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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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It's one of the greatest, simplest heel runs in a while - build the most sympathetic angle possible for Jeff Jarrett, which has everyone wanting him to win... and Hangman to not give a single fuck about that. And now, Danielson to have the 'I'm retiring, having never won the big one in AEW, and finally wanting that massive main event he's never really strived for before'... and Hangman not to give a single fuck.

In a company of factions, we now have an utterly self-obsessed Hangman, and it's amazing. 

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35 minutes ago, Chris B said:

It's one of the greatest, simplest heel runs in a while - build the most sympathetic angle possible for Jeff Jarrett, which has everyone wanting him to win... and Hangman to not give a single fuck about that. And now, Danielson to have the 'I'm retiring, having never won the big one in AEW, and finally wanting that massive main event he's never really strived for before'... and Hangman not to give a single fuck.

In a company of factions, we now have an utterly self-obsessed Hangman, and it's amazing. 

it's amazed me how many industry veterans were talking about, "well, why would you build up Jarrett like that only to have him lose?". To get fucking heat! Sympathy. The stuff that wrestling is built on!

Building up a big babyface run is as good for a heartbreaking loss as for a triumphant win, what matters is the follow-up. Do you think Jerry Jarrett would have had Jeff win after a promo like that? No, he'd have had a fireball thrown in his face and Bill Dundee would have hit Karen with a car.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

it's amazed me how many industry veterans were talking about, "well, why would you build up Jarrett like that only to have him lose?". To get fucking heat! Sympathy. The stuff that wrestling is built on!

Building up a big babyface run is as good for a heartbreaking loss as for a triumphant win, what matters is the follow-up. Do you think Jerry Jarrett would have had Jeff win after a promo like that? No, he'd have had a fireball thrown in his face and Bill Dundee would have hit Karen with a car.

Oh it’s been maddening to read. 

It’s  been frustrating seeing it from fans as well honestly. I know the old heads should know better, but man the people assuming that the “good” kind of disappointment must be BAD BOOKING.  If you’re gutted and pissed off that Jarrett lost… good!! Isn’t that what you dream of pro wrestling doing to you in these jaded post-kayfabe times? I crave being massively invested in the outcome of a match and cheering for the hero like I’m a kid again.

I see it constantly with all the media-illiterate takes on TV and movies as well. It didn’t play out how I wanted it to in the fan fiction in my head, therefore it is BAD WRITING. The level of entitlement that anything other than fan service catered directly to your expectations is poor writing, get a grip people. Let TV shows and movies punch you in the gut and break your heart and make you feel things god damn it. 


Edited by JLM
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13 minutes ago, JLM said:

It didn’t play out how I wanted it to in the fan fiction in my head, therefore it is BAD WRITING. The level of entitlement that anything other than fan service catered directly to your expectations is poor writing, get a grip people. Let TV shows and movies punch you in the gut and break your heart and make you feel things god damn it. 

Good writing is when you get what you need, rather than what you want. Sadly a lot of people don't realise this. The same is very much true of wrestling booking.

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18 minutes ago, JLM said:

I see it constantly with all the media-illiterate takes on TV and movies as well. It didn’t play out how I wanted it to in the fan fiction in my head, therefore it is BAD WRITING. The level of entitlement that anything other than fan service catered directly to your expectations is poor writing, get a grip people. Let TV shows and movies punch you in the gut and break your heart and make you feel things god damn it. 

I think some of it is also an ingrained lack of trust in wrestling booking. 

We had years of poorly-booked sympathetic babyfaces in WWE who were either portrayed as losers who never got their moment or, if they did, it was immediately portrayed as meaningless - and that's a past that modern-day WWE has had to contend with as well, as it appears they've generally improved at that as well.

AEW has generally had more meaning to their stories than the 2000/2010s era, so I've generally got more trust that they have a direction or that they're not scoffing directly at their audience.

Throw that in with what you're describing, which is definitely a wider factor, and I think you've got a particularly untrusting fanbase.



