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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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19 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Whisper it, but I think Adam Copeland is AEW's best signing. He just seems to totally get the appeal, and joy, of AEW and has thrown himself into it wholesale.

I hope he has a couple of years left in him.

Absolutely, his run has been a tremendous breath of fresh air. Two absolutely cracking and very different matches in just one week. He's putting in the best in ring work I've probably ever seen from him.

Another fun Collision. If they bring back the show opening promos this'll be my perfect wrestling show.

Billington was impressive though also shockingly small and young looking. AEW should look to bring him in in about 3 years where hopefully he's a bit more grizzled and put on a couple of stone of muscle.

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Collision 11/05/24

So nice to hear the crowd on this show! 6,000+ in attendance and it was such a huge step up in noise and excitement from the past few shows. 

Opening tag was great fun, helped massively by this crowd being red hot for everything they did. The Claudio/Danielson team is always a joy to watch, but credit to Dante Martin too I thought this was his best performance in ages. Not Danielson's best promo after the match but this crowd didn't care. 

Osprey/Moriarty was also a fun match. Nothing spectacular but once again elevated by the crowd and the star power Osprey brings. I liked him busting out the Storm Breaker, continuing the story of him being hesitant to use the Tiger Driver 91.

Embassy squash was delightful. Utter destruction. Swerve's righteous vengeance against the entire Embassy was even better. This was awesome and Swerve looked like the baddest of motherfuckers. Perfect promo to follow it up as well, addressing how he got mugged off two weeks in a row and he is done being nice guy champion. Excellent segment. 

Would have liked something better than a jobber match for Garcia, though KM is a very substantial jobber and it allowed Danny to hit a very impressivbe delayed back suplex. Garcia taking advantage of the larger and louder crowd after the match was great, made him look like a star. Loked like a fan ran into the ring at this point in the show, though it may have been Kyle O'Reilly. 

Dax vs Tommy Billington was a belter. Incredibly impressive showing from Billington, who really is uncannily similar to his uncle. As well as being technically sound and able to hit the clotheslines and snap suplexes like the original, I thought he also showed great fire and had some physical charisma about him; he had this crowd 100% behind him by the end. Dax was a perfect opponent for him too, able to do all the WOS style grappling with him at the beginning and then escalating the intensity as it went on. It's a small thing, but I appreciated Billington taking the time to convey how gutted he was that he'd lost such a close match before thanking the fans. After the woeful Von Erich kids it was a huge relief to see that Tommy Billington carries the name shockingly well, and he's still only 23. 

Chris Daniels yelling at Matt Jackson to his face was great, easily better than his actual promo. 

Thunder Rosa/Robyn Renegade was OK. I still do wonder what happened to Charlette Renegade. Hasn't been booked since December but still gets mentioned on commentary every time Robyn appears. Thunder Rosa's look for this match was very cool, not much else of note here.

Johnny and Taya being interviewed by Lexy on Collision! As one of the five ROH viewers remaining this made me happy. 

Glad to see the Hook on the streets promo format return, like that presentation a lot. 

Brilliant main event. Both of O'Reilly's title shots since his return have been fantastic, just not sure what to do with him the rest of the time. The Matthews match aside, Copeland has been consistently excellent on this run as well. It's been a treat to watch him in all these match ups you never thought you'd see, and how he makes a point of adapting to the style of the opponent every time. All of the stuff he says about coming to AEW to work guys he's never faced before and have as much fun as possible shines through in his work, long may the Cope Open continue! 

Highly enjoyable episode of Collision in front of one of the best crowds for AEW TV in ages. 

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Collision is going to have residency in the Dallas area for about a month's worth of show. The building has a capacity of 2,500. Curious to see how it looks on TV. The metroplex area fans have tended to be quite decent even when low on numbers.


Saturday, July 20 – AEW: Collision

Friday, July 26 – ROH: Death Before Dishonor PPV*

Saturday, July 27 – AEW: Collision

Thursday, August 1 – AEW: Collision (Taped to air Saturday, August 3)

Saturday, August 10 – AEW: Collision

Saturday, August 17 – AEW: Collision

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20 minutes ago, Statto said:

A residency for Collision over the summer seems a decent idea, but surprised it's not Daily's Place. 

Money talks

“This is a partnership, and this is a deal where we felt like there was some great opportunity to showcase not only that building, but showcase Arlington,” Arlington Sports Commission executive director Matt Wilson told The News.

“We came together on an agreement that is beneficial for them from a financial standpoint, but also beneficial for us in that we feel like we’re getting a lot of run on the Arlington name and that’s something that’s very important to us, our brand and our identity as a city — we’re continuing to emerge as a destination city.”

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Posted (edited)

I think this is a really cool idea, I hope they make a point of promoting it as a special thing. "The Summer Series" should be an annual occurrence. Somewhere between arena and TV studio wrestling. Every year a different and unique venue. Small things like that just really add a bit of flavour and spice to the weekly product. The more they can differentiate Collision from Dynamite the better really.

Edited by LaGoosh
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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think this is a really cool idea, I hope they make a point of promoting it as a special thing. "The Summer Series" should be an annual occurrence. Somewhere between arena and TV studio wrestling. Every year a different and unique venue. Small things like that just really add a bit of flavour and spice to the weekly product.

