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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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12 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

TK needs to stop trying to be friends with everyone and fuck Jericho off fir a bit

I imagine it's probably pretty tricky to do so. AEW owes Jericho a lot. He carried the company at the beginning and through the majority of the pandemic and has a prominent backstage role and a lot of sway. Likewise he's probably being paid too much to shunt off to Rampage permanently or anything. Doubt it'd be simple professionally and personally to tell him to fuck off, sadly. 

I'm sure there's a role somewhere where Jericho can do something worthwhile. But it's definitely not this. A full comedy Crash Holly Hardcore title esque run with the FTW title would probably have been the best direction for him. He really excels at that stuff.

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the goofy hardcore matches have been the best part of this run for Jericho, for sure.

Aside from anything else, what's the pay-off? For as long as he's carrying the FTW Title around, you assume the end result is that he loses it back to Hook. But he lost to Hook at the start of this story, so what was the point of any of this? 

Speaking of Hook, that he and Jericho have broken off in their separate ways for the time being, and Jericho has a cold as anything, change the channel level act with his two new lackeys, while Hook is getting the biggest reactions of the night for a fun and bad-ass team with Joe and Shibata really highlights how forced one side of the equation is compared to the other, and makes me dread that the end result for the new babyface act is just to get stuck back in the Jericho vortex rather than getting an actual run as a Trio.

For all of AEW's faults, it seems like one thing they can be relied upon to get over is unlikely mates having a ton of fun teaming together. Joe trying to quiz Hook on why Taz is obsessed with the colour orange before their match, while Shibata goes Paparazzi Productions and follows them around with a camera? Incredible. Nothing I would ever have predicted for at least two thirds of this act.

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I thought most of this weeks show was really good.

Fucking great big brawl with MJF and Rush. Got this feud over big time and a refreshing breath of fresh air to go with something like this as MJFs return programme rather than something that is loads of shooty bullshit promos.

Multiple stories played out over an incredibly fun trios match. This roster is stacked so matches like these are perfect showcases and story telling vehicles. Mark Briscoe cracking up everyone while getting massively over in his promo - god bless that man. "You can't do a thing about it, well maybe you can do one thing - get yo asses beat!"

Bit worried about The Acclaimed getting involved in this Elite story. They are washed right now and have no place in a main storyline.

Swerve was great all show and they did just enough to make that ending staredown stand out from the usual. They generated real tension with it.

Samoa Joe and HOOK doing the Jules/Vincent from Pulp Fiction hallway chats before kicking ass is absolutely inspired stuff. Got some solid gold on their hands with these three for sure.

Mone match was too long. Cut that down and cut out Jericho completely and that's an extra 15 minutes of TV time for your other acts that needed it and you'd have a pretty faultless episode of wrestling TV.

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33 minutes ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

A thought just occurred, could it be setting up an Acclaimed break up with 'Platinum' Max joining The Elite?

That was my concern! Could see him being the 5th man if that is the case but I really don't want to see that. 

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19 minutes ago, BrodyGraham said:

Would it be too much to ask that Jericho is being deliberately, knowingly obnoxious and it's leading up to some kind of loser leaves town deal, where Jericho loses and fucks off to a massive pop?

Jericho is absolutely being deliberately, knowingly obnoxious, but it's a bit like sticking your dick in a pudding. You'll get the attention you want and you might be doing it ironically but it still ruins the pudding because you stuck your dick in it.

Supremo is right about Swerve, but he's clearly forgetting that Danielson Goatface Killah picture from 10 years ago that, admittedly, I can't find and I'm now suspicious I may have dreamt.



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34 minutes ago, Duke said:

Jericho is absolutely being deliberately, knowingly obnoxious, but it's a bit like sticking your dick in a pudding. You'll get the attention you want and you might be doing it ironically but it still ruins the pudding because you stuck your dick in it.


Is that how we got Spotted Dick?

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1 hour ago, The King Of Swing said:

Joe, Hook and Shibata trio is inspired booking. The kind of thing AEW does really well. 

Feuds with the Bang Bang Gang, The Elite, House of Black and Blackpool Combat Club. Six months plus of absolutely great stuff just sitting there. It's exciting!

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Posted (edited)

Excellent episode of Dynamite. All killer, no filler. Having the dream roster and managing to position and feature talent to the best of their abilities are two very separate things. This show hit that sweet spot. All the best characters doing their best work, mixing it up in interesting ways. Like Tony has resynchronised his Excel sheet and all the feuds and characters have clicked into place again. Super positive.