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Maddest thing has been people complaining about the Jeff Jarrett loss on the same episode that Mark Briscoe and Daniel Garcia were featured heavily, getting huge reactions. The same two lads who were supposedly buried by losses in the Continental Classic.

It’s almost as if we aren’t watching pro-wrestling written by Vince McMahon anymore and you can tell just as many interesting, engaging stories with losses as you can with wins.

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Thinking about what the result can be for this match...there's can only be one result. Jarrett is at ringside as the special enforcer. Jarrett costs Danielson the match. Hangman gets the win.

ALL IN MAIN EVENT - "Brittle" Bryan Danielson vs "The Last Outlaw" "Double J" Jeff Jarrett!

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Posted (edited)

It’s a funny old business.

Bryan Danielson is my favourite wrestler ever. He’s going to main event Wembley, which I can attend live, likely winning the World Title as a Sting-style last hurrah of what’s been a phenomenal career, with, “Final Countdown,” blasting as the confetti and fireworks fill the sky.

And yet, it feels like the wrong call. It wasn’t his time. This isn’t the match.

Justice for Hangman!



Big shout out to Double J cutting the sleeves off his ref shirt. That man is the business personified.

What a phenomenal closing angle with Mariah and Toni, though. Unbelievably well done. Brutal as fuck. Genuinely felt like Mariah was holding Toni’s severed head by the end of it. Blade job of the year. Fantastic stuff.

Wembley card looking nothing like I would have imagined.

Danielson vs. Swerve, PAC vs. Ospreay, MJF vs. Garcia(?), Hangman vs. Okada(?). Nothing like I would have have booked. I just hope and pray they don’t think The Acclaimed are worthy of the tag title shot on the big show. They’re rubbish. A complete dead act. Give me Maximum Male Models! Give me Motor City Machine Guns! Anyone but Max Caster!

Blood and Guts is a completely flawed concept that never works in practice, but fair play. They’re building a genuine All Star team for AEW! Mark Briscoe, Swerve, Darby. Get Orange Cassidy and Marko Stunt in there and the Infinity Gauntlet will be complete! My AEW!

Also, weekly reminder that Willow is the best. I assume she and Statlander are going to have the wildest hardcore match of all time at Wembley. Cannot wait.


Edited by Supremo
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Posted (edited)

That end to Dynamite man… I almost said “This is Cinema” it was so good. But then I remembered how twatish that was. Except, it kind of is Cinema because it’s basically All About Eve. But man I didn’t see it coming and it was everything. 

Another great episode sowing the seeds for All In. I felt mixed on Danielson winning. I know it’s the right call. But Swerve deserves to get taken down from. 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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Posted (edited)

Yep, all I wanted before Hangman’s return was Danielson going for the gold at Wembley. From the Jarrett vignette onwards though, the only direction has been Hangman vs Swerve. As much as it would have made me deliriously happy literally a couple of weeks ago, I was instead gobsmacked and slightly deflated by that result. Couple of Danielson promos and I’ll be back ready to bawl my eyes out when he lifts the title at Wembley, but yeah, justice for Hangman indeed. Fascinated to see how the card shapes up, really thought I had it figured out there! 

Edited by JLM
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52 minutes ago, JLM said:

Yep, all I wanted before Hangman’s return was Danielson going for the gold at Wembley. From the Jarrett vignette onwards though, the only direction has been Hangman vs Swerve. As much as it would have made me deliriously happy literally a couple of weeks ago, I was instead gobsmacked and slightly deflated by that result. Couple of Danielson promos and I’ll be back ready to bawl my eyes out when he lifts the title at Wembley, but yeah, justice for Hangman indeed. Fascinated to see how the card shapes up, really thought I had it figured out there! 

