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I've Never Seen Starwars

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2 minutes ago, JLM said:

I saw Robocop 2 far too young and it scarred me

I was definitely too young when I saw RoboCop 2 but the most shocking thing that stuck with me was the kid swearing. Couldn't believe it. I thought they must have dubbed it because there's no way he could say those things even acting.

Was probably about 10 years ago now but I had the pleasure of watching the original star wars trilogy with my wife who is completely oblivious to pop culture - she was so genuinely shocked when Vader revealed he was Luke's father, it was a real treat. I still think it's mad she had no idea!

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1 minute ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Me neither. The noise and the lights, I couldn't do it, although I'm sure an acoustic one might be fine. Can't believe I'm sitting on an autism assessment!

People singing along would bother me. I want to hear the artist sing, not thousands of people around me. I suppose an intimate acoustic gig where there are a maximum of 200 people sat down in silence and applauding politely in between songs would be fine. As soon as Kate Bush or Bruce Springsteen do a gig like that, I might go. 

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13 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Was probably about 10 years ago now but I had the pleasure of watching the original star wars trilogy with my wife who is completely oblivious to pop culture - she was so genuinely shocked when Vader revealed he was Luke's father, it was a real treat. I still think it's mad she had no idea!

On a similar note, I watched Terminator 2 earlier this year with my son and he was completely shocked that Schwarzenegger had turned babyface, it was great.

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We were all horror mad when we were kids and my Nan would always tape the late night horrors on BBC1 so we’d watch them on Sunday afternoons when we were staying over.  Jason Takes Manhattan, Nightmare on Elm Street parts 1-3, Alien, Aliens, Halloween and Nightbreed were my entry to horror at about 8 years old. Then my mum got a bee in her bonnet after I watched Childs Play and she wouldn’t let me see People Under The Stairs, Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and the other Chucky films. Luckily she was a working single parent, we had Sky Movies and teenage babysitters are very irresponsible.

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I've never been a particularly big horror fan. I do enjoy some - my favourites are probably The OmenThe Exorcist, and Hellraiser - the last of which is a bit inexplicable given how averse I am to gorefests, but I think it's because I'm more drawn to religious horrors than carve-ups. I also like folk horrors as well, so it's a bit mystifying that I haven't taken the time to watch The Wicker Man yet.

Essentially, when it comes to horror, it's the psychological element that hits me, rather than the physical. I think I might have enjoyed Midsommar a bit more if it hadn't been for some of the more gratuitous bits of it.

Also, I loved both RoboCop films, but they both had bits that I have trouble watching still - the surgical murder (murgery?) of the second as JLM mentions, and the bloke being chucked into acid then splattered all over the place by the car. One of the main things I remember about 2 is wanting that little bastard kid to get murked.

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1 hour ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

I have, however, never been to a gig

Me neither! I’ve never been to a live wrestling show either, although that might have changed had Clash at the Castle tickets been cheaper.

As for mine, I’m a big gamer, but I’ve never actually played an original Xbox. That’s the only one of the ‘major’ consoles that I’ve not tried, and while I’ve caught up with some of the exclusive games on subsequent Microsoft consoles, I’ve not been anywhere near the original system. 

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I had the opposite experience of T2: Judgment Day. It was all the rage when I was in junior school and my cooler neighbour (I realise "more streetwise than kid me" is an extremely low bar to clear) in the year above had a copy of it so we watched it. Then when I finally caught a showing of its predecessor on TV years later I was shocked to find that Arnie had originally been the bad guy! 

Come to think of, I definitely saw at least one of the Robocop films round his house too when I'd never have got away with watching any of them at home.

EDIT to add: I remember him playing Alien 3 on the SNES a lot as well, so again, when I found out the first Alien film only had the one face-hugger in it I couldn't appreciate how that could be any good until years later. 

On the actual topic of the thread - there's probably something more obvious that I'm forgetting, but the only movie that springs to mind is The Goonies. A guy I was on a course with 6 years ago just assumed since we were about the same age that it must've been part of my childhood but as far as I can tell it completely passed me by somehow. 

Edited by Fog Dude
Never seen a Kevin Bacon film either
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Talk of seeing things too young. I watched Robocop when I was about 10, and I was lent the video by a kid who lived a couple of doors down who was 8. All of this was approved by the parents involved. 

That sort of gore didn't bother me at all (the opposite in fact) but creepy horror stuff really did and I would suffer nightmares for weeks on end based on imagining what I thought happened in horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street etc, usually because my much older brother wound me up about it.

When I eventually did work up the courage to watch one, Hellraiser, when I didn't die of fear related stress, I was so relieved that I binged loads and burnt myself out on them. I couldn't be arsed to watch any for years, until a few years ago when I made a concerted effort to watch more. So I hadn't seen things like Saw, The Exorcist, Friday 13th series until recently. Some are good! 

Friday 13th code 

4, 8, 2, 1, 5, 6, 10, 3, 7, 9 (code might be partially made up because I can't remember them. 4 is the best). 

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I’ve never seen Star Wars, or Game of Thrones, or Harry Potter.  The last superhero movie I watched was the Spiderman with Macho Man in it.  Somehow I have managed to avoid ever watching a James Bond film too.

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29 minutes ago, gmoney said:

Talk of seeing things too young. I watched Robocop when I was about 10, and I was lent the video by a kid who lived a couple of doors down who was 8. All of this was approved by the parents involved. 

That sort of gore didn't bother me at all (the opposite in fact) but creepy horror stuff really did and I would suffer nightmares for weeks on end based on imagining what I thought happened in horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street etc, usually because my much older brother wound me up about it.

When I eventually did work up the courage to watch one, Hellraiser, when I didn't die of fear related stress, I was so relieved that I binged loads and burnt myself out on them. I couldn't be arsed to watch any for years, until a few years ago when I made a concerted effort to watch more. So I hadn't seen things like Saw, The Exorcist, Friday 13th series until recently. Some are good! 

Not to derail things too much more with stuff we watched when too young, but a friend of mine used to go on about Freddy Krueger and Friday the 13th when we were still in Year 1 because his two much older brothers had copies. Luckily the only time I went round his house we just played on his Master System and then watched Neighbours instead.

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Was I your mate...? My mum was weird and didn't allow me to watch anything violent in the RoboCop way at that age but Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser 2 or Nightbreed? Sure, as long as my dad didn't know about it.

I don't think I've ever actually watched an entire Halloween except for 2 or whichever one didn't have anything to do with Micheal Myers.


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