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Ruud Gullit’s Sexy Football 2023/2024 Domestic Only Thread


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1 hour ago, Rule One said:

Not only that but he now has teammates called Bonke Innocent and Darlin Yongwa.

Actually crying. Lorients teamsheet could read "Benjamin Mendy, Bonke Innocent". Best news since Villa's forward line was Young, Bent and Keane.

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11 hours ago, METAL ON METAL said:

Incredibly disappointed in Henderson. He was one of the very few players I thought actually had morals and integrity, but an already enormously wealthy man becomes even wealthier at the detriment of the causes and people he’s been championing his whole career.

He stands to make over £100 million during the three year contract he's signed. Even to an enormously wealthy man, that's a not inconsiderable sum of cash, and is still life-changing for him and future generations of his family. 

When pushed there's very few people who are going to turn down £100 million from anywhere. Regardless of how strongly they support a cause.

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12 hours ago, David said:

He stands to make over £100 million during the three year contract he's signed. Even to an enormously wealthy man, that's a not inconsiderable sum of cash, and is still life-changing for him and future generations of his family. 

When pushed there's very few people who are going to turn down £100 million from anywhere. Regardless of how strongly they support a cause.

You’re talking like a man with an estimated £30M+ already in the bank (with a guaranteed £10M+ to come in the last two years of his Liverpool deal) is going from Jobseekers to Brewster’s Millions.

As Danger said, it’s his hill to die on and the reaction he’s getting is self-inflicted. If you drop all your beliefs for that blood money, you’re fair game for any and all criticism of character or lack their of. I have friends in the LGBTQ+ community, to think of the atrocities that they would face for just being theirselves purely dependant on where they happen to be in the world just makes me absolutely sick. I feel that way and I’m just an ally, Henderson was a fucking figurehead and ambassador - until it suited him to fuck them off for blood money. That’s why there’s outrage. I’m sure his first press conference will be the usual “I signed because I want to help make a change to the culture from over here” bullshit.

Maybe my disappointment is from growing up at the same time, playing on the same streets and being in many of the same circles as him and being baffled how someone with a similar upbringing can just drop everything they ‘believe’ in at a moments notice. The guy was championed so much in the area and hailed as such a local hero, that’s why it’s not like any other player going over there.

I live and work in Newcastle these days and since their takeover I’ve seen so many people just abandon all their roots just at the hope of being successful and it’s honestly sickening at times. Some of my own friends have become walking propaganda machines for their Saudi owners, to the point we can’t have fair balanced conversations we once had and it is extremely sad that’s the case - people change and they’re not even the ones getting paid for it. In the balance of fairness I also have friends who hate what their club has become and are uneasy at their owners but aren’t going to stop supporting the club they’ve loved all their life for something they can’t affect (which I totally understand and must be hard to deal with). I promise this isn’t a Newcastle bashing post, it’s just a very big recent example that hits close to home.


Sorry for waffling on and being all over the place, I just really hate the place football is in right now. I do love what my own club is doing right now and after a very turbulent 6+ years, I honestly have never felt closer to my team on and off the pitch in a long long time but I feel like that’s an ever increasingly rarity in modern football. But yeah.

Fuck Saudi. Fuck Sky. Fuck FIFA. Fuck Henderson.

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16 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

There’s a reason Rapey and all the other players are getting a free pass

While I'm not suggesting you be more specific, it's a pretty damning indictment on what scumbags certain footballers are, that you could be referring to several players with that moniker. 

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4 hours ago, METAL ON METAL said:

You’re talking like a man with an estimated £30M+ already in the bank (with a guaranteed £10M+ to come in the last two years of his Liverpool deal) is going from Jobseekers to Brewster’s Millions.

As Danger said, it’s his hill to die on and the reaction he’s getting is self-inflicted. If you drop all your beliefs for that blood money, you’re fair game for any and all criticism of character or lack their of. I have friends in the LGBTQ+ community, to think of the atrocities that they would face for just being theirselves purely dependant on where they happen to be in the world just makes me absolutely sick. I feel that way and I’m just an ally, Henderson was a fucking figurehead and ambassador - until it suited him to fuck them off for blood money. That’s why there’s outrage. I’m sure his first press conference will be the usual “I signed because I want to help make a change to the culture from over here” bullshit.