I think we have to remember that All Out is mere weeks after All In, so wouldn't be surprised if they are building overlapping stories intentionally. Hangman / Swerve / Bryan being one and Ospreay / Garcia / MJF being another.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, JLM said:

Couple of Danielson promos and I’ll be back ready to bawl my eyes out when he lifts the title at Wembley, but yeah, justice for Hangman indeed. Fascinated to see how the card shapes up, really thought I had it figured out there! 

He didn’t even wait until after getting in the shower!

”Best in the MOTHERFUCKING World.”

He actually is. The best ever. Looks nice finally having a belt over his shoulder. Looks like there’s room for another.


Edited by Supremo
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Good lord that ending angle was an all time heel turn. Brutal, heartbreaking and genuinely shocking. The best aspect of it to me was that the second Mariah has her title shot lined up she immediately drops the act, not wasting a second. No long drawn out teasing just a "ok I've got it, can finally drop this bullshit" and straight for Toni. Her performance was brilliant, it was like seeing a completely different person. She looked like the most evil woman in wrestling history as she ripped at Toni Storm's face with the heel. What a success story Mariah May has been.

As for the rest of the show, I thought it was ok but a bit flat for the most part.

- If this was your first episode of Dynamite that Ospreay/MJF segment would have had you changing the channel within 5 minutes and never coming back. Opening a show with something this shit is never a good idea. I'm glad that this doesn't look like it's going to be a long programme even if doing the match so quickly feels a bit weird. I am so over MJF's heel schtick. Same old, tired stuff.

- Speaking of tired acts. The Acclaimed's rap. Enough already. No positives to The Acclaimed anymore at all.

- Hangman/Danielson was of course really good. This should have opened the show. What a strange world we live in where I am disappointed that Danielson is main eventing Wembley! I'm sure it's going to be excellent though.

- I liked Swerve' promo. Nothing huge but he looks and carries himself like a World Champion and that's very important. I also like that he isn't doing big babyface promos. He is who he is, cheer or boo him if you like.

- I'm guessing they're writing Joe off so he can go film that evil clown(?) TV show he's in. Massive shame! Joe adds so much to the shows. The match with Jericho was a big nothing. Imagine if they had given the rub to someone like Rush or Takeshita and had THEM take out Samoa Joe instead of worthless shite Jericho? That's what they should be doing!

- Four Way was a fun little crowd pleaser. Wrestling shows need matches like these on them. Pac vs Ospreay at Wembley interests me a lot more than Ospreay vs MJF so I'm really hoping they are going that way. 

- The production of this show and the crowd felt off most the night which I feel brought everything down a peg or two and made a lot of it feel quite lifeless.

- Mercedes is starting to shine now she's embraced being a full heel. A perfectly acceptable segment, they've got 7 weeks to build this match up so it's ok for them to not throw everything at it just yet.

- Blood and Guts feels like an afterthought this year. Really they shouldn't make gimmick matches a tradition, they should save them for when the story demands it. The inclusion of The Elite has really taken away the buzz from the Elite story and it feels like there's no excitement for B&G or any need for it at this point. Given the participants it should be excellent though. Hopefully (all my fingers and toes crossed) they've got something big planned for Dynamite 250 to really raise the anticipation for this.

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On 7/9/2024 at 6:45 PM, Supremo said:

Maddest thing has been people complaining about the Jeff Jarrett loss on the same episode that Mark Briscoe and Daniel Garcia were featured heavily, getting huge reactions. The same two lads who were supposedly buried by losses in the Continental Classic.

It’s almost as if we aren’t watching pro-wrestling written by Vince McMahon anymore and you can tell just as many interesting, engaging stories with losses as you can with wins.


5 hours ago, Supremo said:

It’s a funny old business.

Bryan Danielson is my favourite wrestler ever. He’s going to main event Wembley, which I can attend live, likely winning the World Title as a Sting-style last hurrah of what’s been a phenomenal career, with, “Final Countdown,” blasting as the confetti and fireworks fill the sky.

And yet, it feels like the wrong call. It wasn’t his time. This isn’t the match.

Justice for Hangman!




Life comes at you fast! 

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