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I've Never Seen Starwars

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I've never watched any of the LOTR, Matrix, Friday 13th, Halloween, Alien, Rocky, Rambo, Lethal Weapon series. Any of the Scorsese 'classics' (Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Casino etc), a lot of the Spielberg classics too (ET, Jaws, Close Encounters), Shawshank Redemption, any non-Batman Christopher Nolan movie.

Not because I have no interest in watching them, but more because they're so ubiquitous these days, and such a well-used part of pop culture that I feel like I've already seen them. I know the storylines, the main set pieces, lines and quotes, even though I haven't seen any of them. Just from them being quoted and spoofed and talked about on countless other movies and TV shows.

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I'm sure this will make me unpopular with proper filmheads, but I cannot be arsed with old movies that I don't have some nostalgia for.

There's a tonne of classics I've never seen, but I just can't be arsed. There's so many films, and TV shows, and albums, and whatever else... I just accept that if I missed it at the time, or I have no childhood nostalgia for it, it's not for me.

Raging Bull? Raging Whatever mate.


**this rule is only for films, I'm more relaxed with music**

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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21 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I've never watched any of the LOTR, Matrix, Friday 13th, Halloween, Alien, Rocky, Rambo, Lethal Weapon series. Any of the Scorsese 'classics' (Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Casino etc), a lot of the Spielberg classics too (ET, Jaws, Close Encounters), Shawshank Redemption, any non-Batman Christopher Nolan movie.

Not because I have no interest in watching them, but more because they're so ubiquitous these days, and such a well-used part of pop culture that I feel like I've already seen them. I know the storylines, the main set pieces, lines and quotes, even though I haven't seen any of them. Just from them being quoted and spoofed and talked about on countless other movies and TV shows.

I'm very like this about E.T. for some reason. I've seen so much of it on clip shows or whatever and know the plot anyway that I actually refuse to see it. People have banged on about to me for years when I list off films I've not seen that I refuse out of complete stubborness. I don't care about it. I'd rather watch Mac & Me again on the basis that it's complete horseshit and I'd get more fun out of a crap knock-off than the source material.

For a few years in my early 20's, me and some friends would meet up and have our annual Orca Killer Whale night, where we just got shitfaced and played drinking related games to the film. We all got a weird kick out of how good and bad we found the film. God, I'm glad I got old, tired and grey as the 30's hit.

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Never seen a single Harry Potter or Tolkien based movie, they’ve just never interested me. Never seen any iteration of The Walking Dead either, even though I love anything related to zombie horror. Never seen any of the Psycho sequels, though I own and plan to watch Psycho 2 during my annual October horror movie watch

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I'm a proper Star Wars kid. Born in '76, and saw episodes IV and V as a double bill when I was 5, right at the height of its success. Couldn't avoid it.

I've never seen Pulp Fiction, because I generally find Tarantino's stuff all fluff and no fabric. I ended up seeing Kill Bill part 2 simply because I was with friends, and my opinion didn't change. 

I don't mind a bit of horror, but there's not many that I made a point of watching.  The Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre were both disappointing. The Hills Have Eyes was alright, but I will admit I'm a total fanboy for Michael Berryman. The Omen was great, probably my favourite horror film ever.

I don't think I've seen any of the Friday the 13th or Hallowe'en series. 

I do like Tizer. 


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16 hours ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

Yes, Tizer taste like disappointment and regret. Regret that you didn't choose any other soft drink in its place.

I was enticed by @JLM using the phrase 'quite like Irn Bru' even if he didn't say it tasted like Irn Bru. I was expecting big things, but in the end it tasted like lemonade mixed with soluble disprol. Never before, never again. 

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Outside of football (and even then, I've only ever been to watch Wolves four times in my life) I'm pretty sure I've never been to a sporting event.

I do like sport, I would just much rather watch it from the comfort of my living room than be uncomfortable and cold (and, if the Molineux is any indication, surrounded by drunk nobheads).

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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harking back to the horror movie discussion, I grew up on horror to some extent, thanks to the combination of a teenage half-brother babysitting us, and Dad working at Ritz Video. My brother's favourite films were Gremlins and Braindead, and I saw both of them a lot younger than I should have been watching either, and was largely desensitized to a lot of all but body horror. Some of my Dad's favourite films include The Wicker Man and The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, which, again, I saw way younger than should probably be allowed. 

The only films I remember traumatising me as a kid were Blue Velvet, which I honestly don't remember actually seeing, but I have such a bone-deep visceral feeling just from the opening sequence of the picket fence, and "Blue Velvet" playing, that I know I must have, and It, less so the film itself, but more that my Dad had the poster on the wall of his office room, and I had to walk past that room whenever I needed to go to the downstairs toilet in the house I grew up in, and I couldn't bear to look at it.

In terms of stuff I've never seen - I didn't really see any of the "big" Disney animated films as a kid, aside from The Lion King. My ex made me watch a lot of them, and outside of some soundtracks, I didn't feel like I'd missed much.

I'm very stubborn about recommendations; I tend to have this very contrarian streak where the more people tell me that something's great, the less likely I am to watch it, especially a TV series. I've never watched a single minute of Breaking Bad, Succession, Fleabag, Dexter, Luther, True Detective, Peaky Blinders, House, Fargo, Line Of Duty, The Handmaid's Tale, The Last Of Us, Always Sunny, How I Met Your Mother, and maybe only an episode or two of any Star Trek series (though I think I've seen all of the original series films), Game of Thrones, Black Mirror, The US Office, Seinfeld, The X-Files, Lost, The Sopranos, or The West Wing.

There's a ton of movies I've not seen. I did a year-in-review post at the end of last year, and realised I had only watched one film released that year.

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