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Viva le Backlash

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2 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Can we do PPV buys as well, as its a Bank Holiday and all. 

Oh let's go hog wild mate. I've never watched Emmerdale so let's talk about the Woolpack and the Dingles, and how its not as good as the storylines on Corrie.

See you in there!

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So Bayley’s music is absolutely shit, isn’t it? Of all the bad ones this new team have made, that’s definitely the main offender. I swear they’ve remixed it and somehow made it worse and more generic since Wrestlemania.

Blows my mind to think that the old, incredible NXT music is probably the next .mp3 down on the Winamp playlist and yet nobody gives into temptation and just clicks it.

On the plus side, AJ Styles’ musical journey has never been clearer. If this isn’t his theme going forward then what are we even doing.


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5 minutes ago, Supremo said:

So Bayley’s music is absolutely shit, isn’t it? Of all the bad ones this new team have made, that’s definitely the main offender. I swear they’ve remixed it and somehow made it worse and more generic since Wrestlemania.

Blows my mind to think that the old, incredible NXT music is probably the next .mp3 down on the Winamp playlist and yet nobody gives into temptation and just clicks it.

I did think it might grow on me but I hate it. Just doesn't have a kick to it or anything that vibes with the crowd or any excitement. And if they have been messing around with it, that might explain why I found it even worse.

But actually I think it's just one of the problems with her at the moment. I get that they're trying to logically transition her from being a heel for so long but there's just not much to support about her at the moment. I know it's often silly when they do heel to face turns and they're suddenly acting all nicey nice but it does feel like old face Bayley was right there and could've worked in some fashion. Instead they're kinda keeping her how she was as a heel which just feels a bit off to me.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

I’m reminded of that No Mercy 1999 show at Manchester. First show I ever attended live. Had the greatest time ever. Probably the turning point on me becoming obsessed with this nonsense. You can still look back at it and think they scrimped and saved, putting on nowhere near the show they could have.

Because they were double booked and Rock and a bunch of others were on a house show in the States on the same day! Cha ching!!

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If it was one of the biggest PLEs then I'd get the criticism but no matter where this was, whether France or back in the US, I don't think it would've been much more packed than it was in the end anyway. They're not wasting a shit ton of big matches on a Backlash are they?

Plus it's smart business sense knowing that the show will actually sell itself in that market. So why overload it anyway?

In the end they had a hot product, an enjoyable enough show and a great test of a market for potentially something bigger in the future. Who knows?

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The French commentary guys got one of the biggest reactions of the night.   Those guys are loved.    I am pretty sure they came out to Mil Mascaras' entrance music, which was funny.

It will upset a lot of people on here that Samantha Irvin got one of the biggest reactions of the night too.

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So it wasn't a glorified house show, it wasn't a glorified TV show, it was a B- Show, it felt like a filler show, it was a filler show but then so are house shows, but it didn't matter what was on the show because the product is hot, AEW could do filler shows as well and their fans would enjoy them, and it didn't need to be a great show because it was just a test to see if French people like wrestling. The crowd were rabid and loved it so the show didn't need to be any better, but the crowd was also the worst thing ever and ruined the show. 

3 stars. 

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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

whilst everyone else looked thrilled by the crowd, I’m sure AJ started to look pissed off here. The constant singing no matter what they actually did in the ring seemed to be getting to him, and he looked more annoyed than when Danielson exposed him as a stupid flat-earther.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was annoyed. It's hard to get proper heat and tell a story when the fans are just happy to be there and popping excitedly for everything. 

Reminds me of a story Kevin Owens told where Sami Zayn got pissed off in a match they had because Zayn was supposed to be a babyface selling a beating and drawing sympathy ahead of his comeback but the fans were cheering for everything and it fucked up the story they were actually trying to do.

