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Just now, Duke said:

Alvarez and Meltzer seemed convinced before the rumble, and then pointed to the fact that she wasn't in the rumble as evidence.

True, though Dave also included words to the effect of "nothing's confirmed until she signs." So while we can all agree that it's been in the works for ages and we all expect it to happen if/when she's fully recovered, has anyone actually said she's put pen to paper yet?

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

OK, not Fightful Select. Tomato tomato. The rest of them are all going mental over words like "vision".


Any decent sources that she's signed a deal, or are we relying on the bloke that thinks it was going to be Seth vs Drew vs Zayn at some point?


This bit of aggregation at least links back to the original sources. Its up to you what you class as decent. We'll have an idea soon enough.



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2 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

Its up to you what you class as decent.

If some of the "sources within WWE" are mates of hers, then I'll go with along with it. Because realistically you wouldn't bother listening to any random.

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I really hope this'll mean women's wrestling will become more visible on AEW television. With (presumably) Mone, Willow, Thunder Rosa, Hart, Deeb, Shida, Storm, Athena, Statlander, Starkz, Nyla Rose, Riho, Deonna and Emi, you have the makings of a cracking division. Heck, I hope the Storm/Deonna feud is a vision of things to come, it's been brilliant and a great example of how you can take an 'out there' character and ground them slightly, so that you can have a feud that feels believable. 

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I really miss the 'Road to Dynamite' videos they used to do on Youtube. They did a brilliant job at getting people hyped for the weekly shows. 

Tony Schiavone running down the cards in his Control Center is fine, but give me the 'Road To...' anyday. 

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Considering the return to WWE is meant to have fallen through as they couldn't agree on money. They're absolutely going to have to make it a big deal. TD Garden was rumoured as a place to debut last year before she got injured. We'll never really know if that was going to the case. Even if it was that would have been more Brodie Lee debuting in Rochester where it happened to line up rather than the First Dance. This feels more like Punk's Collision re-debut where they're going to have to lay it on thick.

Last set of shows before March 17th and in Boston. Worse case scenario we get:



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Top tier episode of Dynamite. When it’s good, it’s fucking great. Just as WWE is imploding both on and off screen, AEW have quietly just gotten on with steadily building stuff and consistently delivering, already managing to reap the rewards. 2024 has been a belter thus far.

I was fully locked in from the very second the show opened. What looked like a full, capacity crowd, lights turned all the way up, panning shots across the arena. Yes! Get in! Big time wrestling! That’s got to have been one of their best crowds in a long time. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Keep the momentum going!

Phenomenal opener. It went mostly how I expected, with the time limit draw, but that didn’t stop them from getting me on the hook for countless near falls. Crazy action. These guys have brilliant chemistry. The double turn was absolutely majestic, too. I never saw it coming, and the idea of ever booing my man Hangman has never entered my mind, but they did a fantastic job here. Swerve left this match feeling the top babyface in the company, whereas Cowboy Shit very quickly became Coward Shit. Get fucked, your moustachioed prick! Give us our five more minutes! Spectacular stuff. These two should feud forever.

Loved the CMLL vs BCC Trios match. These Lucha lads have really impressed me. You think you’ve seen everything and there are no new moves to invent, but then that Hechicero fella turns up and practically everything he does is brand new! I couldn’t take my eyes off him! Wild!

I still can’t stand the man and wish he’d fuck off for a prolonged period of time, but that was probably Jericho’s best match in at least a year. Takeshita rules. He needs to ditch this Don Callis bollocks and just be a top singles star. Have they ever done Samoa Joe vs. Takeshita? I fancy a bit of that!

Fantastic main event. Add Big Bill to the list of names Darby Allin can make look incredible. Insane chemistry together, with Bill throwing Darby about like a wet tracksuit. I’d never seen Sting’s kids before; what the fuck? Why aren’t they in the business, as the greatest tag team of all time? Fucking clones of their old man!

Great closing angle. Really great feel good moment with the confetti, only for the Young Bucks to get some proper heat at the end. Can’t beat lads dressed all in white for a bloody beat down. The fucking “EVP Trigger”! Inspired! I cannot wait to watch the Stinger bump the shit out of these little pricks at the pay per view. It’s going to rule.

So yeah. Good shit all round. A perfect episode of pro-wrestling TV that delivers loads, whilst still promising more to come. I mean, come on! It’s finally happening! Let’s gooooo!





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Swerve/Hangman doing a double turn because even though Swerve is a sicko who doesn't really need them (Austin), the crowd are turning his way because they like his style, and Hangman (Bret) who logically is completely in the right getting slowly corrupted by not only he getting his shot, but more to the point he's now obsessed with stopping Swerve from having the gold. Sometimes life isn't fair Hanger. Swerve is a psychopath so it's always been just business. For Hanger its so personal it's now an obsession. It's a genuinely magic bit of storytelling that feels like it should be getting more love in this generally miserable few weeks of wrestling. 

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It’s the ultimate irony. Hangman’s done a better Bret Hart tribute than anything Punk did since coming back at the First Dance. This double turn is full of Bret-style logic, sense and believability. Hangman didn’t suddenly become a baddie. Swerve has completely wrecked his head and pushed him over the edge, exactly like Austin did to Bret. Watching Page descend into madness after the bell was amazing. Swerve Strickland is his kryptonite, both physically and mentally.

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A good episode, although I think it was a mistake to make the announcement that they did. With Punk, what they were doing was a little more obvious - and you had Darby make references like 'best in the world'. I'm not sure enough people will put 2 and 2 together to realise that this show will be the debut for Mercedes Mone. Perhaps they'll get more obvious about it in the coming weeks, but I'm not sure I'd have realised if I wasn't on here. In addition to that, the Punk debut worked because he'd been away for so long. Mercedes is still wrestling, and has even appeared on an AEW show before. I'm not certain taking the approach they're choosing to take will work here. That said, it's great to see them build a show around the debut of a female wrestler. 

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6 hours ago, Supremo said:

So yeah. Good shit all round. A perfect episode of pro-wrestling TV that delivers loads, whilst still promising more to come. I mean, come on! It’s finally happening! Let’s gooooo!





This would at least explain why he wasn't in the Rumble. 

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I really didn't like the CMLL stuff at all - really obviously staged and rehearsed in places and the little chap Dorada still managed to mess up a few moves. He's everything I dislike in wrestling in one undersized package.  Hechicero is hench though and obviously good, but trying to do submissions in the middle of a six-way match made him look a bit dumb.

And then at the end you've got one Mexican wrestler dressed like Lord Quas which rather detracted from the seriousness of it (although @Chest Rockwell would approve!)

Feels like the sort of thing that should be on Rampage.

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