In a nut shell:

- The WWE logo represents the illuminati pyramids.


- when Hulk Hogan sees the network 9.99 price, he actually sees it upside down as 666.


- The WWE poisoned Warrior during Raw and murdered him.


- When the clique do their 'sweet' hand sign, they aren't doing it to be cool, it's actually a way of speaking to Satan.


- Due to the letter X falling in some daft number grid he created, it falls on the number 6, therefore anytime that he uploads any image on his site with the letter X in any of its content, it refers to 666 (providing he uploads any 3 images in a row that feature the letter X).




If he is right and this whole time Vince and Co have been doing the Devils deeds, please for fuck sake, send me to the fire pits so i can continue to watch Saturday Nights Main Event re-runs.




Someone please tweet this vid link to Hall or Nash, i'd pay to watch their reaction.



Yeah, I've actually read/heard quite a few years ago that the WWE was supposedly part of the Illuminati. If it's really all to be believed, allegedly Hollywood, the music industry & the entertainment biz in general is all Illuminati too, plus the plot thickens, as it goes even above that with the people in power in countries & then there's another even higher echelon and I think there maybe even one above them too, who basically control, or try to control everything to their favor. I guess if this is all real, the power structure of the Illuminati is pyramid-esque too with only a handful of people sitting at the top with the 'underlings' under those doing their bidding on their behalf. Here's something else to look out for, if you've noticed any celebs who cover over one of their eyes with their hand or hair, then apparently that's a sign they are part of the Illuminati & there's the Sssh! thing which is also another signal. If all that's to be believed of course.  


I mean if you read too far between the lines you'll no doubt find some references in pro-wrestling too, like the Ascension (with the eye/pyramid symbol in their titantron), nWo (New World Order),the Kliq hand signal is supposedly a devil salute, there's the Undertaker, Kane among other things, plus Jake had 'Damien' & 'Lucifer'.Jesse who's referenced in part of the video I watched, did a conspiracy show about the Illuminati & MK Ultra (which is mind control IIRC) so how can he be part of it and basically expose it too?, doesn't make a lot of sense. It's actually quite an interesting thing to read about if you try & separate the outlandish stuff from some, which if you read it with an open mind, could make a bit of sense. Here's one page about decoding Illuminati symbolism http://illuminatiwatcher.com/decoding-illuminati-symbolism-the-all-seeing-eye/ & it includes photos of celebs doing the "salutes" that I've talked about above. The Jesse Conspiracy Theory show is also worth checking out, think there maybe two Illuminati type related ones, I know one's about MK Ultra and the other's about the New World Order I think. 

Edited by Really Big Shoe
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Nicked from SC, the Benoit tribute Raw. Part 1

and 2


Still utterly surreal watching this knowing what we'd later find out. Remember Vince's promo before the show the next night. He was clearly irate that he'd put out a tribute to a murderer. It's hard to blame him unless he had any inkling but I get the feeling it's up there with his biggest embarrassments/regrets.


Some of the guys must have felt awful too although it is nice to hear their honest opinion of the guy because, like mine, I'm sure theirs changed very quickly when they realised he was a murderer.


Always thought Regal's comments (21:30 in part 2) seemed very guarded. Like he knew.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I think it was known the possibly Vince knew before they went on air, that something was seriously up. Can't remember where I heard that now and I'll be kicking myself for not remembering. Ian, you know loads of stuff, drop some bombs on this please.

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I can't quite remember the timeline but I recall there being rumours before it was confirmed. I'll be one of the people in the mammoth thread in gold who was like "Don't be fucking stupid, everyone says this guy is great. No way has he done this". I still can't quite believe it now, to be honest. Not because of his character, there has been plenty come out since that suggests he was a knob but because it was just so sudden. Like Gary Speed killing himself. No breakdown, no rumours, no suggestion of a problem, no known issues. Just normal guy to double murdered. It's insane. Was then. Is now.

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I just had a glance at the first page of that topic.


You were one of the first to post Rick, and wondered if Raw was still going to be 3 hours that night or not.

Weird how the mind works! 

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I just had a glance at the first page of that topic.


You were one of the first to post Rick, and wondered if Raw was still going to be 3 hours that night or not.

Weird how the mind works!

Fucking hell. Just looked at it. I've never dared re-read that thread. I'm scared I might have been one of the mental ones.


That was when you had to actually set the video or DVD recorder hence the question. I wasn't concerned we'd be robbed of an hour of wrestling!

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I could be wrong, and it's unfortunate that the issues regarding Benoit's death aren't in the Observer archives because I bet they'd be fascinating to read, but I think Regal's comments were definitely a sign of him having his suspicions that Chris had done it. Hadn't he already experience Chris being a nutcase when he'd been invited to their house to watch matches, but then Chris wouldn't open the door, or something?


Between Regal's comments and those, "funny stories," about Benoit being a complete dick to younger talent, it certainly makes for some bizarre veiwing. A tribute to a murderer filled with weird, creepy comments, and by the time it's ended the news starts breaking about what's really happened. Mental.


Still remains one of the craziest things ever. I don't think I'll ever get my head around it.

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