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There are parts of Bayleys entrance music that sound a lot like "Where are you dear General?", which is the song that's played from loudspeakers in Pyongyang every morning to "motivate" the residents. That for me is the most interesting thing about her act at the minute. As with a lot of the women's division we're relying on aspects of their personality to make them distinct, whilst none of those traits are given any room to make an impression. Who is she? What is it that she does, other than being the woman that had the tube men? I'm not suggesting they give them hokey early 90s gimmicks like The Greenkeeper etc, but they can afford to be a bit more over the top. Toni Storms a good example. Slightly absurd, a bit of the nose, but it works. 

The opener and that crowd were a match made in heaven. Very entertaining stuff from all concerned, and the story was progressed nicely. My hopes weren't high for Tonga, but he isn't looking at all out of place so far. Maybe I'm imagining things but I swear the only thing the commentators didn't call him was Tony Tango. Adding another Polynesian to the fray isn't going to help matters either. 

A bad night for the women's division, as I felt the first woman's match was pretty poor too. I'd like to think that somebody somewhere isn't content with congratulating themselves on how far they've come, and instead recognises that there has to be much more consistency with standards. Even for a B event, neither were anywhere near good enough. 

I liked the drama within Judgement Day, and the match was enjoyable enough but for a World Title match on PPV it just felt symptomatic of WWEs inability to elevate individuals to a real level of stardom. There's a lot to like about Priest. He's a commanding talker, looks convincing enough in most respects and is a likeable, charismatic guy but this type of stuff isn't going to do anything for him, or Jey either for that matter. I think he'd have been better served overcoming an established, seasoned main eventer in his first title defence, even if they were slightly washed up and coming down the other side of the mountain. If at least one of the participants was a main eventer heading into the match, the title looks less like a glorified IC belt, and Priest could have done with stepping over a bigger dog too. Jey Uso is a dancing fool without the comedy, or the dancing for that matter. As over as it is now (and it is over) there'll come a time when that moronic one word catchphrase and the bouncing lowrider gesture will run their course. There's a world of difference between being a top level performer with natural talent and being someone with a knack for appropriating one dimensional elements of hip hop culture and incorporating them into a routine. There was a brief moment during this match where there were echoes of that disastrous outing with his brother at Wrestlemania. Roman will be back to rescue both of them from their own shortcomings as singles stars soon hopefully. 

I liked the main event, and what little build up there was. It was an honest, no nonsense affair from start to finish and was a satisfying end to a show that I didn't expect to get anything out of. As straightforward matches go, I think that's as good as anything we're likely to see this year in WWE and both participants are the better for it. After being completely lost in the shuffle at Wrestlemania, it certainly didn't do AJ any harm and for me it was some of his best work recently. 

I  would have preferred the crowd didn't do the full chant after every two count but other than that they were world class. Even when the opening match spilled into the crowd there wasn't any obnoxious attention seeking. Everyone was having a great time and focusing on the action. Thankfully there's a Saudi crowd between this and Clash at the Castle, as anything after that is going to look positively dead by comparison. 

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16 hours ago, air_raid said:

That’s pretty odd. If the S wasn’t silent, l’d still assume the ending was pronounced the same as in pique, boutique or Baroque.

Although if the S is silent it at least explains why I once saw his ring name misprinted as “Jean-Paul Leveque” in an Apter mag. The reporter spellled what they’d heard the ring announcer say.

If you mean "Lev-es-kay" is odd then I agree – it's another clear case of reading a French word as if it were a Spanish one. 

If you meant Trip's actual pronunciation is odd then... well, still not really but people could be forgiven for thinking the S is voiced. A lot of Americans with continental surnames say them in a way that would make their ancestors flinch, but this one's comparatively consistent. The modern French term would be "'l'évêque" but the old spelling was "l'evesque" because it's from Latin and related to our word "episcopal". Over time a lot of Ss got dropped and a circumflex (AKA hat/little roof/upside-down V) was added to the preceding vowel instead. Whenever HHH's family moved over they'd obviously adopted the modern pronunciation but had still kept the Middle French spelling. 

And yes, it does have the same meaning as Eric Bischoff's last name. Except, er, his self-evidently isn't of French origin. 

But anyway, Backlash eh? C'était fantastique !

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