I’d normally hate a Raw-style opening promo being interrupted a few times, leading to an impromptu match, but it felt earned here and flowed really well. Swerve looked the business, Okada is still hilarious calling everyone a bitch, The Elite felt super dangerous listing off everyone they’ve killed, and then Jungle Jack looked great winning and then taking a bath in Dustin’s blood. Top stuff.

They can fuck right off with The Acclaimed representing AEW in Blood and Guts though. That act, in 2024? I’d rather Savio Vega. Genuinely hoping Anthony Bowens ends up being The Elite’s fifth man, turning heel next week, binning off Caster and Gunn for good. Let their contracts run out. Dead act. Dragging Bowens down massively.

I want their feud to continue as much as anyone, and they feel like the perfect pairing to try and do the Exploding Barb Wire Deathmatch again, but what if Swerve brings back Hangman as a member of his team, against The Elite? Goosebumps! Blood brothers!

Mark Briscoe with a promo of the year candidate. Amazing fun. Orange, Briscoe and Willow make the greatest feel good team of all time. They should feature on every single show going forward.

RUSH’s weekly murder finally holding some weight, building him up as the perfect badass heel to feud with Stone Cold MJF. Fantastic brawl. Both looked awesome beating up the security guards. Genuinely impressive how quickly MJF has washed off the stench of The Devil angle. Can’t wait for next week.

Brilliant Trios match with Orange Cassidy and company. Blistering action. Proper mad sprint. Was out of breath just watching it. Have they ever done Cassidy vs. Takeshita or Briscoe vs. Takeshita, in singles matches? Both pairings showed flashes of greatness here.

Bonus shout out to Orange’s new TitanTron. Love small touches like this.


Joe, HOOK and Shibata instantly becoming the Trios Champions Elect. Phenomenal act. The Lads! Just chatting shit and smashing pricks. The way they cut to this also made me laugh. Really funny.


Fun match for the TBS Title. Mercedes is so much more effective actually wrestling. Cannot believe she’s still using that finisher though. Rubbish! Abort!

Hilarious backstage promo with the Bang Bang Gang taking the piss out of the House of Black pissing about with the dimmer switch. Great to have Juice back.

Pac and Shingo in the Owen? Bloody hell. Similar to the Continental Classic, you can see Bryan Danielson’s fingerprints all over this. He’s been given every action figure he wants to play with. It’s going to be awesome!

Crazy fun main event. Still blows me away how Will Ospreay broke America with such ease. Nailing the TV match, becoming a promo guy, even the cheeky glance to the camera here when he posed with both belts. Hunter must lie awake at night. You missed a big one, Trips.

But yes. Again. Then. Now. Forever. Worst part of the show, as is tradition, was Chris Jericho. Never ending shit. As the weeks go by, I’m almost convinced both Chris Jericho and Tony Khan are trying to burn through his dates and run out his contract as quickly as possible. At this point, it’s mutually beneficial for both of them if Chris goes back to WWE.

@LaGoosh nailed it. Instead of leaning into the bad with more bad LOL, all Jericho had to do was lean into the one good thing he still has going for him, which is his brilliant creativity in daft, comedy hardcore matches, where he invariably ends up wearing a traffic cone on his head. He could have had an amazing little run as Crash Holly. Imagining that run now makes this one even worse by comparison!

Fucking hell though. Did everyone see the shit his wife posted the other day? You almost forgive everything and understand why he doesn’t want to go home for an extended period of time! Good Lord! Nutter.


Edited by Supremo
I want a skit of Willow, Orange and Mark Briscoe having a Sunday Roast at Sue’s house.
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Love me a @Supremo AEW review. One omitance there was a quick Daniel Garcia squash. They've got something in the works for him coming up. I can't wait to see him and Ospreay having a go at it. 

Also, fucking hell Nick Comorato!!! I'm assuming he's in ROH or something. Seeing him broke my head a bit. When was the last time he was about before this, and who was the fella in his corner? Honestly used to love Comorato when he had that big mad beard. Taz on dark comms in the pandemic once suggested off-hand on air they should have had him as a caveman/Pampero Firpo type friend of Jurassic Express... The QT Marshall stables walked so the Jericho vortex could spin.

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