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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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22 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Is there actual talk of Wardlow going to WWE, or just speculation given he's not being used in AEW?

I think a lot of the speculation we’re hearing right now - Hook included - is leaked by agents as a negotiating tactic. And fair play to them for that, do what you can to get the best possible deal for your client.

The latest one, via Sean Ross Sapp, seems slightly more probable though - that being that Bobby Lashley is leaving WWE and is very likely to jump to AEW (link to Wrestlezone) 

I’m not typically in favour of AEW signing more WWE wrestlers, but Lashley is distinctly different from what they currently have, so I’m fine with it. He’d look like an absolute beast against people like Darby Allin and I could see him having some mad matches as a result, with his opponents taking crazy bumps to make him look deadly.


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Lashley's an odd one, in that - while I know he spent time in TNA and Bellator - he feels completely a WWE star, and while early in AEW's run that sort of jumping ship felt like a massive moment, like the stars of WWE would rather work there, there's the risk of becoming a bit TNA, and starting to feel like it's just the old blokes who have done everything that WWE "allow" to go to AEW.

There's an unfair rap on AEW that they over-push old wrestlers - I actually think they use veteran wrestlers better than any major promotion maybe ever - and a 48 year old Bobby Lashley coming in and doing much the same schtick as he did in WWE wouldn't help that image. But as you say, there's nobody on AEW's roster who looks like Lashley. Particularly if he comes in with MVP, both of them with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove, he could be a real asset, but there's still the risk that he feels completely out of place. I'm not really sure where on the card Bobby Lashley fits right now, nor do I have much confidence in AEW as it is right now being able to shuffle things around to make him feel like a big deal right off the bat without looking like they're taking a spot from someone else to give it to the latest ex-WWE oldie. 

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I mean, they could reunite the entire Hurt Business if they wanted, given that they’re all free agents. I’m not entirely sure that’s a great idea as it could feel like a retread, but on the other hand, the stable was underutilised by WWE so perhaps they’d feel like they had a point to prove.

6 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Lashley's an odd one, in that - while I know he spent time in TNA and Bellator - he feels completely a WWE star, and while early in AEW's run that sort of jumping ship felt like a massive moment, like the stars of WWE would rather work there, there's the risk of becoming a bit TNA, and starting to feel like it's just the old blokes who have done everything that WWE "allow" to go to AEW.

It’s definitely a risk, although Lashley’s second run in TNA was great, he really managed to distance himself from his original WWE run and prove there was much more to him. Given how different AEW’s roster and style is to WWE’s, I think there’s scope for Lashley to do the same thing in AEW. All he needs, really, is a run of matches against people who wrestle very differently from the style we see in WWE. Lashley/Darby, Lashley/Takeshita, Lashley/Okada, Lashley/Ospreay; for example - right away you’d have a run of either hard hitting matches, or matches where his opponents bump like crazy and make him look lethal. If they make him look genuinely dangerous and take their time, they may very well have a draw on their hands. 

Just keep him away from Chris Jericho, whatever you do.

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Posted (edited)

I can definitely see the argument for a Lashley run in AEW. My own personal tastes though what I love most about AEW is seeing guys I barely know or heard of coming in and becoming stars. The Daniel Garcia's, Takeshita's, Rush's, Willow Nightgale's and lately Beast Mortos for example. To me, that's what AEW is all about and what it should be built on. Lashley feels like such a WWE guy to me that him coming in makes me a bit uneasy.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Lashley seems so far away from what AEW usually go for, just seeing him in an AEW ring would look quite surreal to me. In terms of where he'd slot in on the card, I reckon he'd be in a similar role to Jake Hager - presented as a credible threat who can somewhat trouble the top guys but spends most of his time in an enforcer role.

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Lashley is fine. Never enjoyed him really in his first WWE run. TNA run was much better. Took a while to get him to a decent spot when returning to WWE but eventually became probably the most interesting I've ever found him. But he's not someone I particularly go out of my way to watch. He's fine, he's there and I can enjoy him but there's always been someone better. He'd be intriguing in AEW but again I just think they've got a lot more to watch and enjoy so I'm not sure I'd be that fussed.

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

In terms of NXT - Wardlow's been wrestling for at least ten years, and he's 36 years old. Is he going to improve much more in a developmental setting? And is he notable enough to give a push there as a "gotcha" signing to AEW? It's not a great look to have someone you groomed as a future star away by the competition, but I think most would see him as a failed experiment rather than AEW missing a can't miss prospect. Every promotion that's been around more than a minute has had their big muscular guy that they thought would be a star but turned out to be a flop, or there hot prospect that turned out to be a flash in the pan. Nothing different here.

Joe Hendry's taking up a large part of NXT time recently, and he's 36 while not actually signed to the company.

Ethan Page is NXT champion. Shawn Spears has main evented some shows. Brian Pillman Jr has his run on TV.

Whatever WWE consider NXT to be these days. There's absolutely a spot for someone like Wardlow. They even found time for Dijak a matter of months before becoming a WWE cast-off.


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Despite being a world champ in WWE in the interim, if Lashley wound up in AEW I'd see it as them getting a TNA guy in a bit needlessly. He's just never been that interesting. And his most recent run on top seemed like one of Vince's last big bookings. A clean cut, presentable big guy who won't rock the boat too much, that you can build some bland off season months around. 

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17 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

Despite being a world champ in WWE in the interim, if Lashley wound up in AEW I'd see it as them getting a TNA guy in a bit needlessly. He's just never been that interesting. And his most recent run on top seemed like one of Vince's last big bookings. A clean cut, presentable big guy who won't rock the boat too much, that you can build some bland off season months around. 

He was great during his second run in TNA, and I don’t think WWE would have resigned the guy had that run not happened. Build him up correctly, and you have someone who can really make an up-and-comer if and when they beat him. 

He works best as a heel, and I think he’d add real value to the AEW roster in a way that many other WWE wrestlers would not simply because he’s able to offer something that they don’t currently have. 

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Trying to work out scenarios that MJF will do in Cardiff before All In that makes Ospreay snap enough to Tiger Driver 91 him at All In and blow the roof off Wembley. 


Is it possible that he "accidentally" or so he claims knocks Will's partner out with the Diamond Ring the show before All In?

He's already going through his close friends like Fletcher and Oku this weekend to get to him, this would be the step above. 

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The Wardlow discussion has been really interesting. My take on it is to realise just how pre-programmed we are to see a big(ger) lad like him and immediately go into the thought process that he should have a good shot at being a main eventer and world champion, even when watching a promotion where such guys are fewer and further between.

I've only seen him a few times but he seems to have a presence to him and always looked quite good in the ring. He might have been worth a main event shove at some point but there are so many in AEW that it's also not surprising they missed the bus with him.

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