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I don't get the tag match at all.  But if we're swerving, can we let Rollins go on his merry way to do the WHC thing and bring in the Usos to make it a 3 on 2? 

I'm sure there is a way of them sports entertaining us into wanting to see the match, or a turn on the night to make it interesting, but unless Rock / Roman is going after Seth's belt he might as well just go back to what he was doing.    

Unless the Chamber is purely an exhibition match and they do a second take of Rock taking the title match at Mania away from the no.1 contender...Imagine! 

Edited by OzExile
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9 minutes ago, OzExile said:

I don't get the tag match at all.  But if we're swerving, can we let Rollins go on his merry way to do the WHC thing and bring in the Usos to make it a 3 on 2? 

I'm sure there is a way of them sports entertaining us into wanting to see the match, or a turn on the night to make it interesting, but unless Rock / Roman is going after Seth's belt he might as well just go back to what he was doing.    

Unless the Chamber is purely an exhibition match and they do a second take of Rock taking the title match at Mania away from the no.1 contender...Imagine! 

I suspect the tag match, should it happen, will be built on a foundation of 'we're here all year round carrying the company and then in you Swan and try and steal Mania from us'.

As 'shit yourself' change of plans go, it's fine I guess.

I wouldn't rule out Rock/Roman v Uso's at Summerslam.

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6 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

We’ve only got her Rumble appearance so far, but she looked no better, and Bayley was audibly helping her get into position or ready for spots. Considering Trips threw her AEW training under the bus, it doesn’t look like her 5 months at the PE has helped that much. 

If we're going to judge people on Rumble appearances then most people end up looking shit. It's not a great match or layout for making anyone look good. There's a LOT of sloppy stuff and mistimed moments and all of that. If she'd dropped Nia or something then we might have something to worry about but I don't think a Rumble match is a fair thing to judge how good her training has gone. Not sure what you'd expect to see? They're all booked to do their main spots and the rest is just killing time. It wasn't a total Jade showcase.

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3 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I suspect the tag match, should it happen, will be built on a foundation of 'we're here all year round carrying the company and then in you Swan and try and steal Mania from us'.

As 'shit yourself' change of plans go, it's fine I guess.

I wouldn't rule out Rock/Roman v Uso's at Summerslam.

Double post sorry but - yeah, I wonder how much if it is them just trying to keep Seth on side and still present him as mildly important rather than just an afterthought. Especially if his contract is coming up. It's a tough sell but at least they're trying I guess.

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6 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:



I’m probably not the first one to make this joke, but my goodness. Seeing it as a part of a big production like that makes it more obvious than ever. One of those lads is not like the other.


Sethio Vega. How someone as useless as him has ended up in a match as big as this is crazy!

Now the dust has settled and I’ve had time to comprehend all the chaos, you’ve got to give them credit. I didn’t expect a pivot at all. All things considered, they’ve displayed a sense of self awareness and understanding of their audience way beyond what you would normally expect.

The Rock in particular. Given everything that came before it, he appeared to be the most tone deaf idiot, completely in the bubble, finger miles off the pulse, seemingly one of those celebrities who got so big they lost all sense of normality and just became a weird, creepy replicant. You know the type; dead behind the eyes, communicating exclusively in, “inspirational,” Instagram quotes. Fair play though. He’s still got some business sense to read the room and pull the trigger on a heel turn. I didn’t think he had it in him.

I just hope they very quickly move on from all this #WeWantCody stuff though. To dwell on it would just result in that horrible, antagonistic atmosphere we ended up with after CM Punk and Daniel Bryan made it big. Years of fans and company being at odds with each other, every feud and storyline built around that awful, meta storytelling. I also don’t think it’s a good idea to make people believe that sending death threats to someone’s daughter can get them what they want as a paying customer.

A huge tag match headlining a pay per view feels super novel though. When was the last time they did that? Feels like it’s been forever. Fully Loaded 1998?

Roman and The Rock losing on Night 1, showing ANIMOSITY, with The Rock helping Cody win on Night 2, building to the inevitable Roman vs. Rock match at either Summerslam or Mania 41? Sounds good to me!

If you look closely at the promotional material, Roman is listed as, “The WWE Champion.”


Thank fuck for that. With any luck, that’s the end of the stupid, “Universal,” name once and for all. Dumbest name for a World Title in the history of the business. Champion of the Universe, are you mate? Who’d you beat for that? Skeletor? Grow up.

Plus, you know what this means now. Monday after Wrestlemania. It’s time.


Edited by Supremo
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2 minutes ago, Supremo said:

If you look closely at the promotional material, Roman is listed as, “The WWE Champion.”


Thank fuck for that. With any luck, that’s the end of the stupid, “Universal,” name once and for all. Dumbest name for a World Title in the history of the business. Plus, you know what this means now. Monday after Wrestlemania. It’s time.

Hopefully that's the plan going forward but they're still using it at the moment (even with having that promo poster on there too):



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Rubbing shoulders with the real stars is a good thing for Seth and specifically his belt. Once they've freed themselves of the shackles of "Roman Reigns has been champion for two hundred years and they had to forge a new belt so the mortals still had something to compete for" hopefully they can edge back to the equality they nearly had times with the Universal belt where even though the original title was still THE title (if we're honest about it) the other one had some sparkle because it was on Raw, Brock usually wanted it, and the Rumble winner occasionally chose it. Plus assuming Priest doesn't ruin it, you can have Seth or Drew get some mileage out of Cody ducking out of messing with either of them because he went back to chase the part time paper champion instead. Eventually.

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53 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

The Rock and Cena vs The Miz and Truth?

Do we not count The Usos vs. Owens & Zayn from last year's WrestleMania?

If @Supremo means four singles main eventers having a tag match ... lest we forget, Triple H & Michaels vs. Undertaker & Kane in Saudi, which would have been 2018ish?

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Just now, Lorne Malvo said:

Can't believe you're all forgetting John Cena & Batista vs King Booker & Finlay from Armageddon 2006! Surely one of the least inspiring PPV main events they've ever done.

Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch vs Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans says hello

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