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Your 5 (or as many as you like really) policies


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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

.) Ban vapes. Only nonces vape. Smoke a proper fag like a real human or give up, you watermelon huffing losers.

Single use vapes need to be banned yesterday. So fucking wasteful. I don't have particularly strong views on vaping otherwise.

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40 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Single use vapes need to be banned yesterday. So fucking wasteful. I don't have particularly strong views on vaping otherwise.

New laws on how local authorities dispose of vapes, they have to be broken apart and disposed of separately due to being electrical means it's very costly to the tax payer. So there isn't just an environmental aspect, it's going to cost local authorities millions over the years. So even those who don't care about the environment, the money to pay for the waste disposal has to come from somewhere which could be highway maintenance, housing, social care or one of the many things your council delivers. 


I don't want to come off as a nob but it's really fucking thoughtless to use disposable vapes. 

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1. Nationalise rail and all basic utilities and services 

2. Ban people talking on speakerphone in public

3. Fry-up lessons to be mandatory in schools from the age of six

4. Spurs fans to be allowed one hour of internet a month

5. Free George Jackson

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2 hours ago, Frankie Crisp said:

2. Ban people talking on speakerphone in public

Went on a little holiday to Portugal the week before last, and every single person I saw talking on a mobile phone was doing so properly, rather than having it on speaker & holding it at an angle two inches away from their chin. 

It was wonderful. 

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1) Nationalise public transport, WiFi, water, energy, all basic services. Nationalise your mum while we're at it.

2) Private rental sector abolished.

3) You can only slate a wrestling show if you've actually watched it. Would make On-Topic much more bearable.

4) There would be a 6-month trial of banning all social media. I genuinely believe the country wouldn't be as stupid as it is if shit-for-brains didn't have access to Facebook or Twitter.

5) People who go above 5 in a thread called 'your 5 policies' are barred from a political career.

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17 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

5) People who go above 5 in a thread called 'your 5 policies' are barred from a political career.

I'll refer the honorable gentleman to the thread tags...ORDEEEEEEEEER. 

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1 - Renationalise the rails, gas and electricity. Something is seriously wrong when it costs more to travel by rail than it does by plane.

2 - Abolish the Monarchy and Britain becomes a Republic. The Monarchy is an archaic and unfair system and there’s no way it should have a place in modern society. Unlikely I know.

3 - Fund and manage the NHS and the entire public sector better. The organisations often have too many managers and not enough staff doing the actual work. I know this first hand because I’ve worked in the public sector for over twenty years.

4 - Rejoin the EU customs union. The country voted to leave the EU and I accept that. If we were still in the EU Customs Union, perhaps importing and exporting goods would be a lot easier and cheaper.

5 - Put a price cap on live sports and entertainment ticket prices and ban ticket scalping above face value. So many people are taking the piss with ticket prices these days.

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1) Nationalisation of all energy and rail.

2) Watertight regulation on how a company can operate. I'm looking at the newer "gig economy" brands initially. If you want to play big company with a nice a logo and brand, a head office, advertising, apps, the whole lot, then you're a company who need to have staff on permanent contracts with clearly defined roles, and you need to be accountable for every penny of tax you owe.

3) Fee-free education. It simply should not cost anybody anything to learn.

4) No second jobs for MPs. If you want to be an MP, be one - not a crap presenter on GB News.

5) 50% of GDP spent on research to bring dinosaurs back to life - for as long as it takes. This is actually my top priority, and my aim would be to have a fully functioning Jurassic Park by 2030.

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6 minutes ago, Scratch said:

No second jobs for MPs. If you want to be an MP, be one - not a crap presenter on GB News

Depends on the job for me. Doctors and nurses have to do a certain amount of hours to stay licensed, so I can let that one go especially as they may be an MP for less that 5 years and would return to that profession. 

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Most of the big ones have been covered so I'm just going to go for some mad ones that I'd like to see trialled. 

1. Models for any photoshoot to chosen the same way as jury duty. 

2. MP's to have to wear a formula one style race suit covered in the names of anyone who contributes to them politically. The bigger the contribution the bigger the name has to be. 

3. There can be no more than a £25 thousand gap between the highest paid worker in a company and the lowest. 

4. Kabbadi to be the national sport. 

5. Anyone who has a flag of any sort in the social media avatar photo has to have that flag tattooed on their face so it completely covers it. 

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32 minutes ago, Scratch said:

1) Nationalisation of all energy and rail.

2) Watertight regulation on how a company can operate. I'm looking at the newer "gig economy" brands initially. If you want to play big company with a nice a logo and brand, a head office, advertising, apps, the whole lot, then you're a company who need to have staff on permanent contracts with clearly defined roles, and you need to be accountable for every penny of tax you owe.

3) Fee-free education. It simply should not cost anybody anything to learn.

4) No second jobs for MPs. If you want to be an MP, be one - not a crap presenter on GB News.

5) 50% of GDP spent on research to bring dinosaurs back to life - for as long as it takes. This is actually my top priority, and my aim would be to have a fully functioning Jurassic Park by 2030.

I think the problem with saying MPs can't earn anything else is that the job has no real stability, elections can be called early, you can be deselected etc. It could put a lot of people off being an MP. There needs to be strict maximum hours you can do though and if you need to have a KPI on number of votes and debates you attend to make sure you are still doing your job of MP.

I'd only support number 5 if Jeff Goldblum was in the party. 

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33 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

5. Anyone who has a flag of any sort in the social media avatar photo has to have that flag tattooed on their face so it completely covers it. 

Can this be extended to include bios as well? Vote winner!

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