Maybe my disappointment is from growing up at the same time, playing on the same streets and being in many of the same circles as him and being baffled how someone with a similar upbringing can just drop everything they ‘believe’ in at a moments notice. The guy was championed so much in the area and hailed as such a local hero, that’s why it’s not like any other player going over there.

I live and work in Newcastle these days and since their takeover I’ve seen so many people just abandon all their roots just at the hope of being successful and it’s honestly sickening at times. Some of my own friends have become walking propaganda machines for their Saudi owners, to the point we can’t have fair balanced conversations we once had and it is extremely sad that’s the case - people change and they’re not even the ones getting paid for it. In the balance of fairness I also have friends who hate what their club has become and are uneasy at their owners but aren’t going to stop supporting the club they’ve loved all their life for something they can’t affect (which I totally understand and must be hard to deal with). I promise this isn’t a Newcastle bashing post, it’s just a very big recent example that hits close to home.


Sorry for waffling on and being all over the place, I just really hate the place football is in right now. I do love what my own club is doing right now and after a very turbulent 6+ years, I honestly have never felt closer to my team on and off the pitch in a long long time but I feel like that’s an ever increasingly rarity in modern football. But yeah.

Fuck Saudi. Fuck Sky. Fuck FIFA. Fuck Henderson.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said. I'm just saying that even for someone with a lot of money in the bank, going from where he is to making over £100 million for three years of football isn't chump change. 

He probably never imagined something like this would happen this late into his career. In fact, probably at all. Let's be honest, until the Saudi's got involved even a prime era Jordan Henderson isn't getting £700k a week from anyone. 

He's absolutely fair game for that criticism that's coming his way, but I equally don't think he'll be all that bothered by it. He'll just be thinking that he's landed a deal that will change the fortune of his family for generations to come and will provide untold opportunities for his children and their children and so forth. 

I know we can all judge him from our moral high horses, but I'll readily admit that if someone offered me that kind of dough, I don't know what I'd do. If one of them offered me three times what I've made in my entire career to work for them for three years? I can't honestly say I wouldn't be tempted.

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I get what you’re saying and I do see your point but I don’t think it’s 100% comparable with someone of his standing to the likes of you and I. We don’t have that same platform or established reputation of a role-model to millions of people - which he’d been a model professional towards until now. His words and actions are always going to hold more clout than ours.


Unrelated point I’d failed to mention, purely from an on-pitch perspective, with this move he’s surely totally giving up any future with his England career and the chance of one last opportunity at next years Euro’s. Then again, Southgate picks his favourites regardless of form or playing time/standards so he’s probably a shoe-in.

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Just now, METAL ON METAL said:

I get what you’re saying and I do see your point but I don’t think it’s 100% comparable with someone of his standing to the likes of you and I. We don’t have that same platform or established reputation of a role-model to millions of people - which he’d been a model professional towards until now. His words and actions are always going to hold more clout than ours.

Yeah, that's a fair point. I guess it just really shows where his priorities lie, for better or worse. And he'll have to face the brunt of that when he decides to return home from Saudi. Unless he loves it there that much he ends up just moving to somewhere like Abu Dhabi or Dubai.

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As soon as I saw that video I just knew it was at Dunston (shit hole at the edge of Gateshead only known for having the Metro Centre and a Costco).


Apparently it’s all in protest of Steve Wraith being involved with that club, on those pieces of paper thrown from the car are accusations of noncing.

For those unaware, Wraith is a cunt of the highest order and a wannabe-gangster. Self-proclaimed Krays expert and if some shady money-grabbing event is taking place in Newcastle, he’s definitely involved.

People may remember him best as leading that fucking embarrassing fake funeral ‘protest’ against Mike Ashley. The state of this bellend:



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