Some tribalists thought a residency was a sign of how bad AEW are doing, ignoring Raw used to have a residency as did TNA. I think it's a great idea and should make for an interesting set up. Venue looks a little like Daily's Esports Stadium Arlington | Arlington 

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20 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I think this is a really cool idea, I hope they make a point of promoting it as a special thing. "The Summer Series" should be an annual occurrence. Somewhere between arena and TV studio wrestling. Every year a different and unique venue. Small things like that just really add a bit of flavour and spice to the weekly product. The more they can differentiate Collision from Dynamite the better really.


It is basically a studio space. No bleachers, unless AEW bring something in. There's a stage that seems to be used acoss different events that could easily be used for entrances. I've seen some suggestions that while Collision is in Arlington, Dynamite could be on a tour of Texas/SW but that isn't necessarily the case. Its more like flying into Orlando for the Dark/ROH tapings.

Jeff Jarrett was able to spruce up the Dark zone from its original set-up. Hopefully there's some ideas being worked on.



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8 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Some tribalists  

You mention them quite a lot. I honestly think you'd enjoy wrestling as a whole a lot more if you ignored them or stopped reading people like that. I don't see any benefit to interacting with them or taking any notice of them.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

The more they can differentiate Collision from Dynamite the better really.

This is the key point and the Gooshmeister has hit the nail squarely on the head. Collision needs it's own brand identity, not just separate to Dynamite, but equal and for me it hasn't always felt like that. I'm not saying that everyone feels like that but that's how it feels to me. 

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12 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

You mention them quite a lot. I honestly think you'd enjoy wrestling as a whole a lot more if you ignored them or stopped reading people like that. I don't see any benefit to interacting with them or taking any notice of them.


A vocal minority who only seem to want to drag others enjoyment down. Just seems like a miserable existence, to me.

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Posted (edited)

Perfectly reasonable Collision/Rampage this week although at times the card was giving off Dark Elevation vibes. Bryan Keith vs Boulder get the fuck outta here with that shit. Where are Penta, Fenix, Kommander and Black Taurus? These shows could do with them about to spice things up.

Shane Taylor has cracked the secret to getting regularly booked on AEW TV as a mid card heel - you need to be able to lose every week but still maintain credibility. He's really great this guy.

A frustration though with these shows is I just don't feel like they are getting the most out of this roster. They filmed Dynamite and Collision/Rampage on back to back nights and looking across all 3 shows I feel like by changing just a few things up, swapping some wrestlers out and putting them in different spots and better placement of angles you would vastly improve all 3 shows. Because really with this roster there's no excuse for Bryan Keith vs Boulder.

Side note: why does Rocky Romero wear an eyepatch for his entrance then take it off for his match? It's very dumb and annoying.

Another side note I just remembered: Claudio out if nowhere did his first genuinely good promo ever. Mox couldn't believe it!

Edited by LaGoosh
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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Perfectly reasonable Collision/Rampage this week although at times the card was giving off Dark Elevation vibes. Bryan Keith vs Boulder get the fuck outta here with that shit. Where are Penta, Fenix, Kommander and Black Taurus? These shows could do with them about to spice things up.


You don’t really want those guys bothering to fight for the FTW championship do you?

Im loving Trent’s amended t-shirts. And I know it’s only a little thing but I still love the intro to Collision features the wrestlers fighting on the episode. I saw someone say the pre intro match interviews were cut as viewers tuned out to be disappointing though.


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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Perfectly reasonable Collision/Rampage this week although at times the card was giving off Dark Elevation vibes. Bryan Keith vs Boulder get the fuck outta here with that shit. Where are Penta, Fenix, Kommander and Black Taurus? These shows could do with them about to spice things up.

Penta and Fenix are presumably being held off for Death Triangle v. White & The Gunns.

3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Side note: why does Rocky Romero wear an eyepatch for his entrance then take it off for his match? It's very dumb and annoying.

“There’s a rapper called Slick Rick from the 80s and early 90s. I don’t know why, but maybe somebody in a song was talking about Slick Rick and I thought it would be cool if I add an eye patch, but I’ll do something cool like, I’ll put my face on it or I’ll put like a really cool design on it or something. So then I came up with the ideas of having different eye patches for different outfits. Then I started to think like this is going to be an easy merch thing. You know, because everybody’s selling T-shirts. Everybody’s selling hats. Nobody’s selling custom eye patches.

“That was kind of the inspiration for merchandise. Then it became fun because I was designing eye patches for different situations. I just kind of stuck with it. Now I’ve simplified it a little bit more. I’ve just got like one or two eye patches. But I don’t know, I think it’s just a really cool look coming to the ring and making it a part of the entrance gear. There’s no story. I didn’t get blinded in one eye or something.”

“I think I did Dark or something and Mark Henry was on commentary. I don’t know if he started to make up the story. When I walked to the back, he said, ‘I didn’t know what to say about your eye patch, so I just made up a story. What’s the story with the eye patch?’ I said, ‘I just wanted to sell merch and make money.’”

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