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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Just now, gmoney said:

Is he? How do you know? I don't recall him ever being in a real fight situation, so I've no idea if he is or not. What I'm saying is I find his character very put on. 

He won some gold medal at a martial arts tournament, which I guess puts him ahead of others.

I’m not sure the Mitchell Brothers are a negative comparison. They were the absolute lads for years and years on the biggest show in the country, turning up week in week out. Sounds like a big bald badge of honour to me.

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25 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

He won some gold medal at a martial arts tournament, which I guess puts him ahead of others.

I’m not sure the Mitchell Brothers are a negative comparison. They were the absolute lads for years and years on the biggest show in the country, turning up week in week out. Sounds like a big bald badge of honour to me.

Are we maybe getting celebs into martial arts confused?

Last thing I remember about CM Punk outside of his MMA stint was entering a BJJ tournament where he finished 3rd from 3 in his weight class.

Actor Tom Hardy on the other hand.



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21 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Are we maybe getting celebs into martial arts confused?

Last thing I remember about CM Punk outside of his MMA stint was entering a BJJ tournament where he finished 3rd from 3 in his weight class.

Actor Tom Hardy on the other hand.



We were talking about how hard Jon Moxley is. 


Double hard.

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On 6/18/2023 at 11:48 AM, Loki said:

 [Of CM Punk's first promo back]

Awful, dated, negative bullshit promo that will kickstart another period of miserable inward looking AEW until Punk’s inevitable self destruction.

AEW before and after Punk’s last run has a joy to it, a feeling that everyone in the company is pulling together to deliver the best pro wrestling show they can.  In his first segment back, Punk shows he’s going to mess that up again.

As Graham Norton said to Kevin Pietersen, “It strikes me team sport is not for you”

Right, now we can hopefully all move on from Pip Brooks and his terrible attitude, and get back to some fun AEW wrestling.  The industry is better without CM Punk.

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My favourite thing about AEW is that the roster is so deep that they will book matches you had never really considered that look bloody great.

Tonight we're getting Darby Allin vs Roderick Strong - Strong is superb at beating up small wrestlers in horrific ways and no one takes horrific beatings as good as Darby Allin. 

And Samoa Joe vs Penta - Penta is way better at singles and if he lets out all his violent, cocky sicko tendencies that he rarely unleashes in AEW in response to Joe hammering him this could be some really fun.

On top of that the BCG/lucha guys match is going to be some ludicrous stuff.

Looking forward to this show.

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This was one of the worst episodes of AEW television for a while, for me. Not because it was bad, but because it felt so boring. Most of the show followed the same pattern - a video package (that often felt like an introductory vignette), then a match. There’s so little variety with the angles and storylines that I found it really hard to get invested in anyone or anything. 

I wasn’t a fan of the Eddie Kingston angle at all - the feud is over Claudio not doing the job before joining WWE? That’s Russo-esque.

Kevin Kelly was atrocious once again - describing CJ Perry as ‘a woman from Miro’s past’, rather than his wife; claiming Christian was jealous of Darby because he’ll never be as loved as him and other terrible calls. I’d switch him out for Jim Ross any day.

It was nice to see Jade Cargill back though, Roddy was as fun as ever and the Danielson/Starks angle was well done; and the show may have benefited structurally from starting with it. If nothing else, it would have made Moxley feel more vulnerable heading into the Andretti match. 

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29 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

This was one of the worst episodes of AEW television for a while, for me. Not because it was bad, but because it felt so boring. Most of the show followed the same pattern - a video package (that often felt like an introductory vignette), then a match. There’s so little variety with the angles and storylines that I found it really hard to get invested in anyone or anything. 

See also - Open Challenges. Two on this show alone with FTR setting up their own for next week. It’s all they seem to have these days 

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Kevin Kelly needs the sack like yesterday with his apathy era Martin Tyler style commentary. If traditional channel hopping is still a thing, his energy at the top of the broadcast alone last night would tell you keep surfing. And then for the rest of the show he seemingly commentates in spite of McGuinness. It's like the two of them are doing a weird YouTube challenge where they have to commentate in separate boxes - unaware of the other - to see how synchronous and convincing they can make it seem. 

I can't see the Collision brand split lasting, if it's not already been muddied already. It just makes no sense to sequester half your roster to a show which theoretically should be level with Dynamite in terms of importance, but is in that inescapable place of having a Heat/Velocity timeslot and ratings pull. 

FTR announcing another open challenge is peak AEW bingo. 

It was exactly as underwhelming as Dyno was encouraging this week. 

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Poor Collision.

Punk thought he was a leader like Alexander, but had Alexander left his position to charge alone at the Persians for calling him names there’d have been no Macedonian Empire and he’d have gone down in history as Alexander the Wally. 

Well, this show was the tragic obituary for the life and times of Collision’s noble leader, Phil the Wally. 

If anyone thought it’d be college football that killed this show, they’d have been wrong; it’s probably going to be the hot-headedness of the shows former ‘leader’.

It just felt throughout like a show that six people were watching live. That sort of insipid, boring, lifeless wrestling that no one really likes, no one really watches, but a network signed a deal for a certain amount of content hours and here we are.

It was completely rudderless, full of filler throughout and had a ‘main event’ that was as Rampage-y as you’ll see. Anyone who still thinks this is a Dynamite equal is kidding themselves.

Roderick Strong was good, Christian Cage was good and the Danielson/Starks deal was good. That’s it.

Even the Danielson angle, though, you wonder if they’ve had him talk about his last year just to give the show some substance. You wouldn’t think, in an ideal world, that two weeks after losing one of your biggest stars it’d be good for customer perception of your company and it’s momentum to have another of your biggest stars say they’re out within 12 Months.

Still, on a personal level, I’ll be delighted to see Danielson go out on his own terms after all he’s been through.

That said..

The Dark Order filler was rubbish. Keith Lee filler was rubbish. The Righteous Brothers, or whatever they’re called, were rubbish. Lana is hot, flexible and rubbish. Jay White not being there was rubbish.

Just bleurgh. Take me back to Wednesdays.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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